***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I lived in china for many years... it will wear you down quickly. Hong Kong on the other hand, is unrivaled in my opinion.

Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei metros>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anywhere else.

Extremely efficient, stations everywhere, trains every few minutes, extremely clean, and best of all, no crazy @#$ people yelling and taking @#$@ on the trains.

When I take BART or the NYC subway here I always feel like I need to disinfect myself right after getting on.

That wave of must and urine that hits your nostrils both at the stations and on the trains :smh: :x
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I lived in china for many years... it will wear you down quickly. Hong Kong on the other hand, is unrivaled in my opinion.

Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei metros>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anywhere else.

Extremely efficient, stations everywhere, trains every few minutes, extremely clean, and best of all, no crazy @#$ people yelling and taking @#$@ on the trains.

When I take BART or the NYC subway here I always feel like I need to disinfect myself right after getting on.

I love the Taipei system cause you can use that card for 7-11 purchases too :lol:
I need to make a trip to HK.
And legally I could also become a HK citizen along with my dad if **** decides to hit the fan even worse in America :lol:
But I doubt it though
Too bad LA roads are still cheeks. And CalTrans and LADOT are very inefficient at times.

I swear, despite being in such expensive areas, LA, Bay Area, and NYC roads are worse than some of the "third world" countries I go to. Makes no sense how roads are ALWAYS under repair but still eternally torn up and filled with potholes. 90% of my car repairs and flat tires are due to driving through these at night :lol: :smh:
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I need to make a trip to HK.
And legally I could also become a HK citizen along with my dad if **** decides to hit the fan even worse in America :lol:
But I doubt it though

I like HK a lot; I would just have to figure out how to adjust to the ridiculous heat and humidity if I moved there.

I went there in November, and people were walking around in down jackets while it was ~75 degrees outside :rofl:
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Too bad LA roads are still cheeks. And CalTrans and LADOT are very inefficient at times.

I swear, despite being in such expensive areas, LA, Bay Area, and NYC roads are worse than some of the "third world" countries I go to. Makes no sense how roads are ALWAYS under repair but still eternally torn up and filled with potholes. 90% of my car repairs and flat tires are due to driving through these at night :lol: :smh:
:lol: all facts at the last sentence

On the bright side, air pollution is regulated very well in California.
Hope Jerry Brown continues to shove the middle finger at Trump when it comes to that and upholds the environmental standards.
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You have an irrational hatred for this woman. And anyone short of her castigating herself would displease you
I do dislike her, but happily voted for her in the general. I do blame her for not winning.
She did her best and it wasn't good enough. She should have at least attempted to win WI and MI.
Now we're F'd for a generation and she won't take blame. Classic.
Yes, because Hillary Clinton has to take blame for the GOP and Donald Trump's actions
You want her to take blame why? To make yourself fell better?
An idiot FBI director got so rustled by a fake piece of Russia propaganda he screwed her right before the election, and the opposing side probably collude in a propaganda campaign with a foreign government.
Yet most of you outrage is for Hillary Clinton. The person who was injured directly by those two actions.
I'm not blaming her for the GOP and Drumpf's actions. I want her to take blame because she is to blame. It was her show. She lost. That's why. Take the L like a leader, not some pansy "throw everyone under the bus only good at managing up" clown. 

Trust, I'm much more outraged at those that voted in White Supremacy than I am Hillary. Hillary lost though. She should take responsibility for losing WI, MI and a TON of counties that Obama took. 
Really the only things that are preventing me from moving to China or HK is the environmental issues, the average person is rude, and less economic opportunities.

Then again, America could become coal country 2.0 soon :x
Hopefully not in LA
Too bad LA roads are still cheeks. And CalTrans and LADOT are very inefficient at times.
I swear, despite being in such expensive areas, LA, Bay Area, and NYC roads are worse than some of the "third world" countries I go to. Makes no sense how roads are ALWAYS under repair but still eternally torn up and filled with potholes. 90% of my car repairs and flat tires are due to driving through these at night
If you fix the roads properly, where's your income supposed to come from once they're all fixed?
California's willingness to defy Trump's nonsense is the only reason I haven't jumped on a plane already. If it weren't for this state and Hawaii, I'd have already joined my uncle in Canada (which I'm still considering; my family has been actively trying to get me a job there, but I don't know if I want to live in 70% white Calgary :lol: )
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[QUOTE name="Chopper" url="[URL]http://niketalk.com/t/509493/official-political-discussion-thread/80070#post_28207370[/URL]"]
[QUOTE name="RustyShackleford" url="[URL]http://niketalk.com/t/509493/official-political-discussion-thread/80070#post_28207332[/URL]"]
You have an irrational hatred for this woman. And anyone short of her castigating herself would displease you
I do dislike her, but happily voted for her in the general. I do blame her for not winning.

