***Official Political Discussion Thread***

"No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States"

I thought these were the people supposedly devoted to maintaining the sanctity of the Constitution
"No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States"

I thought these were the people supposedly devoted to maintaining the sanctity of the Constitution

Only when convenient :lol:
So Cruz is cool with America having a gay president that starts his day giving wop to his husband. Good for him for being so progressive :smokin
So who do you guys think the democratic Vice President will be? I'm sure on the republican side that when the dust settles and the **** Is cleaned of the fan it will be Rubio with the nomination and John Kasich as their Vice President.

yall are too funny.

im not afraid of gay people.

im not gay.

if you googled "morehouse gay" you would somewhat see what im talking about.

they had to ban crossdressing. imo, that would be considered rampant.
I don't like their line of thinking but nothing in the constitution says candidates can't run on a platform that includes them saying one religion is better than the other

Not the same as not having a religious test.
Kasich had a very long interview with chris matthews and I thought he looked extremely good. Like i was shocked. Handled some really loaded questions well. But i don't know if he's conservative enough.

I think he would have a better shot than rubio in a general election. Ckmes off much more authentic
So who do you guys think the democratic Vice President will be? I'm sure on the republican side that when the dust settles and the **** Is cleaned of the fan it will be Rubio with the nomination and John Kasich as their Vice President.

If Bernie.. I'd fully expect him to ask Elizabeth Warren.

Hillary? Your guess is as good as mine.
Yea this dude Rubio is gonna have to screw up big time to mess up his shot at the nod :lol:. He's really shining tonight in this town hall format where he doesn't have to go back and forth and be on the defensive constantly. His answer on Policing and profiling surprised the hell out of me given that it was one of the rare times I've heard a major GOP politician actually mention and acknowledge the concerns of the black community. He's a good politician I'll give him that,same with Cruz.
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Yea this dude Rubio is gonna have to screw up big time to mess up his shot at the nod :lol:. He's really shining tonight in this town hall format where he doesn't have to go back and forth and be on the defensive constantly. His answer on Policing and profiling surprised the hell out of me given that it was one of the rare times I've heard a major GOP politician actually mention and acknowledge the concerns of the black community. He's a good politician I'll give him that,same with Cruz.

I heard they rewrote ole boy's software in C++, and now he flourishing
Don't think I've seen this many softballs this campaign season :lol:. Cooper is a lion with the tough questions/follow ups when it comes to the Democratic debates/town halls but he becomes a kitten with the GOP ones,there's that damn "Liberal" news media in action for you... :lol: :rolleyes
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Zero questions on how Cruz expects to pay for expanding the Navy and Air Force? Last time I checked new Jets and ships weren't cheap...

:lol: @ him saying that the military should have the right to do whatever they please without civilian oversight . He blamed "olitical correctness" for the military supposedly having their "hands tied behind their backs"
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-Cruz is the scariest candidate because he proposal wild ****, and doesn't say a peep about how he will pay for it. At least I could attach an economic school of thought to Rand Paul wild ideas. Cruz's America sound like it will be a hell hole.

-----I like "black vote pandering" Hillary. :lol:

Ole girl keeps is realer than most high profile national politicians about racism in America. LINK

I would like to see a Sander-Clinton ticket. Trillary would probably serve whatever VP GOP candidate a Biden level fade in a debate.

Because if Bernie runs, I think it would be wise for him to balance the ticket.
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Trump was right,never seen anyone bold faced lie as much as Ted...that's saying something in politics :lol: :x. It's second nature for this dude
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yall are too funny.

im not afraid of gay people.

im not gay.

if you googled "morehouse gay" you would somewhat see what im talking about.

they had to ban crossdressing. imo, that would be considered rampant.

How do you know? Have you tried it?

So who do you guys think the democratic Vice President will be? I'm sure on the republican side that when the dust settles and the **** Is cleaned of the fan it will be Rubio with the nomination and John Kasich as their Vice President.

If Bernie.. I'd fully expect him to ask Elizabeth Warren.

Hillary? Your guess is as good as mine.

No way in hell that it would be Elizabeth Warren, I hope. She's a lot more useful in the senate.
Trump was right,never seen anyone bold faced lie as much as Ted...that's saying something in politics
. It's second nature for this dude
I dunno man.  Christie was up there with the best of 'em.  Buddy never spoke a single damn bit of truth throughout all the debates. 

Guess he was feeling the heat from THE hug with Obama, so he had to overcompensate by making **** up on the fly.  
Dems need to just say f it and whoever wins the nod, have the runner-up be the VP nod. Bernie/Hillary Hillary/Bernie, that's another 8yrs in the white house.

I missed the town hall last night but by the lack of page jumps, I would assume there wasn't much to discuss other than the same ol same ol
robo Rubio or high heels Rubio?

never seen third place get so much attention. it'd be like the media exclusively talking about the cardinals the day after the super bowl.

it's obvious the media and the party want him, but I just can't stomach the idea of 4 years of a president who sounds like he's on the verge of a tantrum every time he speaks.

jeborah is such a nerd. ‘I can’t see without glasses,’ Bush told a New Hampshire crowd... ‘I’m not going to take off my stinking glasses.’ him and Trump remind me of George McFly and Biff.
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The media/powers that be want a Clinton/Rubio election, even a blind person can see that and it's pathetic. They can step in crap and wipe it off in the grass and headline would read "Clinton/Rubio shows they won't take any crap, should this be a qualification for your next President?"
What had Ted Cruz done to get the Latino vote or to cater to them? As a Latino man myself, He reeks of "sellout". Not to mention, he also has a punchable face.
What had Ted Cruz done to get the Latino vote or to cater to them? As a Latino man myself, He reeks of "sellout". Not to mention, he also has a punchable face.

i consider him a sell out just because he doesn't go by Rafael. :lol:

I looked up that he avoided an all-Spanish debate in Texas this past July. He did say his Spanish is bad but also said If we were in Cuba or in Mexico, we'd have a Spanish debate, We speak english in 'Murrica bla bla :rolleyes :stoneface: :smh:

Annnnnd, I havent seen him in no Telemundo/Univision interviews. :lol:
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