***Official Political Discussion Thread***

But I thought this was about more than presidential elections though? By your logic, I'm not insulting the people smart enough to participate in midterms and turn out for local voting. Those people that I'm talking about would be beneath you since they don't see the big picture and are short sighted. I guess we can agree there. They are dumb.

And I take no offense or personal shots fam. This is typical political talk. People disagree and we go on living. The warriors and philosophers are equally necessary.
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Im with Brolic just voting ain't gonna result in progress for people of color, especially in a system of White Supremacy. Until Whites are willing to give up some of their privileges associated with Whitness we'll continue to not see progress for black folk. Voting is important, but not the only answer. I mean not much has changed for Black folk under Obama's admin and under democratic local leadership throughout this nation. Like Michal Jackson said they don't really care about us. Do you and hope that youre doing enough to shield you and your fam from white supremacy. Rusty one of those my way or the highway dudes.
I lost respect for Rusty when he criticized Cornell West. Rusty can't hold a candle to Cornell.
But I thought this was about more than presidential elections though? By your logic, I'm not insulting the people smart enough to participate in midterms and turn out for local voting. Those people that I'm talking about would be beneath you since they don't see the big picture and are short sighted. I guess we can agree there. They are dumb.

Couple things we have to remember that in 2016 was no only for the Presidential election.

-The entire House was voted on

-Many states had a state race

-All states had state legislative races

-There was races for governors, majors, judges, sheriffs, etc. and direct vote ballot initiatives.

So if people sat you this election just because of the presidential race, they also sat out a major local and state election.

Secondly, federal government support states and cities a lot. Especially when there is a black city or state trapped in a white control, white supremacist state. For example black cities in the deep South have been trying to raise the minimum wage as a anti poverty measure, it would help pull tons of black folk in the area out of federal defined poverty. White controlled state government block these efforts. The best way around this is having the federal minimum wage be raised.

A ton of work on the local level can be undone by conservatives at the state and federal level. A ton of good work can be funded through progressive budgets. Civil Rights gains in courts can either be impeded or accelerated based on the ideology of the Attorney General. That is why having a federal government be progressive is important. It doesn't solve everything, I never claim that it is a panacea, but having it working in unison with your interest can bring about massive gains and accelerate work being done on at the local level.
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Im with Brolic just voting ain't gonna result in progress for people of color, especially in a system of White Supremacy. Until Whites are willing to give up some of their privileges associated with Whitness we'll continue to not see progress for black folk. Voting is important, but not the only answer. I mean not much has changed for Black folk under Obama's admin and under democratic local leadership throughout this nation. Like Michal Jackson said they don't really care about us. Do you and hope that youre doing enough to shield you and your fam from white supremacy. Rusty one of those my way or the highway dudes.

I lost respect for Rusty when he criticized Cornell West. Rusty can't hold a candle to Cornell.

Yeah whenever someone else is arguing with me you catch this energy.

Hopefully dudes calls me the c word so you can really celebrate

I have said in here I agree with most of what Cornell West said, and I never claim to be smarter than him. But he went on national TV and let a inarticulate dude like Bill Maher embarrass him in a debate, because he had a silly position.
Timid...Obama isn't a "Magic negro" if you were expecting that
At the end of the day, if you really thought one man would change the black community plight overnight, you were being wishy washy
It was a step in the right direction, but it takes a while to build a good community, and with multiple moves, not just one guy for 8 years.

And that's why I think it's important to go vote, because you want the right people to represent what you want.
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Timid...Obama isn't a "Magic negro" if you were expecting that
At the end of the day, if you really thought one man would change the black community plight overnight, you were being wishy washy
It was a step in the right direction, but it takes a while to build a good community, and with multiple moves, not just one guy for 8 years.

And that's why I think it's important to go vote, because you want the right people to represent what you want.
If you read my comment you would see that I also mentioned democratic local elected officials too not just Obama. I know Obama isn't a magic negro,
I dont think anyone in this thread that I remember thinks or argues voting is the ONLY answer. People have only argued its importance because some play down its importance.
Idk how your community people are, but I feel like I'm being well represented for my votes with the community I live in, and they are mostly Latino and Asian.
I don't like the bashing of people who don't vote. Black folk have been voting for centuries and not much has changed in this country for us. Progress has been slow. My brothers in sisters in Bmore have been living in crime filled neighborhoods in a city with mostly black elected officials. It's deeper than voting.
Again no one is arguing voting is the only answer it just plays a very important role that some seem to not realize anymore
I don't like the bashing of people who don't vote. Black folk have been voting for centuries and not much has changed in this country for us. Progress has been slow. My brothers in sisters in Bmore have been living in crime filled neighborhoods in a city with mostly black elected officials. It's deeper than voting.

