Because only deomcrats govern states, counties, and cities occupied by black people
The GOP are currently actively trying to suppress the black vote, but you think that those dudes would be better for the black community.
Let's keep it #1HUNNA, you already said you don't give a **** about anything but your tax bill.
You could careless about the havoc the GOP would unleash on minorities and a macro, or even micro level, as long as you're good individually.
So please, miss this thread with the notion you actually care
First off, I made this thread. I'll comment when I please.
Secondly, you're talking about voter suppression, where was you outrage when the IRS was going out of their way to target GOP organizations. The dirty tricks are on both sides. And yes, I care very little about race relations. However, the reason I bring it up is that I know you all do. So my question is, why keep voting on the same crop of people time and time again who don't do **** for you? A disproportionate amount of black neighborhoodand and counties have all Democrat representatives. And a disproportionate amount of black neighborhoods, have more people making less than the national average, low performing schools, and higher crime. Now if Democrats are the saviors of black people shouldn't these areas all be flourishing? Because the principles of left should be in lockstep with this needs of blacks just like blacka are in lockstep with the Democratic party. So where's the disconnect?
I'm just saying if blacks would break from the norm and actually listen to what a Republican candidate is saying instead of judging them solely because their a republican and if we diversify our vote, maybe things might improve. Because why would any Democratic politician make and keep promises to a group of people that they already know will vote for them.
And if Rubio doesn't get the nomination, I'll probably write his name in. I will not be voting for Hillary or any other candidate.