***Official Political Discussion Thread***

C'mon famb, Hillary was a coastal elite, and Trump tell it like it is.
Da chai tea latte sippin coastal libtards don't know what real America is b. Da man with da gold plated building who grabs da box know what da real Americans want b.

If that aint American, I don't know what is. One of these days, these libbies will realize just how pure and wholesome da don is and by then it'll be too late to ride the gravy train into to coal country reaping all the benefits of MAGA. Neither George Orwell nor Ayn Rand could come up w/ a better uptopia.

So when Gianforte goes to jail for assault, will he be the only congressman to ever serve from prison?

Garrett Haake [emoji]10004[/emoji] @GarrettHaake
Stopped for gas & snacks en route to Bozeman and told a clerk about Gianforte allegations. Her response: "my kind of politician."

What is going on in the US is an identity war. Substitute racism with tribalism, make everybody black, and you get the same political climate that exists in many countries of Africa.

"I don't care what he does, he is from my village and I'm voting for him. If he even cancel elections after winning them, I ain't mad, other tribes have bad politicians anyway"

That's what's going on, and it's a very worrying path we're on.
C'mon famb, Hillary was a coastal elite, and Trump tell it like it is.
Da chai tea latte sippin coastal libtards don't know what real America is b. Da man with da gold plated building who grabs da box know what da real Americans want b.

If that aint American, I don't know what is. One of these days, these libbies will realize just how pure and wholesome da don is and by then it'll be too late to ride the gravy train into to coal country reaping all the benefits of MAGA. Neither George Orwell nor Ayn Rand could come up w/ a better uptopia.
Da Dapper Don will love da love he is getting from us (((alt-righters))). Da echo chamber libtards are about to get kicked to da dust bin b. We gon ride da Trump train to Armageddon b CHOO CHOO BLACK LUNG HERE WE COME :pimp:

So when Gianforte goes to jail for assault, will he be the only congressman to ever serve from prison?

Garrett Haake [emoji]10004[/emoji] @GarrettHaake
Stopped for gas & snacks en route to Bozeman and told a clerk about Gianforte allegations. Her response: "my kind of politician."

What is going on in the US is an identity war. Substitute racism with tribalism, make everybody black, and you get the same political climate that exists in many countries of Africa.

"I don't care what he does, he is from my village and I'm voting for him. If he even cancel elections after winning them, I ain't mad, other tribes have bad politicians anyway"

That's what's going on, and it's a very worrying path we're on.
It's been a nice run of democracy here in America.

If you're gonna shift responsibility for EVERYTHING to the states, why does she even have a job? might as well eliminate her altogether. in fact, if the point is to get everyone into private schools (everyone who can afford them, or isn't some type of minority/disabled), then just eliminate public schools too!

what a scumbag. another example of what happens when you put billionaire morons who don't know anything about anything in government positions
C'mon famb, Hillary was a coastal elite, and Trump tell it like it is.
Da chai tea latte sippin coastal libtards don't know what real America is b. Da man with da gold plated building who grabs da box know what da real Americans want b.

If that aint American, I don't know what is. One of these days, these libbies will realize just how pure and wholesome da don is and by then it'll be too late to ride the gravy train into to coal country reaping all the benefits of MAGA. Neither George Orwell nor Ayn Rand could come up w/ a better uptopia.
Da Dapper Don will love da love he is getting from us (((alt-righters))). Da echo chamber libtards are about to get kicked to da dust bin b. We gon ride da Trump train to Armageddon b CHOO CHOO BLACK LUNG HERE WE COME :pimp:

Black lung w/ no benefits? Sounds like my kinda party, leave the canaries at home b.

