***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I dont know Comey confirming his memos is a very important thing

I'm more interested in the contradiction of Trump's letter when Comey was fired. Trump wrote, he "assured" him "three times" he wasn't under investigation. Sounded like straight BS.
I love imaging Comey as this tall, slightly awkward guy with very dry humor up against this sloppy overweight guy with poor self-awareness.

You can just sense Comey always thinking to himself, "Man, I wish I could be somewhere else. Just play it cool and get this conversation over with so he'll leave you alone."

Meanwhile the fat guy with poor self awareness is President :smh:
I love imaging Comey as this tall, slightly awkward guy with very dry humor up against this sloppy overweight guy with poor self-awareness.

You can just sense Comey always thinking to himself, "Man, I wish I could be somewhere else. Just play it cool and get this conversation over with so he'll leave you alone."

Meanwhile the fat guy with poor self awareness is President :smh:

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rolaholic rolaholic is Calgary a decent city to live in? My uncle had to move from Vancouver (where I originally wanted to go) to Calgary for work, and he may be able to get me a job there. I just don't know if I can live in a 70% white city coming from a diverse place like the Bay Area :smh: :lol:
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Ehh if you're used to cosmopolitan type cities then probably not...:lol:

Vancouver >>>

Decent enough city but I couldn't live in Alberta in general :lol:
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I dont know Comey confirming his memos is a very important thing

I'm more interested in the contradiction of Trump's letter when Comey was fired. Trump wrote, he "assured" him "three times" he wasn't under investigation. Sounded like straight BS.

Comey says in his opening statement that he told Trump that at the time they were not looking at him directly, and then Trump became infatuated with Comey saying it publicly. He probably wanted a PR.

I expect lil to nothing from Comey, he will probably just confrim stuff we already know.

If this was the 1970s, impeachment be happening by now for obstruction of Justice. But the GOP will not inflict that "L" on themselves.
Ehh if you're used to cosmopolitan type cities then probably not...:lol:

Vancouver >>>

Decent enough city but I couldn't live in Alberta in general :lol:

That's what I assumed. I'd only leave California for diverse cities/major areas like Vancouver and Toronto.
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About time da Dapper Don does something about these welfare leeches who just don't have the right mindset like the great dr. Ben Carson said. Poverty is just a state of mind after all. Hopefully this will steer them on the right path 


 [h1]Trump wants to start charging stores to accept food stamps[/h1]
  • Donald Trump wants to charge retailers a fee for accepting food stamps as payment from the poor.
  • The food stamp fee would be reassessed every five years.
  • Budget office predicts $2.4 billion in new revenue from the fee, which is seen hurting independent grocers more than big chains.
  • Separately, the Trump administration is proposing $191 billion in cuts over the next decade to the food stamp program.
The White House proposal to overhaul the U.S. food stamp program — and the deep cuts it would make to benefits for the poorest households — has sparked public outrage on both sides of the aisle. But there's another change tucked into the proposal that businesses say caught them off guard — and could wind up costing them more than $2 billion.

That provision is a new fee that the White House wants to charge retailers that accept food stamps, which is now known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

The Office of Management and Budget said the fee would be assessed when stores sign up and would require renewal after five years. The budget office said the amount would depend on the size and type of retailer, but the president's budget estimates that the fee would generate $2.4 billion in revenue over the next decade.

An OMB official described the fee as "modest" and "reasonable," emphasizing that some large retailers redeem a billion dollars or more in food stamp benefits each year.

"Although a small number of stores may choose to leave the program rather than pay the fee, we do not expect that this will affect access to authorized stores," the official said.

The proposal surprised the grocery industry, which is already fighting to block the controversial border adjustment tax on Capitol Hill. That measure would lower the cost of exports but raise the price of imports and has been widely opposed by chain retailers. Trump's food stamp fee, however, would fall squarely on supermarkets.

Grocers oppose the "flawed policy of imposing fees on food retailers in order to reduce the cost of the federal government's nutrition assistance benefits to the most needy in our society," said Leslie G. Sarasin, president of the Food Marketing Institute, which represents the industry.

[h4]Changes hit congressional opposition[/h4]
Beyond the new fee, the Trump administration is proposing $191 billion in cuts over the next decade to the food stamp program. The U.S. budget office said the reductions would come from tightening the work requirement to qualify for the benefits, but said the details would be left up to individual states. The administration also expects states to make up some of the lost funding.

The existing system "is a formula for waste and growth rates and costs that are simply unsustainable," budget director Mick Mulvaney said during testimony on Capitol Hill last month. "The total spending should not go down. Or if it does, it goes down because of efficiencies and not because of reductions."

But the proposed changes are already running into obstacles on Capitol Hill — even among Republicans. Rep. Michael Conaway of Texas and Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas, the chairmen of the House and Senate agriculture committees, have signaled they would fight the measure.

"We need to take a look at our nutrition assistance programs to ensure that they are helping the most vulnerable in our society," they said in a statement.

