***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The Clinton's have been campaigning in the black community for the past 20 years. Bernie shows up 2 weeks before the primary and expects everyone to vote for him. He is doing pretty well considering that he has just shown up.

True, but the Clinton's werent really ever ideal candidates for minorities either based on Bill's policies and laws that Hillary supported. (welfare reform, mass incarceration, drug sentencing, public housing standards)

I think he doesn't want to put too much emphasis on his Civil Rights activities because it may come off as pandering.

The Clinton's are the epitome of panderers.
I'm baffled at the minority turnout Hillary has. Bernie was getting arrested over Civil Rights, while Hillary was volunteering for Goldwater.
baffles me as well. Wish Bernie didn't vote (for what he spoke out about) in the crime bill.

He made a brief mention in the last town hall of his civil rights 'activities' but he is (IMO) overestimating America's ability to truly do there homework.

While we're on this subject,I think it's important to know the reasons why each candidate supported that bill

Here's Bern's explanation

Here's Hillary's around 30 seconds in

Notice a difference?

Bernie never went at her throat for real. I never understood it.

He's not trying to be that kind of politician,whether that's to his advantage or detriment is still up in the air. I'm sure the GOP nominee will make up for it in the general if she gets the nod :lol:.
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Bernie never went at her throat for real. I never understood it.

I don't understand why minorities love hillary either. It's really the main reason she is winning. I wonder how things turn out in the future if u have a young black or hispanic person putting out bernies message
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Bernie never went at her throat for real. I never understood it.

I don't understand why minorities love hillary either. It's really the main reason she is winning. I wonder how things turn out in the future if u have a young black or hispanic person putting out bernies message

It works in their favor and they win. Hell, let a middle aged white man put out Bernie's message and he wipes the floor w/ Hillary. Age and looks play a role, Bernie is older and looks like he's slowly stepping into his grave for the most part :lol:
He's also cranky as **** lol. And has alot of baggage if u look. Soviet union, sandanistas, porn writing, lack of resl job for decades
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The Clinton's have been campaigning in the black community for the past 20 years. Bernie shows up 2 weeks before the primary and expects everyone to vote for him. He is doing pretty well considering that he has just shown up.

True, but the Clinton's werent really ever ideal candidates for minorities either based on Bill's policies and laws that Hillary supported. (welfare reform, mass incarceration, drug sentencing, public housing standards)

Many of the Black people supporting Hillary weren't affected by these policies. Unemployment went down during Clinton's presidency and most working Black people did better than they did under other presidents.

Most of the people hurt by those policies like welfare reform and mass incarceration don't vote

Also, Hillary Clinton is a different person than Bill Clinton.
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Hillary also has an intelligence advantage over Bernie. She is by far the smarter candidate and probably the smartest candidate out of all candidates for President.
:lol: At Bernie supporters still being confused to why black voters supporter Clinton over Bernie.

I have gone over this plenty of times. But here is the short answer once again:

Bernie Sanders has not given most black people a compelling reason to vote for him over Hillary, and most of the reasons his supporters give are weak condescending arguments.

I have made the argument for Bernie Sanders as the best candidate for black America plenty of times in my personal life and once or twice on NT.

But the fact that so many dudes on here just regurgitating the same circlejerk talking points you find on Twitter or Reddit, it leads me to believe this debate is not about addressing the concerns of the black community, and more about just getting votes for Bernie.

Here is hardly any self policing within the Bernie coalition in regards to these condescending tone, which makes it even worst.
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I hate going out to vote and have to pick based on who i hate the least.

I really don't want to vote for Hillary, sadly tho if it's her or a republican i have no choice.
It could change if black voted more for the GOP, change for the worst

Because aligning yourself with the party of white supremacy sound like a greatttttt idea :rolleyes
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:lol: At Bernie supporters still being confused to why black voters supporter Clinton over Bernie.

I have gone over this plenty of times. But here is the short answer once again:

Bernie Sanders has not given most black people a compelling reason to vote for him over Hillary, and most of the reasons his supporters give are weak condescending arguments.

I have made the argument for Bernie Sanders as the best candidate for black America plenty of times in my personal life and once or twice on NT.

But the fact that so many dudes on here just regurgitating the same circlejerk talking points you find on Twitter or Reddit, it leads me to believe this debate is not about addressing the concerns of the black community, and more about just getting votes for Bernie.

Here is hardly any self policing within the Bernie coalition in regards to these condescending tone, which makes it even worst.

This too.
:smh: :smh: the same old story. Nothing will ever change in Black America.




Voting for one of these guys is really going to change things in a good way?
I hate going out to vote and have to pick based on who i hate the least.

I really don't want to vote for Hillary, sadly tho if it's her or a republican i have no choice.

It does suck, Hillary is basically a moderate Republican. The other GOP candidates are just anti-choice, religious zealots.
I hate going out to vote and have to pick based on who i hate the least.

I really don't want to vote for Hillary, sadly tho if it's her or a republican i have no choice.

It does suck, Hillary is basically a moderate Republican. The other GOP candidates are just anti-choice, religious zealots.

No she isn't.

Where do you guys get this stuff from?
speaking of basically being a moderate republican, what ever happened to Harold ford jr?
Because we've been faring so well under Democrats in our local communities and country for so long. More of the same. Keep treading water gentleman.

Well that's up to you voting to get those people out of your local communities and states. There's no way in hell you can convince me or anyone else with common sense that having one of these looneys in the GOP as our president will be an improvement. None.
I'm supporting Rubio this election cycle and have been since he first announced. I find nothing loony about him at all. I also like Kasich but Rubio is easily more electable.
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