***Official Political Discussion Thread***

How can a dude so rich dress so sloppy? He can't even button his suit jacket when he stands up next to the pope. MJ is the GOAT so he gets a pass
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Man I kinda wish Trump would be dumb enough to attack the Pope on Twitter and alienate more ppl

Might happen after the Pope gave him a letter laying out his concerns about climate change :lol:

Think tiny hands already talked shut about the Pope after he criticized him during the campaign, his cult would definitely have his back over this "Liberal/Marxist/Socialist" Pope as Fox would call him :lol:.
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Man I kinda wish Trump would be dumb enough to attack the Pope on Twitter and alienate more ppl

Might happen after the Pope gave him a letter laying out his concerns about climate change :lol:

Think tiny hands already talked shut about the Pope after he criticized him during the campaign, his cult would definitely have his back over this "Liberal/Marxist/Socialist" Pope as Fox would call him :lol:.
not gonna happen. trump can't read good.
I think the Pope has publicly called Trump out a few times already some months back and Trump just ignored him
yeah if i remember correctly the Pope has been critical on Trump's immigration rhetoric during the campaign but it would be interesting to see Trump criticize the Pope. would love to see Pope Francis deliver rounds from da Yoppa of da Lord on Trump
Speaking of snowflake, can someone explain how this term is supposed to be an insult? Before inbred Trump supporters started using this term, if some guy called me a snowflake, I'd assume he was hitting on me
Speaking of snowflake, can someone explain how this term is supposed to be an insult? Before inbred Trump supporters started using this term, if some guy called me a snowflake, I'd assume he was hitting on me

I think it's a play on two things:

1) The uniqueness of every snowflake
2) How fragile a snowflake is

So when used as a slur against liberals its essentially mocking millennial's, i guess, penchant for claiming their individuality and fragility with regards to politics/policy.

I think
I understand what it's referring to but it still sounds like a terrible "insult" to me. Same thing with "libs" :lol: They try so damn hard to make that sound insulting
I understand what it's referring to but it still sounds like a terrible "insult" to me. Same thing with "libs" :lol: They try so damn hard to make that sound insulting
You expect people with IQs lower than ninja to come up with creative or impressive insults? Come on now :lol:
Our evening news just said that Trump has no known plans for tonight and he will be staying at the US embassy. Melania is apparently staying in a hotel ~500m away from the embassy.
You expect people with IQs lower than ninja to come up with creative or impressive insults? Come on now :lol:

Not at all. "Libtard" is another favorite of mine; it's like dudes' brains didn't develop past 3rd grade (but what else do you expect when your parents are also siblings?)
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Dumbest president ever!!!


Scary how much he loves these dictators. Scarier that his cult would be completely fine if he ran the country like a dictator.

I forgot if it was John Oliver or Colbert, but one of them mentioned that even though we've had terrible presidents before, at least those presidents behaved like presidents and at least tried to improve the country despite their terrible logic and decisions. Even the worst of them would be 100000% against foreign influence in US politics
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I forgot if it was John Oliver or Colbert, but one of them mentioned that even though we've had terrible presidents before, at least those presidents behaved like presidents and at least tried to improve the country despite their terrible logic and decisions. Even the worst of them would be 100000% against foreign influence in US politics
damn straight.
Hannity chose that Seth Rich conspiracy as his molehill to die on,man was still spreading it around even after Fox retracted the story and the guys parents came out and released a statement asking people to stop spreading the conspiracy and let them grieve in peace.

Dude has been having a meltdown on twitter ever since :lol:
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Every time I see an international figure with Trump, I'm reminded of the oversized,brainless, and obnoxious jock in school that everyone hated with a passion, but you always had to be civil to his face, because you never knew what kind of crazy violent @#$@ he would do if you called him out in public.
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