***Official Political Discussion Thread***

If he's making mistakes like this on twitter...maybe he shouldn't be tweeting so much [emoji]129300[/emoji]

Y'all starting to sound like the people that complained about Obeezy golfing.

People rushing to make Twitter accounts to get a cheap chuckle over something as small as a Twitter typo.

If I'm alone, I'll be alone... Just seems like folks are reaching hard for jokes when there's PLENTY OTHER REAL stuff to make fin of him about.

Biblethumpers back at it again
The Trump administration is apparently preparing to overhaul Obamacare’s birth control mandate, purportedly allowing any employer to seek a moral or religious exemption from the requirement, according to a draft regulation obtained by Vox.

The Affordable Care Act requires nearly all employers to offer health insurance that covers access to a wide array of contraceptive methods. The draft proposal, if finalized, would significantly broaden the type of companies and organizations that can request an exemption. This could lead to many American women who currently receive no-cost contraception having to pay out of pocket for their medication.

“It’s just a very, very, very broad exception for everybody,” Tim Jost, a health law professor at Washington and Lee University, told Vox. “If you don’t want to provide it, you don’t have to provide it.”

Vox obtained a copy of the regulation, dated May 23. (The document Vox obtained is embedded below, or can be viewed on DocumentCloud.) The Office of Management and Budget is currently reviewing this proposal, the final step before a new regulation is made official. It is unclear whether the Trump administration has made changes to the draft regulation over the past week, or what the final version of the regulation might look like.
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If he's making mistakes like this on twitter...maybe he shouldn't be tweeting so much [emoji]129300[/emoji]

Y'all starting to sound like the people that complained about Obeezy golfing.

People rushing to make Twitter accounts to get a cheap chuckle over something as small as a Twitter typo.

If I'm alone, I'll be alone... Just seems like folks are reaching hard for jokes when there's PLENTY OTHER REAL stuff to make fin of him about.

Obama didn't golf nearly as much as other presidents, or Trump

and his golfing didn't attack people or strain relationships

Sure, there's plenty of stuff to make fun of him for. For example, tweeting nonstop and tweeting nonsense more than a teenage girl does
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If he's making mistakes like this on twitter...maybe he shouldn't be tweeting so much [emoji]129300[/emoji]

Y'all starting to sound like the people that complained about Obeezy golfing.

I lost count of how many times Trump went golfing his first four months compared to Obama going only once his first year.

Why you caping for cheetolini?
If he's making mistakes like this on twitter...maybe he shouldn't be tweeting so much [emoji]129300[/emoji]

Y'all starting to sound like the people that complained about Obeezy golfing.

People rushing to make Twitter accounts to get a cheap chuckle over something as small as a Twitter typo.

If I'm alone, I'll be alone... Just seems like folks are reaching hard for jokes when there's PLENTY OTHER REAL stuff to make fin of him about.

You are alone.

We talk about the other issues too

You're talking issue about a few innocent jokes. The people that complained about Obama golf ran with it to make the argument he was being wasteful with the country's money.

BTW, given Trump's much higher frequency of golfing, those people now look like hypocrites

Stop with the false equivalencies dude
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If you think the president's main channel of communication with the American people and the world is similar to Obama golfing then you aren't very smart.

The book in the link above was written by the subject of the interview below

If you're a regular in the thread, you'll be familiar with the topics of the interview (which is an overview of the book): how taxation is used to enrich the already rich and to monopolize access to good education, how work opportunities are highly dependent on your social network, the myth of meritocracy that hides the class system of the US and how willfully ignorant Americans remain about the fact we live in a stratified society...
all kidding aside... you're saying dude is too old to use Twitter without making mistakes but doesn't that mean he probably shouldn't be president?


Don't understand playing devil's advocate about people making fun of a typo.
Y'all starting to sound like the people that complained about Obeezy golfing.

People rushing to make Twitter accounts to get a cheap chuckle over something as small as a Twitter typo.

If I'm alone, I'll be alone... Just seems like folks are reaching hard for jokes when there's PLENTY OTHER REAL stuff to make fin of him about.

just to be clear, no one's "reaching hard." these jokes write themselves. and this was not some single isolated typo that people are trumping up. this is a pattern. also, we know the context. trump was up late, getting worked up because he is lonely and upset, showing classic signs of sundowning, and decided to tweet, but didn't have the stamina to complete the tweet or even check it.

anyway, on to more serious things. we may be pulling out of the Paris climate deal. :smh:
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the benefits are gas, oil, and other things that pollute are big business... it's all about money... that and the fact that this orange clown and his repubs. want to eliminate every single accomplishment the black guy did... smfh

Kabul Bombing Kills at Least 80, Shaking City Center

By MUJIB MASHAL and MAY 31, 2017


The site of a huge explosion in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, on Wednesday. Shah Marai/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

KABUL, Afghanistan — A truck bombing near the Afghan presidential palace early Wednesday killed at least 80 people and wounded hundreds, officials said. The death toll seemed certain to rise, and the attack appeared to be one of the bloodiest of the long Afghan war.