Food stamps accounted for about 5.8 percent of the estimated $669 billion in annual sales at grocery stores, according to the Food Marketing Institute. But for some retailers, it accounts for a much larger share of revenue. Wal-Mart  is the largest supermarket in the country, and retail analyst Craig Johnson of Customer Growth Partners estimates it rings up $16 billion in food stamp sales each year. That accounts for about 23 percent of federal spending on food stamps.

Wal-Mart declined to comment. But after the government restricted food stamp benefits in 2013, the company reported a 0.9 percent hit to its quarterly grocery sales.

"They may be calling it out as an excuse for underperformance," Johnson said. "But it will be a small marginal impact."

Walmart is a massive retailer that can weather those small hits, but grocers overall operate on notoriously thin margins. Smaller stores — particularly the bodegas and independent retailers that serve poor neighborhoods — would likely feel more pain.

"Certainly, they would see it in their bottom line," said Brian Lang of The Food Trust, a Pennsylvania nonprofit. Lang directs a campaign to make healthy food more accessible. "Implementing cuts to that extent are going to have stark consequences for retailers, especially in low-income communities."
 Canadian cowboy country 

Used to visit family out there when I was little. 

Was supposed to go back recently but that fell apart 

"I need loyalty, I expect loyalty,"

Dude is shameless :lol:

Comet serves at Da pleasure of Da PRESIDENT B. Da Don had EVERY RIGHT TO DEMAND LOYALTY B. COMET is exposing himself as a LIBBIE SYMPATHIZER B. Comet needs to explain why Da Coal Train isn't popping worldwide. Papa Vlad already opened up Da connects yet Comet won't JAIL CROOOOOOOOKED HILARY B. DISGUSTING.
Comey says in his opening statement that he told Trump that at the time they were not looking at him directly, and then Trump became infatuated with Comey saying it publicly. He probably wanted a PR.

I expect lil to nothing from Comey, he will probably just confrim stuff we already know.

If this was the 1970s, impeachment be happening by now for obstruction of Justice. But the GOP will not inflict that "L" on themselves.

Dudes were being thrown in jail left and right throughout the Cold War era just off the most basic suspicions of ties to Communism/Russia. How things have changed :lol: :smh:
Ehh if you're used to cosmopolitan type cities then probably not...:lol:

Vancouver >>>

Decent enough city but I couldn't live in Alberta in general :lol:

That's what I assumed. I'd only leave California for diverse cities/major areas like Vancouver and Toronto.

Yea Oil and Cowboy country isn't really for me either :lol:

Yea Toronto,Vancouver,Ottawa and Montreal are the more diverse major urban areas. Will say about Alberta that Edmonton has been getting more diverse in recent years though
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Sounds terrible :x :lol:

the good thing about being in a place like calgary is there aren't enough black people so you can't get blamed when **** goes wrong. :lol:

strong job market...low housing cost. l guess its probably like austin texas.

our conservative party isn't quite as bat**** insane as yours are. so even the most conservative places would scan as very liberal to most americans.
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Sounds terrible :x :lol:

the good thing about being in a place like calgary is there aren't enough black people so you can't get blamed when **** goes wrong. :lol:

strong job market...low housing cost. l guess its probably like austin texas.

our conservative party isn't quite as bat**** insane as yours are. so even the most conservative places would scan as very liberal to most americans.

Brah that's how **** works in Canada? Must be nice.

If you're the only black or brown person in town in America, you getting blamed for everything. Matter of fact, you don't even got to be around. You got people in Montana worried about urban crime, and people in rural Kentucky worried about Mexicans.
the good thing about being in a place like calgary is there aren't enough black people so you can't get blamed when **** goes wrong. :lol:

strong job market...low housing cost. l guess its probably like austin texas.

our conservative party isn't quite as bat**** insane as yours are. so even the most conservative places would scan as very liberal to most americans.

Breaking Kayfabe for an unprecedented second time. Has the slow down in the oil and gas market impacted Calgary?
Brah that's how **** works in Canada? Must be nice.

If you're the only black or brown person in town in America, you getting blamed for everything. Matter of fact, you don't even got to be around. You got people in Montana worried about urban crime, and people in rural Kentucky worried about Mexicans.
Well obviously that's because D-Money and those other guys are coming from other states to ruin these peaceful white communities 


Seriously though, **** this guy 
So I had 2nd interview for a job today to only get an email after I finished my interview for a job at another company. It's lit out here for your boy Tebow. I'm about to get a big boy job hopefully. No more broke boy Tebow.
So I had 2nd interview for a job today to only get an email after I finished my interview for a job at another company. It's lit out here for your boy Tebow. I'm about to get a big boy job hopefully. No more broke boy Tebow.

EXCELLENT work B. I'm 10000000% sure that Da vague references to your work on Da COAL TRAIN like we talked about reallly set you apart from Da other candidates.
So I had 2nd interview for a job today to only get an email after I finished my interview for a job at another company. It's lit out here for your boy Tebow. I'm about to get a big boy job hopefully. No more broke boy Tebow.
Good luck 

Wouldn't get your hopes up too much about the Comey hearing tomorrow though. At the end of the day the GOP still has to actually care
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