She did her best and it wasn't good enough. She should have at least attempted to win WI and MI.

Now we're F'd for a generation and she won't take blame. Classic.
Yes, because Hillary Clinton has to take blame for the GOP and Donald Trump's actions

You want her to take blame why? To make yourself fell better?

An idiot FBI director got so rustled by a fake piece of Russia propaganda he screwed her right before the election, and the opposing side probably collude in a propaganda campaign with a foreign government.

Yet most of you outrage is for Hillary Clinton. The person who was injured directly by those two actions.


I'm not blaming her for the GOP and Drumpf's actions. I want her to take blame because she is to blame. It was her show. She lost. That's why. Take the L like a leader, not some pansy "throw everyone under the bus only good at managing up" clown. 

Trust, I'm much more outraged at those that voted in White Supremacy than I am Hillary. Hillary lost though. She should take responsibility for losing WI, MI and a TON of counties that Obama took. 

She has though, she said in the end it is on her.

Like I said, the problem is that she is not castigating herself to some people's liking

While she did **** up not campaign in those counties, you argument is based on a false assumption. That is was strictly her not going there that costed her those counties. Those places where not immune to the other buffoonery.

And once again, what she is saying has some truth to it, yet you want to ignore it because again she is not beating herself up like you would like.
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"Voters of Paris" :lol: he doesn't know why it's called the Paris Agreement

Nice speech talking point though :stoneface:
Too bad LA roads are still cheeks. And CalTrans and LADOT are very inefficient at times.

I swear, despite being in such expensive areas, LA, Bay Area, and NYC roads are worse than some of the "third world" countries I go to. Makes no sense how roads are ALWAYS under repair but still eternally torn up and filled with potholes. 90% of my car repairs and flat tires are due to driving through these at night :lol: :smh:

If you fix the roads properly, where's your income supposed to come from once they're all fixed?
Actually here's my main beef with the transportation bureaucracy; from my experience working with LADOT and CalTrans in the past, there would always be "delays" which they claim they need more money for certain projects. Some would be legitimate, while some would be absolutely bs.
Second with those "delays", I see them get 3 to 5 year contracts with the city to improve or add a new lane/road, and guess what, they won't do **** until like the last 6 months of the actual project.

I'm not saying all projects that they undertake are like this, but I would say 60 to 70% of them is what ends up happening.
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Pres. Trump: “The United States under the Trump administration will continue to be the cleanest and most environmentally friendly country on Earth”

“ThE UnItEd StAtEs UnDeR tHe TrUmP AdMiNiStRaTiOn WiLl CoNtInUe To Be ThE cLeAnEsT aNd MoSt EnViRoNmEnTaLlY fRiEnDlY cOuNtRy On EaRtH”

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Oh and here's the kicker, the same agencies do hire private contractors also. People who say privatized roads would help, you might as well just try to buy an island in Idaho.
claude taylor's been talking about this video of trump...you can tell he is not at the same level as he once was...he is deteriorating right before our eyes...

California :pimp:

Mayor Eric Garcetti — Mayor of Los Angeles
1 hr ·
The world cannot wait — and neither will we. With the President pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement, L.A. will lead by committing to the goals of the accord — and will work closely with cities across America and the world to do the same.

Mayor Ed Lee‏Verified account @mayoredlee 2h2 hours ago
#SF is committed to our progress on #climateaction regardless of the Fed Gov's shortsighted decision to withdraw from the #ParisAgreement.
NYC and Seattle also stepping up as expected.

Bill de Blasio‏Verified account
On behalf of New York City, I will commit to honor the goals of the Paris agreement with an Executive Order in the coming days

Ed Murray‏Verified account @MayorEdMurray 2m2 minutes ago
"Working with cities and states, we will live up to #ParisAgreement" - with or without Trump - @CMMikeOBrien #ActOnClimate
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