The huge blast during the morning rush hour caused panic in much of central Kabul, shattering windows as far as a mile away. Nearly two hours after the explosion near Zanbaq Square, a crowded area in the capital that leads to the presidential palace as well as major foreign embassies, plumes of smoke were still rising from the scene.

At a time when the United States is weighing sending more troops to Afghanistan to try to halt the government’s losses, the attack on Wednesday highlighted the continued ability of militants to strike even in the most secure parts of the capital. And outside the country’s main cities, the Taliban have rapidly been seizing territory and have kept the Afghan security forces badly bloodied and on the defensive.

Kabul’s police chief, Gen. Hassan Shah Frogh, said the explosives used in the blast had been in a tanker truck used to empty septic tanks. The bomb was detonated near the square just as the street turns toward the German Embassy, he said.

“The blast was so huge that it dug a big crater as deep as four meters,” or 13 feet, General Frogh said.

Wahidullah Majrooh, a spokesman for the Health Ministry, said that 80 bodies and 350 wounded people had been brought to hospitals.

The German Embassy was extensively damaged, with dozens of windows blown in, the public broadcaster ARD reported. It broadcast images showing stunned civilians pressing makeshift bandages to bloody limbs, stumbling through a smoke-filled street as ambulances rushed to the scene, their sirens blaring.


Some of the wounded arriving at a hospital. The exact nature of the blast was not immediately clear. Mohammad Ismail/Reuters
Germany’s foreign minister, Sigmar Gabriel, said that an Afghan security guard employed by the embassy had been killed. He also said that several Germans had been wounded, without providing details. He condemned what he called an attack on “those who are in Afghanistan working with the people there for a better future.”

“To target these people is especially despicable,” Mr. Gabriel said.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blast, and it was unclear whether the embassy had been specifically targeted. A spokesman for the Taliban, whose forces are responsible for most of the intensifying violence across Afghanistan, insisted that they were not behind the attack and condemned the toll on civilians.

But even that was no sure indication of who might be responsible. In recent years, the Taliban have frequently denied responsibility for attacks that intelligence officials believe the insurgents actually did commit. And militants loyal to the Islamic State have staged more attacks in recent months, though they have been smaller.

In Germany, the blast was sure to fuel a debate over the government’s efforts to repatriate Afghans whose applications for asylum have been rejected. About 1,000 German soldiers are stationed in Afghanistan as part of the NATO force, and Germany has invested billions in military and aid to stabilize the country.

German officials have been at pains to insist that parts of Afghanistan are safe, despite an overall security situation that the interior minister, Thomas de Maizière, has described as “complicated.” Hours after the blast, the government in Berlin said that a flight carrying deportees bound for Afghanistan scheduled for Wednesday had been postponed, citing logistical reasons for embassy employees on the ground.

President Ashraf Ghani called the attack “a crime against humanity.” A statement by Gen. John W. Nicholson Jr., the commander of American and North Atlantic Treaty Organization forces in Afghanistan, applauded the Afghan security forces for preventing the truck full of explosives from entering the Green Zone, a reference to the area that houses the headquarters of the coalition forces as well as several foreign embassies.

“The attack demonstrates a complete disregard for civilians and reveals the barbaric nature of the enemy faced by the Afghan people,” the statement said.

Smoke billowing from the site of the explosion in Kabul. Video by Storyful News

Pictures from the scene showed smoke and chaos, with bloodied people on the ground as emergency personnel tried to evacuate victims. Video footage that witnesses filmed immediately after the blast showed vast destruction to the buildings in the area and people stuck in destroyed vehicles amid flames.

There was a heavy security presence, including forces from the United States-led coalition, and helicopters circled overhead. Dozens of people waited outside the large security cordon for news of their loved ones.

Emotions were running high among the Afghan security forces at the scene. Intelligence officers closely checked the paperwork of emergency workers shuttling between the blast site and the hospitals, fearing that they might have been infiltrated by militants planning a follow-up attack.

At one point, after a senior police official tried to pass the cordon with a large entourage of guards, a scuffle broke out, and the police officers and intelligence officers cocked their weapons at one another. But the situation was quickly defused.

