***Official Political Discussion Thread***

My assumptions of the republican line of questioning in order of frequency:



-Hillary's emails

-Trump/the investigation
He's just being Presidential B. DAPPER Don doesnt FEAR LIBBIE SNOWFLAKES B.
But will his legal team be able to prevent da compulsive need to tweet? 

President Trump will watch part of former FBI Director James Comey’s Senate testimony alongside his legal team and advisers, according to NBC News.

Comey will testify to the Senate Intelligence Committee that Trump repeatedly sought to influence the FBI’s investigation into Russian election meddling before firing him, according to his opening statement  released Wednesday.
Onlookers are anxiously waiting to see whether Trump tweets during Comey’s testimony in real time. The Washington Post reported  Tuesday that he may do so if he feels a need to respond.

Trump frequently tweets attacks on opponents, and has gone after Comey a number of times on Twitter since firing him last month.

A Washington bar is offering  a round of drinks every time Trump tweets about former Comey during his highly anticipated Senate testimony.
Wouldn't want to play poker against Comey. Man's face does not move an inch.
Da popcorns heating up in da coal-powered yoppa.

Multi-tasking 38538D chess on da Trump-phone.
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Give me some real time updates NT
I'm on a plane right now, and somehow my wifi only lets me connect to NT :rofl:
Give me some real time updates NT
I'm on a plane right now, and somehow my wifi only lets me connect to NT
Comey basically said he was just as confused by his firing as the rest of the country. He also said the Trump admin. defamed him and the FBI, and that statements such as the FBI workforce losing confidence in him etc. were all lies.

He said the shifting explanations for his firing did not make sense and he was both confused and concerned by Trump's admission with Lester Holt that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

Edit: Comey declined to say if Trump's actions were obstruction of justice, he said that's for the committee to decide.

Edit 2: Sen. Burr (R) asked if the FBI was able to confirm any criminal allegations in the Steele dossier. Comey said he could not answer that in an open session because it would involve methods of gathering intelligence etc.

Edit 3: Hillary's emails. Comey confirming Bill's meeting on the tarmac with Loretta Lynch was the main reason for how he handled the Hillary investigation. There were other minor factors though that he did not specify.
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Give me some real time updates NT

I'm on a plane right now, and somehow my wifi only lets me connect to NT :rofl:
Comey basically said he was just as confused by his firing as the rest of the country. He also said the Trump admin. defamed him and the FBI, and that statements such as the FBI workforce losing confidence in him etc. were all lies.
He said the shifting explanations for his firing did not make sense and he was both confused and concerned by Trump's admission with Lester Holt that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

Edit: Comey declined to say if Trump's actions were obstruction of justice, he said that's for the committee to decide.
Hmmm sounds like Comey is trying to preserve the reputation of the FBI more instead of going after Trump for now. Would be essential in future proceedings if Trump decides to f-word with the FBI again.
Comey said the Attorney General requested he call it a matter instead of an investigation and that concerned him
Ah damn, Sessions was running the offensive/defensive line for Trump and his folks so that the public wouldn't be alarmed.
Comey basically said he was just as confused by his firing as the rest of the country. He also said the Trump admin. defamed him and the FBI, and that statements such as the FBI workforce losing confidence in him etc. were all lies.

He said the shifting explanations for his firing did not make sense and he was both confused and concerned by Trump's admission with Lester Holt that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

Edit: Comey declined to say if Trump's actions were obstruction of justice, he said that's for the committee to decide.

Edit 2: Sen. Burr (R) asked if the FBI was able to confirm any criminal allegations in the Steele dossier. Comey said he could not answer that in an open session because it would involve methods of gathering intelligence etc.

Edit 3: Hillary's emails. Comey confirming Bill's meeting on the tarmac with Loretta Lynch was the main reason for how he handled the Hillary investigation. There were other minor factors though that he did not specify.
Comey decided to make notes of his conversations with Trump because he felt the president might lie about the conversations. He knew that there might come a day where he would need the notes to defend both himself and the FBI.

He only had less than a handful of conversations with Obama and Bush and he did not take notes in either of those conversations. 

Edit: The comittee has requested access to the Comey memos

Edit: Comey stated to Trump that there was no counter-intelligence investigation against him personally. 
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Comey said he never felt the need to keep any memos/notes of his convo's with Dubya or Obama,he knew the manbaby was a special kind of BSer :lol:
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