***Official Political Discussion Thread***

People need to wake up and realize that the vast majority of terror victims are Muslims. The narrative of Islam waging some modern crusade against the West is ******** and a multi-billion, maybe trillion dollar business. The people who buy into this fiction and encourage elected officials to flex military power in some childish fantasy of defeating the bad guys (Al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS) to solve complex geopolitical problems as if it's a Hollywood script, have blood on their hands. They have blood on it from the deaths suffered to terror in Europe, in America, in those Muslim countries, and abroad.

Terror is a global problem. There is a small minority of awful people that benefit from it. The MIC, media, NRA, those who use them as pawns, etc. And then there's literally the rest of the planet. These "civilized" countries have fought proxy wars in that region, creating hell for decades, looking to take as much as they can instead of for the well-being of the people in those countries and having them naturally grow into a part of the global economy. 

As long as voters think we're the "good guys" trying to do our best out there, and there's some rah-rah jingoistic solution to global terrorism which leaves no room for the pursuit of a real one, we as humanity have to live with a burden of people looking to kill masses of civilians that doesn't have to be there. This applies to the voters of all democratic countries, not just the United States.

People need to wake up and realize that the vast majority of terror victims are Muslims. The narrative of Islam waging some modern crusade against the West is ******** and a multi-billion, maybe trillion dollar business. The people who buy into this fiction and encourage elected officials to flex military power in some childish fantasy of defeating the bad guys (Al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS) to solve complex geopolitical problems as if it's a Hollywood script, have blood on their hands. They have blood on it from the deaths suffered to terror in Europe, in America, in those Muslim countries, and abroad.

Terror is a global problem. There is a small minority of awful people that benefit from it. The MIC, media, NRA, those who use them as pawns, etc. And then there's literally the rest of the planet. These "civilized" countries have fought proxy wars in that region, creating hell for decades, looking to take as much as they can instead of for the well-being of the people in those countries and having them naturally grow into a part of the global economy. 

As long as voters think we're the "good guys" trying to do our best out there, and there's some rah-rah jingoistic solution to global terrorism which leaves no room for the pursuit of a real one, we as humanity have to live with a burden of people looking to kill masses of civilians that doesn't have to be there. This applies to the voters of all democratic countries, not just the United States.

I realize as long as white supremacy is maintained some folks don't care how they are being duped. They'll dismiss what they see.

I lost count of how many times Trump went golfing his first four months compared to Obama going only once his first year.

Why you caping for cheetolini?

Anything that isn't criticizing Trump = caping.

Got it.


Don't understand playing devil's advocate about people making fun of a typo.

Whenever anything not being super critical of Trump comes down, y'all reading comprehension skills seem to plummet.


We got dudes in here posting Obama back 9 stats as if I said Trump's tweeting = Obama golfing.

I was comparing the backlash and and rush to criticize between the two groups who hate their opposing party's president.

People were reaching with Obama golfing just like the Twitter-sphere is reaching cuz son made a goof on Twitter.

Neither one of them deserve the amount of characters I've typed on it so this is it.

I got an email from 314 this morning said Trumpet is pulling out the Paris Climate deal.

Son is continues to make moves where I'm like "why"...

This presidency is super interesting, but I feel like the next president will be even MORE intriguing just off how much repair he/she will have to do.
You stay on this struggle contrarian steez sometimes

It is a few simple jokes, and you are reaching to make a false equivalency.

-The criticism for Obama extending beyond some jokes, they made it seem he was wasting taxpayers money in a unprecedented way

-The damb President should not be using Twitter like he does anyway.
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There's a rush to criticize Trump because he was super critical of EVERYTHING Obama did. And let's not pretend this is Trump's first goof on Twitter. He's shown on a number of occasions, especially on Twitter, that he has a weak command of the English language. If you're going to use social media to communicate, maybe, just maybe, you should have a person or team dedicated to reviewing​ your posts/tweets before they get sent out.