Can't even be mad at that. Can't sit back and allow it to get worse for our community though.
I'm from the hood so in my opinion votes from my community don't matter because we're a voiceless and powerless population. My fam have voted in damn near every election in my city and not much has changed.
Let me put it this way, I'm sure folks like NH and Rico are happy with their vote. Your lack of voter apathy lets your views not get represented and people like NH and Rico take advantage of it.
I don't like the bashing of people who don't vote. Black folk have been voting for centuries and not much has changed in this country for us. Progress has been slow. My brothers in sisters in Bmore have been living in crime filled neighborhoods in a city with mostly black elected officials. It's deeper than voting.

We don't just bash people that don't vote. We bash the reason that they give.

And come off it. Black people have hardly had full voting access for a couple decades (all the while being under attack), and conservatives been attacking that since Obama got elected. And if you think "not much has changed" in centuries then I don't know what yo tell you. Yeah, because 200 years ago, black folks rights were just about the same as it was now.

And your thing about black local officials is a correlation v. causation argument. Like I said, not matter how well intention someone can be. racist people in the wrong positions can undo much of the progress. You need tons progressive at every level of government, at the minimum to serve as a firewall.

Geez. See why people say not to take you seriously. No one argues voting will solve everything btw. Not a single person in here

-White Supremacist want black people not to vote. Trump thanked black people who didn't vote. And we're gonna act like that is the right move. White supremacist have been snitching on themselves on the voting issue.
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Also its important to note that people in the Republican party have been trying their best to silence the voice of minorities with laws that make it harder for people to vote. If voting wasnt important why are these people working so hard to make sure you cant? 

They hope minorities become apathetic to voting because it would do half the work for them
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We don't just bash people that don't vote. We bash the reason that they give.

And come off it. Black people have hardly had full voting access for a couple decades (all the while being under attack), and conservatives been attacking that since Obama got elected

And if you think "not much has changed" in centuries then I don't know what yo tell you. Yeah, because 200 years ago, black folks rights were just about the same as it was now.

Geez. See why people say not to take you seriously.

-White Supremacist want black people not to vote. Trump thanked black people who didn't vote. And we're gonna act like that is the right move. White supremacist have been snitching on themselves on the voting issue.
What rights do we have? most of my family and people who grew up with me are in prison for non-violent drug offenses. And trapped in concentration camps that are called the ghetto. I couldn't care less if people on an online sneaker forum take me serious. I'm not sleeeping with any of you.
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See you're new to this country so your experience is different. I have grandparents who lived this ish and tell me not much has changed, Granny had crosses burned on her lawn and could only go to black hospitals.
We don't just bash people that don't vote. We bash the reason that they give.

And come off it. Black people have hardly had full voting access for a couple decades (all the while being under attack), and conservatives been attacking that since Obama got elected

And if you think "not much has changed" in centuries then I don't know what yo tell you. Yeah, because 200 years ago, black folks rights were just about the same as it was now.

Geez. See why people say not to take you seriously.

-White Supremacist want black people not to vote. Trump thanked black people who didn't vote. And we're gonna act like that is the right move. White supremacist have been snitching on themselves on the voting issue.
What rights do we have? most of my family and people who grew up with me are in prison for non-violent drug offenses. And trapped in concentration camps that are called the ghetto. I couldn't care less if people on an online sneaker forum take me serious. I'm not sleeeping with any of you.

Are you seriously asking me what rights black people have today that they didn't have centuries ago.
You weren't born here and your parents and parents parents parents weren't born here.
See you're new to this country so your experience is different. I have grandparents who lived this ish and tell me not much has changed, Granny had crosses burned on her lawn and could only go to black hospitals.

Timid the Troll everyone

So because I immigrated to this country my opinion means less.

Oh ok cool, so all the racism I have faced means less, because I wasn't born here, this is the lane you wanna drive in?
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