***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So because I immigrated to this country my opinion means less.

Oh ok cool, so all the racism I have faced means less, because I wasn't born here, this is the lane you wanna drive in?
it matters but your perspective is different.
You can't tell me nothing about being A Black-American......
Come on man youre better than this.

Im a Black-American and my ancestors where brough over as slaves and I dont agree with the stuff youre saying right now its got nothing to do with the point he and others are trying to make
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My grandparents have told me not much has changed. Of course you can't call us N words and we don't have black and white water fountains, but we still live in a segregated and racist society. Racism is more covert in our ages.
Come on man youre better than this.

Im a Black-American and my ancestors where brough over as slaves and I dont agree with the stuff youre saying right now its got nothing to do with the point he and others are trying to make
You're entitled to your opinion just as I am.
Timid the Troll everyone

So because I immigrated to this country my opinion means less.

Oh ok cool, so all the racism I have faced means less, because I wasn't born here, this is the lane you wanna drive in?
it matters but your perspective is different.

And so what? You're implying that since I was not born in America my opinion means less. Listen you are being OD disrespectful right now, and the only reason I don't return the energy is because I don't want to get banned from in here. But you diet xenophobia warrants me saying is real vitriolic **** back

And for you information, two centuries ago the biggest issue facing black America was escaping slavery, so excuse me if I don't think that current times, even though still very unjust and imperfect to black people is still an improvement.
Blacks still have the highest unemployment rates, incarceration rates, etc. Things have changed for the better, but a large portion of black society are at the bottoms of society.
Come on man youre better than this.

Im a Black-American and my ancestors where brough over as slaves and I dont agree with the stuff youre saying right now its got nothing to do with the point he and others are trying to make
You're entitled to your opinion just as I am.
But youre not entitled to undermining others opinions because their life experiences are not the same as yours like you just tried to do with Rusty
Two centuries ago we would have all probably been slaves.

No one is denying **** is still bad, but that doesn't change the fact it is better than it was 200 years ago, hell even 60 years ago.
And so what? You're implying that since I was not born in America my opinion means less. Listen you are being OD disrespectful right now, and the only reason I don't return the energy is because I don't want to get banned from in here. But you diet xenophobia warrants me saying is real vitriolic **** back

And for you information, two centuries ago the biggest issue facing black America was escaping slavery, so excuse me if I don't think that current times, even though still very unjust and imperfect to black people is still an improvement.
Say what you gotta say homie. I wouldn't go to Jamaica and try to lecture Jamaicains about THEIR history or lived experiences, because I don't really know what it's like to be Jamaicain, even if I moved there when I was 13. I would listen to them and learn from their lived experiences. I didn't say anything that was disrespectful. Your lived experiences are different than mine although we prob have many similarities.
Two centuries ago we would have all probably been slaves.

No one is denying **** is still bad, but that doesn't change the fact it is better than it was 200 years ago, hell even 60 years ago.
of course never said that just said progress has been slow. Anytime blacks can get locked up and killed in the streets like animals we need more progress.
So you rather just give up your right just because you feel the black community hasn't improved much?

You might as well just roll over and quit then. Why bother living if you feel you got no shot at all.
So you rather just give up your right just because you feel the black community hasn't improved much?

You might as well just roll over and quit then. Why bother living if you feel you got no shot at all.
I vote and do me. I'm not worried about what an elected official can do for me or mine. I grind and call it a day. Waiting for a politician to do something for you is like waiting for Jesus to come back.
Not to indulge the crazy you're diving into right now, but please explain the differences in experience a black man living in America, but not born in America has when it comes to being disenfranchised and facing white supremacy, and how the added discrimination of being an immigrant makes life any better.
I'm out of here though. I have an interview tomorrow to prepare for. Just because I see things differently than y'all doesn't mean I'm trolling. That's weak to call someone a troll just because they see things differently than you.
-I am not from Jamaica. But I would expect this level of ignorance regarding black West Indians from Timid

-My lived in America for most of my life. I am now 31. I have been harassed by cops, money stolen from my by cops, guns pulled on my by cops, been called the n-word more times than I can remember, my mother was part of class action lawsuit for housing discrimination when I was 15, had incidences at work regarding racism towards me.

