***Official Political Discussion Thread***

We salute you for all da good work you are doing.

Just last year this country was in da dumps. We had no jobs, no future, no coal, no guns, no America. But then da don came and graced us with his dealmaking skills and his jobmaking skills and his eloquence skills. Now I feel like this great country of ours is making da proverbial comeback. Still da evil Comey is still at it with "da cloud" that he refused to remove, but at least we can rest easy knowing that Christopher A. Wray, a man of impeccable credentials, will be at da FBI to provide honest loyalty.

My heart still goes out to da ObamaCare victims in da GREAT STATE of OHIO, but I no da don will look after them, assuming they are not on welfare or are at least not of color.

aepps, when you take on this new role as DOCTOR SURGEON HUD SECRETARY BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CARSON MD 2020's understudy, I deplore you to please remember that states that sponsor democracy risk falling victim to da democrats they promote. Remember this, my comrade. Stay honest loyal, stay white, stay alt-right. don bless you, and don bless america.

Thank you so much Comrade. Obummer Care with its Death Panels KILLED PEOPLE B. LIBBIES DON'T Understand. I will run a strong ANTI LIBBIE platform in 2028 following my mentor and friend Barson. NO MORE LIBBIE TEARS, MORE PASSING POWER AND ABOVE ALL ELSE MORE COOOOOOOOOOOAL
a joke indeed.


Nolan thought the Trump pitch had been a bust.

“I thought a trillion dollars for infrastructure meant a trillion dollars for infrastructure,” Nolan said. “He’s talking about 90 percent from the private sector and 10 percent from the feds? It’s not going to happen. It’s exactly backwards.”

The Trump infrastructure push, meant to be at the very least a welcome political distraction in a scandal-dominated week, has become the latest example of the president’s vanishing clout. A White House “signing ceremony” had the president sending a toothless letter to Congress. A speech in Cincinnati offered few details and plenty of digressions. And an accompanying memo to reporters contained more about the problems with President Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus bill than the details of Trump’s $200 billion infrastructure goals.
Comey right now
These people calling the Washington Journal are stupid. If you don't want an investigative media, go live in Russia. These guys are calling, talking about they will create an uprising if it turns out Trump obstructed justice. We have among us people who WANT a dictatorship.
I'm sooooooooo pumped for Da testimony B. DA DON already called up Da Goons Lil Marco and Cronie Cronyn and they got Da Don's back B. Da goons going to talk about other things and Da LIBBIES DON'T HAVE A Clue B.
Currently watching the Washington Journal on C-Span in anticipation of the hearing and some Bernie Bro caller just called and said "I voted for Bernie but ended up voting for Trump. There's no way I'd vote for a criminal like Hillary Clinton. I also want to talk about Seth Rich and the Podesta emails. A caller earlier asked about that and you were quick to dismiss it, why?" 
Currently watching the Washington Journal on C-Span in anticipation of the hearing and some Bernie Bro caller just called and said "I voted for Bernie but ended up voting for Trump. There's no way I'd vote for a criminal like Hillary Clinton. I also want to talk about Seth Rich and the Podesta emails. A caller earlier asked about that and you were quick to dismiss it, why?" :smh: :lol:

Brah, if you can watch the WJ, do it. The way republicans and "independents" grasp at straws is incredible. They live in their own reality
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Brah, if you can watch the WJ, do it. The way republicans and "independents" grasp at straws is incredible. They live in their own reality
It really is. Some guy just complained about media coverage to C-Span 

They air just about everything, mostly without commentary so you can think for yourself.
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Brah, if you can watch the WJ, do it. The way republicans and "independents" grasp at straws is incredible. They live in their own reality
It really is. Some guy just complained about media coverage to C-Span :rofl:  
They air just about everything, mostly without commentary so you can think for yourself.

The host did clap back: "we were here, go to our online library to watch the coverage of the banking fraud investigations, fast and furious, etc..."
Also, for those who missed the FISA hearing yesterday, here's arguably the best part. Sen. Angus King grilled these clowns

Currently watching the Washington Journal on C-Span in anticipation of the hearing and some Bernie Bro caller just called and said "I voted for Bernie but ended up voting for Trump. There's no way I'd vote for a criminal like Hillary Clinton. I also want to talk about Seth Rich and the Podesta emails. A caller earlier asked about that and you were quick to dismiss it, why?" 
I remember saying during the election that any Bernie supporter's that ended up voting for trump never truly believed in Bernie's policy's or ideas and they cant tell me otherwise if they voted for Trump instead.
I remember saying during the election that any Bernie supporter's that ended up voting for trump never truly believed in Bernie's policy's or ideas and they cant tell me otherwise if they voted for Trump instead.
Especially considering just about everything Trump stands for is the polar opposite of Bernie. The few similarities they may share are mostly superficial. 

I can only make sense of that by accounting for a lot of ignorance and/or that they didn't really support Bernie like you said.
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Currently watching the Washington Journal on C-Span in anticipation of the hearing and some Bernie Bro caller just called and said "I voted for Bernie but ended up voting for Trump. There's no way I'd vote for a criminal like Hillary Clinton. I also want to talk about Seth Rich and the Podesta emails. A caller earlier asked about that and you were quick to dismiss it, why?" :smh: :lol:

I remember saying during the election that any Bernie supporter's that ended up voting for trump never truly believed in Bernie's policy's or ideas and they cant tell me otherwise if they voted for Trump instead.

Americans vote for personalities, not policies. Just listen to Trump supporters: none of what they say is based on policy ideas.


Still watching the WJ. One thing I have noticed is that callers who have overseas experience can see how bad things are at the moment.

And people hype this **** up to much.
And people hype this **** up to much.
This. At the end of the day republicans still have to actually care as I said yesterday. And we don't know how much information Comey has or how much he can give in a public setting after his meeting with the special counsel. I'm assuming the "THIS IS A HISTORIC MOMENT, LOCK HIM UP" folks are gonna be in for a big disappointment when the republicans spend the entire hearing asking to explain the unmasking procedure for the 50th time, Hillary's emails and leaks.

One of my views I apply to life in general is to expect the worst, hope for the best. Saves me from a lot of unnecessary disappointment. That's a valuable lesson being chronically ill has taught me. If you expect and prepare yourself for the worst, when it inevitably comes its impact is very minimal.


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