What worries me is that Republicans seem blindingly loyal and Democrats seem fickle. If a Republican burns down a house, Republican voters won't change their vote. If a Democrat changes a window, Dems will sit out the election or vote 3rd party

The issue w/ Dem votes is that, we have the right idea of showing the party that they can lose our support, we just don't go about it in an effective way. The same way Republican voters cut their nose to spite their face BY voting, we tend to do it BY NOT voting.
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I deactivated my Facebook before the election to avoid all that. Will probably just reactivate it and drop all the loony tunes, they mean nothing to me anyways.
The Manchester bombing kicked the xenophobia over here up a notch, judging by my facebook. Sad to see.
I seen a couple Latinos and Asians engage in xenophobic posts for the time being on Facebook too whenever a terrorist event happens. Safe to say they aren't aware they could become a target one day because of one's actions.

Anyway, the silence was real deafening here when the Aurora theater shooter and Dylan Roof made headlines. All they could say is that they were "just a little lost".
Some ppl are just lost, man.

A post that sticks out to me about the Manchester bombing :

'How you guys expect us to break down walls and make friends when there are ppl out there that wanna kill people not like them. Multiculturalism is dead'

Doctor Surgeon Benjamin Carson 2020, Medical Doctor just dropped so much heat that my liberal tendencies all melted away and all that was left was my soul and my coal:


This generation's Abe Lincoln, MLK, JFK, MJ (Jordan and Jackson), FDR, and Daffy Duck Donald Jerusalem Trump all rolled into one.

We can't wait anymore until 2020. This economic anxiety is KILLING me. Let him become president emperor surgeon doctor for life NOW. I need my coal and I need my biscuits and there is not another minute to waste here.

And dare I say, Barson is dapper too.
Some ppl are just lost, man.

A post that sticks out to me about the Manchester bombing :

'How you guys expect us to break down walls and make friends when there are ppl out there that wanna kill people not like them. Multiculturalism is dead'

people like them have always been racist. They just wait for events like these to justify their bigotry and to sound intelligent
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Wtf kind of question is that famb? Like anything goes? Think it through for a second.....

Just let white supremacist cook? Just let people that want to discriminate cook? Just like Wall Street bankers cook? Just let companies dumping in rivers cook?

A low regulation environment where everyone just agree to let everyone else be and things go smoothly is a libertarian pipe dream.

Some stuff just should not fly

What do you mean?

FAX UPON FAX MACHINE UPON FACSIMILE B. Libbie SNOWFLAKES just need to let Da Don and Barson COOOK B. DEVIOUS DEVOS Bae also doing AMAZING work B. Rosie Da Riviter selling Da Coal for cheap B.

Huh? What y'all talking about?

When I say chill and let Cook, I mean not hate other people and try to impose your ideologies on or dominate or abuse them.

I'm saying the different nations and beliefs and religions just say "yo, let's just cool out on the hate and greed and killing for like... two weeks and see what happens"...

It would literally bring world peace on two weeks.

Take the Based God's approach on life...

Shout out to the #taskforce
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beating up liberals will soon be a hate crime... the way those protesters got beat by turkey officials, the way Gianforte felt it was okay to bodyslam a "liberal" journalist.

lately FOX has been promoting the idea "liberal" means weak, and those seeds of hate are growing
beating up liberals will soon be a hate crime... the way those protesters got beat by turkey officials, the way Gianforte felt it was okay to bodyslam a "liberal" journalist.

lately FOX has been promoting the idea "liberal" means weak, and those seeds of hate are growing

It's funny because they basically lump all blacks and Hispanics into the "weak liberal" category, but somehow we're responsible for all violent crimes as well. Can't have it both ways :lol:
beating up liberals will soon be a hate crime... the way those protesters got beat by turkey officials, the way Gianforte felt it was okay to bodyslam a "liberal" journalist.

lately FOX has been promoting the idea "liberal" means weak, and those seeds of hate are growing

It's funny because they basically lump all blacks and Hispanics into the "weak liberal" category, but somehow we're responsible for all violent crimes as well. Can't have it both ways :lol:

The WS brain is something else, isn't it? They are the superior race, yet Mexicans take their jobs, Asians take their college seats, Blacks take their women, and Jews take their money.

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