***Official Political Discussion Thread***

you guys can keep thinking there isn't an agenda, be my guest. There is tho and sooner or later you will feel the repercussions. 

Im not using it as an insult its just a classification of the party views. 

banned why? because my views are different from yours? Its all left in this thread anyways, brainwashed and unaware 
If you don't believe they have an agenda to re-write the constitution of this country you are crazy 
If you don't believe they have an agenda to re-write the constitution of this country you are crazy 

Rewriting it how? Like adding amendments? How dare "they", sorry the left, attempt to do something that has been done 27 times before. :lol:

I'm not even gonna ask the that changes you think "leftist" are gonna make. I have a feeling you can't even answer that question

You're just rambling again

But yes, everyone is delusional in here, except you. Whatever you say buddy :rolleyes
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Rewriting it how? Like adding amendments? How dare "they", sorry the left, attempt to do something that has been done 27 times before. :lol:

I'm not even gonna ask the that changes you think "leftist" are gonna make. I have a feeling you can't even answer that question

You're just rambling again

But yes, everyone is delusional in here, except you. Whatever you say buddy :rolleyes

They want to re-write the 2nd amendment so we become more then ever dependent on big brother. You know this rust
You do know the 2nd Amendment isn't stopping the government if they wanted to be totalitarian or dictatorship.

This isn't 1787. At their disposal, they can use weapons that could level entire metropolitan cities without even stepping foot in them.

But You go on thinking that citizen gun ownership is guaranteeing freedom.
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You do know the 2nd Amendment isn't stopping the government if they wanted to be totalitarian or dictatorship.

This isn't 1787. At their disposal, they can use weapons that could level entire metropolitan cities without even stepping foot in them.

But You go on thinking that citizen gun ownership is guaranteeing freedom.

freedom? It's a constitutional right!!
You do know the 2nd Amendment isn't stopping the government if they wanted to be totalitarian or dictatorship.

This isn't 1787. At their disposal, they can use weapons that could level entire metropolitan cities without even stepping foot in them.

But You go on thinking that citizen gun ownership is guaranteeing freedom.

freedom? It's a constitutional right!!

Are there any "but(s)" to the 2nd Amendment in laws passed since the writing of the constitution?

If so, that's a rhetorical question by the way... Then it's a freedom, not a right.

Also, the Constitution does not specify what arms you can and cannot own.. Whether it's 1 or 1,000. Or from a samurai sword to a nuke.

So unless you think people should be able to own nukes, then you agree that the 2nd Amendment should be infringed.

Also back to Constitution's specificity... So long as they allow you to own just 1 type of arms, your right to bear arms has not been infringed.
You do know the 2nd Amendment isn't stopping the government if they wanted to be totalitarian or dictatorship.

This isn't 1787. At their disposal, they can use weapons that could level entire metropolitan cities without even stepping foot in them.

But You go on thinking that citizen gun ownership is guaranteeing freedom.

freedom? It's a constitutional right!!

Democrats aren't even suggesting rewriting the constitution to do such a thing. You conjecture is off the charts

They most liberal member of Congress hasn't even suggested that during his presidential campaign either.

At this point, you're just embarrassing yourself the more you talk
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Very good points, Essential1.

People should be allowed have firearms but machine guns and all that sort, I don't believe in that.
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Do you really believe that people within the government are deliberately sabotaging the economy in order to bulk up the welfare offices and thus increase government power?

First of all, there is no generic government, we have a collection of elected offices and bureaucracies scattered all around the country at the local, State and Federal level. Government bureaucracies and branches of government are very territorial, they want to expand their own power and budgets but they either do not care about other branches and bureaucracies and they often times see every other part of the state as a rival. The EPA is not deliberately tanking the economy in order to bulk up the various departments that administer welfare. The Federal employees at the EPA do not see the workers at the County welfare office as fellow government workers, they see them as rivals.

Furthermore, tanking the economy can result in your job and your department being diminished. In the United States, in particular, when the economy sags, there are lots of voices who see economic downturns as occasion for austerity. So if the EPA were tanking the economy, they would have to worry that it will result in conservatives getting enough power to disband that department.

Even if tanking the economy results in more government and more welfare, many of the recipients do not even see themselves as beneficiaries of government help. There are plenty of people, especially rural and older white people, who have received all sorts of government help and still call for dismantling the government. Medicare, Social Security, veterans benefits, the mortgage interest write off, EITC, child tax credit, no bid contracts for the defense industry, agricultural subsidies, Federal water projects, below market rate grazing rights and the Federal Reserve's discount window are seen as necessary functions of state taht serve deserving people and businesses. You could bulk up a number of government programs and instead of making the electorate become socialist, you would just fuel the rural white man's delusion that he is a rugged individualist who only needs government to get out of his way.

Finally, I will freely acknowledge that parts of rural America have been left behind and we need to do a lot more to help people who live in place like the Appalachian, Ozark and Klamath Mountains. However, I find it a little bit absurd when conservatives see dismantling the EPA as some sort of viable and sustainable economic program for the rural poor.

The EPA is a law enforcement organization. If the EPA steps aside and lets people cut down entire forests and strip mine mountains because the people there are poor, The DEA, FBI and local police must stand aside and let people folks in the inner city sell drugs with impunity. I have yet to hear a conservative who wants law enforcement in the inner city to cease on account of the poverty there but then they want poor rural people to get a break from a law enforcement agency. It is curious why some poor communities need to be policed remorselessly and other communities need law enforcement to be sensitive to their economic needs and the community's unique history.
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