***Official Political Discussion Thread***

-I am not from Jamaican. But I would expect this level of ignorance regarding black West Indians from Timid

-My lived in America for most of my life. I am now 31. I have been harassed by cops, money stolen from my by cops, guns pulled on my by cops, been called the n-word more times than I can remember, my mother was part of class action lawsuit for housing discrimination when I was 15, had incidences at work regarding racism towards me.

I still give thousands of dollar a year to charities that help black people in America, I volunteer my time to mentor black kids in America.

But my lived experience is different than African Americans, and my opinion should mean less because I was born in St. Lucia

Timid, with no due respect, **** you for this bull **** you are spewing
I never meant to say your experience doesn't matter, it does. I used Jamaica as an example. Just saying not all blacks are the same. We all have different and unique lived experiences,

Nah, **** you. You're trying to walk it back now

You can just block me if my non African American opinion bothers you so much.
Not to indulge the crazy you're diving into right now, but please explain the differences in experience a black man living in America, but not born in America has when it comes to being disenfranchised and facing white supremacy, and how the added discrimination of being an immigrant makes life any better.
When did I say that he doesn't face discrimination etc? All I said is that his experience is different than an AA, which it is because he wasn't born here. A Canadians experience here isn't the same as an Americans. It's common sense. Many(not all) foreign blacks often come here with resources and experiences that AA don't have. Intersectionality is key. Blacks aren't a monolithic group. We all have different histories and lived experiences especially Blacks throughout the diaspora.

They live here, they are Black Americans. Cultures can be different between black folk a county over ie, Baltimore, PG, DC dudes are all different, their American experiences for the large part is still the same. What's your point here, really?
Rusty I'm assuming your family came here by choice, my family was forced here. That's a huge difference. I'm not trying to undermine your experience as a black man here though because the police see you as a black man and not a foreigner most likely. You can't blend in to whiteness.
How the **** did you think my ancestors left Africa. By choice too?

I didn't know they had it go good having to working on banana and sugar plantations over picking cotton
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I was just concerned when you called me out for saying not much has changed when my 86 year old AA grandparents who experienced Jim Crow agree with me.
I'm out though [emoji]9996[/emoji]️️ I should have kept my mouth shut.
They live here, they are Black Americans. Cultures can be different between black folk a county over ie, Baltimore, PG, DC dudes are all different, their American experiences for the large part is still the same. What's your point here, really?
So Wealthy Nigerians who come here from Africa with wealth have the same experiences as poor Blacks from Baltimore??
A wealthy Nigerian who goes to Columbia is the same as Jermaine who lives in a row house in Baltimore?
They live here, they are Black Americans. Cultures can be different between black folk a county over ie, Baltimore, PG, DC dudes are all different, their American experiences for the large part is still the same. What's your point here, really?
So Wealthy Nigerians who come here from Africa with wealth have the same experiences as poor Blacks from Baltimore??

Do wealthy southerners have the same experience as a poor northerner? What is your point?

All Nigerians are wealthy? Most immigrants come here to poverty before they advance. Are you dense?

Know what nevermind, blocked.
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Do wealthy southerners have the same experience as a poor northerner? What is your point?

All Nigerians are wealthy? Most immigrants come here to poverty before they advance. Are you dense?

Know what nevermind, blocked.
when and where did I say all?? Lol
Y'all really just got to ignore dude when he gets on these MD 20/20 binges. Dude has said he's out twice in the last 10 minutes yet still is here.
Timid is on the same level and Rico and Ninja.

The only other two people of color on NT that tried to dismiss my opinion because I was either not born here, or my life experience didn't meet their criteria
An Africans or other foreign Blacks experience here is not always the same as an AA. That's all I'm saying. Scholars talk about this all the time. I'm not crazy. Blacks aren't monolithic.
An Africans or other foreign Blacks experience here is not always the same as an AA. That's all I'm saying. Scholars talk about this all the time. I'm not crazy. Blacks aren't monolithic.

Still doesn't answer why you tried to use that as a basis for minimizing Rusty's experiences
A Haitian, Afro-Cuban, Afro-Dominican, AA, Etc aren't the same. Although they're all black they all have cultural and ethnic differences and lived experiences, that's all I was trying to say.
Still doesn't answer why you tried to use that as a basis for minimizing Rusty's experiences
All I said is that he can't tell me what it's like to be an AA just like I can't tell you what it's like to be him.
I'm out now though bros never meant to insult Rusty. I respect him [emoji]9996[/emoji]️️. Apologies if I offended you Rusty.
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