So yes, he's gonna catch these jokes and I hope it breaks his fragile manbaby ego.
In 2009 Obama ordering Dijon mustard was a legit news story covered in conservative media.

They went on about it. About how it showed Obama was out of touch with "regular" Americans, and to push the narrative of Obama being uppity.

This it comes both ways stuff needs to die. Liberals behavior in 2017 are no where near conservatives in 2009.
People need to wake up and realize that the vast majority of terror victims are Muslims. The narrative of Islam waging some modern crusade against the West is ******** and a multi-billion, maybe trillion dollar business. The people who buy into this fiction and encourage elected officials to flex military power in some childish fantasy of defeating the bad guys (Al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS) to solve complex geopolitical problems as if it's a Hollywood script, have blood on their hands. They have blood on it from the deaths suffered to terror in Europe, in America, in those Muslim countries, and abroad.

Terror is a global problem. There is a small minority of awful people that benefit from it. The MIC, media, NRA, those who use them as pawns, etc. And then there's literally the rest of the planet. These "civilized" countries have fought proxy wars in that region, creating hell for decades, looking to take as much as they can instead of for the well-being of the people in those countries and having them naturally grow into a part of the global economy. 

As long as voters think we're the "good guys" trying to do our best out there, and there's some rah-rah jingoistic solution to global terrorism which leaves no room for the pursuit of a real one, we as humanity have to live with a burden of people looking to kill masses of civilians that doesn't have to be there. This applies to the voters of all democratic countries, not just the United States.

I realize as long as white supremacy is maintained some folks don't care how they are being duped. They'll dismiss what they see.

Although white supremacy is a part of the issue (along with fear for safety, ignorance to geopolitical climate/history, being sold on the idea of being the good guys, etc.) I'd take a more Marxist top-down approach at financial gains for corporations, and political gains in government.

I think it's time to coin the phrase Terrorist Industrial Complex. We don't have to be able to connect the exact dots in detail, but at this point there's very clearly a web of industries, big and small, that benefit from the mass deaths of innocents. And we need to have language to call them out on their **** if we aren't going to just sit on our hands and be fine with it as they perpetuate this cycle for the rest of our lifetimes, and one day fight for change.
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Basically a boiled down "both sides are the same" complaint :rolleyes

Bill Maher is a bit of a jack *** but he is right on the money that political conversation, especially in the media, are **** because people always try to force these false equivalencies to seem "independent" or a above it all. Even liberals so it.

No matter how bad Republicans get, no matter what the right does, one mistake by a Democrat or liberal opens the door for someone to be like "Well, both sides....."
In 2009 Obama ordering Dijon mustard was a legit news story covered in conservative media.

They went on about it. About how it showed Obama was out of touch with "regular" Americans, and to push the narrative of Obama being uppity.

This it comes both ways stuff needs to die. Liberals behavior in 2017 are no where near conservatives in 2009.
Imagine if Obama ordered well done steaks with ketchup 
The thing is, we're just making jokes about his twitter gaffe.

Our attacks on his presidency are based on real issues that have an impact (health care, undoing regulations, treason, etc.).

Sometimes people on here are too quick to get defensive over jokes about someone who's not even an NTer.
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In 2009 Obama ordering Dijon mustard was a legit news story covered in conservative media.

They went on about it. About how it showed Obama was out of touch with "regular" Americans, and to push the narrative of Obama being uppity.

This it comes both ways stuff needs to die. Liberals behavior in 2017 are no where near conservatives in 2009.

Imagine if Obama ordered well done steaks with ketchup :rofl:
No lie, he would've lost my vote.
People need to wake up and realize that the vast majority of terror victims are Muslims. The narrative of Islam waging some modern crusade against the West is ******** and a multi-billion, maybe trillion dollar business. The people who buy into this fiction and encourage elected officials to flex military power in some childish fantasy of defeating the bad guys (Al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS) to solve complex geopolitical problems as if it's a Hollywood script, have blood on their hands. They have blood on it from the deaths suffered to terror in Europe, in America, in those Muslim countries, and abroad.