I still give thousands of dollar a year to charities that help black people in America, I volunteer my time to mentor black kids in America.

But my lived experience is different than African Americans, and my opinion should mean less because I was born in St. Lucia

Timid, with no due respect, **** you for this bull **** you are spewing
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So you rather just give up your right just because you feel the black community hasn't improved much?

You might as well just roll over and quit then. Why bother living if you feel you got no shot at all.
I vote and do me. I'm not worried about what an elected official can do for me or mine. I grind and call it a day. Waiting for a politician to do something for you is like waiting for Jesus to come back.
Then what's the point of your rant?
You come off as sounding defeated.
Dude the point we are trying to drive home is voting in every election, including midterms. If people turned out for liberals in Midterms,and state and local elections, the way they turned out for Obama in 2008, then Trump or no Trump, Congress would have power to block him.

You talk about money in politics, more money as flooded the system because of SCOTUS verdicts. If people voted more often for progressive then the composition of the court would be different and Citizen's United goes another way

Your argument is based on being short sighted and thinking one vote for one president can completely turn things around.

We don't worship at the ballot box, we just understand civics, politics, and public policy.

But yeah, like you said, do you.
Yeah whenever someone else is arguing with me you catch this energy.

Hopefully dudes calls me the c word so you can really celebrate

Even after I apologize you still tight making slick comment Cornell West had nothing to do with me using the c word it's because you took shots at black activist lying about their opinion on voting they said exactly what you said but we're beneathe you don't listen all you got out of it was "don't vote"
Dude the point we are trying to drive home is voting in every election, including midterms. If people turned out for liberals in Midterms,and state and local elections, the way they turned out for Obama in 2008, then Trump or no Trump, Congress would have power to block him.

You talk about money in politics, more money as flooded the system because of SCOTUS verdicts. If people voted more often for progressive then the composition of the court would be different and Citizen's United goes another way

Your argument is based on being short sighted and thinking one vote for one president can completely turn things around.

We don't worship at the ballot box, we just understand civics, politics, and public policy.

But yeah, like you said, do you.
Yeah whenever someone else is arguing with me you catch this energy.

Hopefully dudes calls me the c word so you can really celebrate

Even after I apologize you still tight making slick comment Cornell West had nothing to do with me using the c word it's because you took shots at black activist lying about their opinion on voting they said exactly what you said but we're beneathe you don't listen all you got out of it was "don't vote"

I'm suppose to give you credit for apologizing for calling me a racial slur. Man miss me with that.

I have a different issue with Cornell West. I never said he has the same stance and Tariq and Umar. I don't know what you are talking about

Timid just randomly brought him up. My comment about that is Timid comes at me whenever someone else does.

Peep when I say Congress and Midterms. I am talking about federal elections being important too. Which is a different position that the dudes I mentioned have.
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Not to indulge the crazy you're diving into right now, but please explain the differences in experience a black man living in America, but not born in America has when it comes to being disenfranchised and facing white supremacy, and how the added discrimination of being an immigrant makes life any better.
When did I say that he doesn't face discrimination etc? All I said is that his experience is different than an AA, which it is because he wasn't born here. A Canadians experience here isn't the same as an Americans. It's common sense. Many(not all) foreign blacks often come here with resources and experiences that AA don't have. Intersectionality is key. Blacks aren't a monolithic group. We all have different histories and lived experiences especially Blacks throughout the diaspora.
-I am not from Jamaican. But I would expect this level of ignorance regarding black West Indians from Timid

-My lived in America for most of my life. I am now 31. I have been harassed by cops, money stolen from my by cops, guns pulled on my by cops, been called the n-word more times than I can remember, my mother was part of class action lawsuit for housing discrimination when I was 15, had incidences at work regarding racism towards me.

I still give thousands of dollar a year to charities that help black people in America, I volunteer my time to mentor black kids in America.

But my lived experience is different than African Americans, and my opinion should mean less because I was born in St. Lucia

Timid, with no due respect, **** you for this bull **** you are spewing
I never meant to say your experience doesn't matter, it does. I used Jamaica as an example. Just saying not all blacks are the same. We all have different and unique lived experiences,
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