The sheer fore of the blast was staggering, though it was not unprecedented. In 2015, a similar truck bombing in the Shah Shaheed neighborhood of the city also caused hundreds of casualties and left a strip of shops leveled and houses in a wide radius damaged. Other large truck bombings have targeted the offices of an elite force that provides security to senior government officials, as well as a compound for Western contractors.

Shopkeepers as far as a mile from the scene of Wednesday’s blast were sweeping glass from shattered windows, as parents arrived to escort panicking children home from school.

“There was a big tremble, and then we heard a massive explosion,” said Ramin Sangar, a cameraman at a television channel near the site of the explosion, as he was loaded into an ambulance. “All the windows are broken. Our studios collapsed.”


Afghan municipal workers cleaning a road outside the German Embassy after the blast. Rahmat Gul/Associated Press

Most of the victims appeared to be civilians on their way to work during the morning rush hour. A BBC driver, Mohammed Nazir, as well as Aziz Navin, an information technology worker for the Afghan television channel ToloNews, were among those killed.

Lotfullah Najafizada, the director of ToloNews, described a painful search for his colleague’s remains. He and his co-workers examined seven mostly unrecognizable bodies at the military hospital before heading over the civilian side, where the 44th body had just arrived.

“We found Aziz in a large, dirt-colored sack, and his relatives were trying to transport him home,” Mr. Najafizada wrote on Facebook. “The ambulances were busy, and Aziz waited in the hall of the hospital for his final trip home.”

Crowds were building throughout the day outside the main hospitals in Kabul as people searched for their loved ones among the wounded or dead.

More than 300 people anxiously waited outside the Emergency Hospital, one of the main trauma centers in the city. Some were weeping and wailing, while others were trying to look up names of loved ones on the lists that employees handed out. Inside the hospital, where the windows had also been shattered by the force of the blast, doctors were attending to dozens of wounded.

Outside Wazir Akbar Khan, the main government hospital, a white-bearded man in his 60s named Azizullah searched for news of his 22-year-old son, Abdullah, who worked at a telecommunications company near the site of the blast.

“I searched all hospitals. He is nowhere,” said Mr. Azizullah, who would crouch and then get up to pace. “Abdullah has two children, a wife and an old mother. What will I tell them?”

Mr. Azizullah received a call from someone who appeared to be inside the hospital, telling him about unrecognizable bodies.

“Can you search the person whose body is cut up?” he asked the caller. “He may be my son. Try to find his documents.”
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If he's making mistakes like this on twitter...maybe he shouldn't be tweeting so much [emoji]129300[/emoji]
Y'all starting to sound like the people that complained about Obeezy golfing.

People rushing to make Twitter accounts to get a cheap chuckle over something as small as a Twitter typo.

If I'm alone, I'll be alone... Just seems like folks are reaching hard for jokes when there's PLENTY OTHER REAL stuff to make fin of him about.
Stop being a covfefe ricky 
People need to wake up and realize that the vast majority of terror victims are Muslims. The narrative of Islam waging some modern crusade against the West is ******** and a multi-billion, maybe trillion dollar business. The people who buy into this fiction and encourage elected officials to flex military power in some childish fantasy of defeating the bad guys (Al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS) to solve complex geopolitical problems as if it's a Hollywood script, have blood on their hands. They have blood on it from the deaths suffered to terror in Europe, in America, in those Muslim countries, and abroad.

Terror is a global problem. There is a small minority of awful people that benefit from it. The MIC, media, NRA, those who use them as pawns, etc. And then there's literally the rest of the planet. These "civilized" countries have fought proxy wars in that region, creating hell for decades, looking to take as much as they can instead of for the well-being of the people in those countries and having them naturally grow into a part of the global economy. 

As long as voters think we're the "good guys" trying to do our best out there, and there's some rah-rah jingoistic solution to global terrorism which leaves no room for the pursuit of a real one, we as humanity have to live with a burden of people looking to kill masses of civilians that doesn't have to be there. This applies to the voters of all democratic countries, not just the United States.
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There's a whole thread on misspelling, what makes him immune? Then again why should I give special treatment to a guy who before I read that tweet is defunding civil rights and social programs, has a health plan that will leave millions without insurance, line the pockets of the rich and raise the premiums for everyone else? That thinks historically black colleges​ are segregation, wants to redo anti terrorism acts to solely focus on Islam despite all the white supremacists attacks we've seen recently etc etc. Call it whatever you want, but nah. You keep doing this over and over knowing the audience of this thread then want to get in your feelings afterwards.

I have facts behind why I dislike this man, not irrational hatred and fear.
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