Terror is a global problem. There is a small minority of awful people that benefit from it. The MIC, media, NRA, those who use them as pawns, etc. And then there's literally the rest of the planet. These "civilized" countries have fought proxy wars in that region, creating hell for decades, looking to take as much as they can instead of for the well-being of the people in those countries and having them naturally grow into a part of the global economy. 

As long as voters think we're the "good guys" trying to do our best out there, and there's some rah-rah jingoistic solution to global terrorism which leaves no room for the pursuit of a real one, we as humanity have to live with a burden of people looking to kill masses of civilians that doesn't have to be there. This applies to the voters of all democratic countries, not just the United States.

I realize as long as white supremacy is maintained some folks don't care how they are being duped. They'll dismiss what they see.

Although white supremacy is a part of the issue (along with fear for safety, ignorance to geopolitical climate/history, being sold on the idea of being the good guys, etc.) I'd take a more Marxist top-down approach at financial gains for corporations, and political gains in government.

I think it's time to coin the phrase Terrorist Industrial Complex. We don't have to be able to connect the exact dots in detail, but at this point there's very clearly a web of industries, big and small, that benefit from the mass deaths of innocents. And we need to have language to call them out on their **** if we aren't going to just sit on our hands and be fine with it as they perpetuate this cycle for the rest of our lifetimes, and one day fight for change.

The thing is that it will be difficult to change the attitudes of Americans. All it takes is one terrorist attack to instill fear in people. One of the riskiest moves a politician can do is ignore people's sense of justice, especially when that sense of justice is felt all over the political spectrum. This is partly why Obama's not put bankers on trial was a monumentally stupid move because you had enough of the Republican base wanting to see that justice served. The same would be true of a terrorist attack, many folk, even liberals won't mind the clapback

And even though we have a hand in creating the boogeymen, the boogeymen still exist and try their best to kill any America, military or civilian. America's foreign policy is ****, but whether it be Bush, Obama or even Trump, if they could wish into existence perfect airstrikes that only kill terrorist and not civilians, they would probably make that wish. Groups like ISIS would not, so it is easy to rationalize you have a higher moral standing than these groups. Even though you leave carnage in your wake.
It's not so much that Weazel News simply covered completely irrelevant Obama-related stories. It's that they covered them AND tried to spread out propaganda that is so ridiculous, it's hard to believe they actually tried to do it:

This would be the equivalent of "Libtard Fake News" not only talking about "Covfefe", but saying that it's actually a code word for "Kill every minority and poor person".
In 2009 Obama ordering Dijon mustard was a legit news story covered in conservative media.

They went on about it. About how it showed Obama was out of touch with "regular" Americans, and to push the narrative of Obama being uppity.

This it comes both ways stuff needs to die. Liberals behavior in 2017 are no where near conservatives in 2009.

Imagine if Obama ordered well done steaks with ketchup :rofl:
No lie, he would've lost my vote.

Yeah, that's change I can't believe in
Again, people were dead serious about Obama golfing too much. That he was a terrible president who wasn't taking the job seriously.

Now we have Trump who tweets nonstop out of his *** about anything and everything, using it as his platform to lie to America, downplay any possible problems in the White House, trash talk his opponents (the people he was supposed to unite because he's the great uniter), and complain and cry about how the media treats him (creating his own narrative).

So yes, his use of twitter definitely deserves to be questioned and ridiculed.
The thing is, we're just making jokes about his twitter gaffe.

Our attacks on his presidency are based on real issues that have an impact (health care, undoing regulations, treason, etc.).

Sometimes people on here are too quick to get defensive over jokes about someone who's not even an NTer.
Based on the way he carries himself, I wouldn't be so sure.
Trump really should have his citizenship revoked for his penchant for well done steaks.

That's blasphemy of the highest order.

To add ketchup on top of that...
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