***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm supporting Rubio this election cycle and have been since he first announced. I find nothing loony about him at all. I also like Kasich but Rubio is easily more electable.

What if he doesn't win the nomination?
Yea, because SC Justices like Scalia are the solution for Black America.

Because we've been faring so well under Democrats in our local communities and country for so long. More of the same. Keep treading water gentleman.

Rightttt Because only deomcrats govern states, counties, and cities occupied by black people :rolleyes

The GOP are currently actively trying to suppress the black vote, but you think that those dudes would be better for the black community. :smh: :lol:

Let's keep it #1HUNNA, you already said you don't give a **** about anything but your tax bill. You make it no secret

You could careless about the havoc the GOP would unleash on minorities and a macro, or even micro level, as long as you're good individually.

So please, miss this thread with the notion you actually care
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No she isn't.

Where do you guys get this stuff from?

We'll see if/when she gets in. She has the same financial backing. She's just not as crazy and knows how to campaign well. More of the same.


Or you could check her position and she has always been relatively liberal, and has gotten more liberal as time as gone on. LINK

There is no "let's see". You have to move to the center to govern most of the time, Bernie will have to as well. T
There is no "let's see". You have to move to the center to govern most of the time, Bernie will have to as well. T

That's just it, the other guys are bat **** crazy, that she'll definitely move to the center, but that's not liberal at all. Hillary definitely know how to maneuver with political winds. What ever the polls say, she's now for it. Not falling for the con game, just sucks we have to settle for the douche or turd sandwich.

She'll just be an pro choice Republican, nothing more.
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Because only deomcrats govern states, counties, and cities occupied by black people

The GOP are currently actively trying to suppress the black vote, but you think that those dudes would be better for the black community. :smh: :lol:

Let's keep it #1HUNNA, you already said you don't give a **** about anything but your tax bill.

You could careless about the havoc the GOP would unleash on minorities and a macro, or even micro level, as long as you're good individually.

So please, miss this thread with the notion you actually care

First off, I made this thread. I'll comment when I please.

Secondly, you're talking about voter suppression, where was you outrage when the IRS was going out of their way to target GOP organizations. The dirty tricks are on both sides. And yes, I care very little about race relations. However, the reason I bring it up is that I know you all do. So my question is, why keep voting on the same crop of people time and time again who don't do **** for you? A disproportionate amount of black neighborhoodand and counties have all Democrat representatives. And a disproportionate amount of black neighborhoods, have more people making less than the national average, low performing schools, and higher crime. Now if Democrats are the saviors of black people shouldn't these areas all be flourishing? Because the principles of left should be in lockstep with this needs of blacks just like blacka are in lockstep with the Democratic party. So where's the disconnect?

I'm just saying if blacks would break from the norm and actually listen to what a Republican candidate is saying instead of judging them solely because their a republican and if we diversify our vote, maybe things might improve. Because why would any Democratic politician make and keep promises to a group of people that they already know will vote for them.

And if Rubio doesn't get the nomination, I'll probably write his name in. I will not be voting for Hillary or any other candidate.
There is no "let's see". You have to move to the center to govern most of the time, Bernie will have to as well. T

That's just it, the other guys are bat **** crazy, that she'll definitely move to the center, but that's not liberal at all. Hillary definitely know how to maneuver with political winds. What ever the polls say, she's now for it. Not falling for the con game, just sucks we have to settle for the douche or turd sandwich.

She'll just be an pro choice Republican, nothing more.

You're moving the goal post:

Then say she will move to the center when she is President

Don't call her a moderate Republican now, because right now, she is firmly a liberal

-And you have no idea to accurately predict what as president. She is imply that she would be a third term Obama, and Obama can't be classified as a "pro choice Republican"
Bodied? Please. I make my opinions known, engage in some back and forth, and when the debate turns to personal attacks and emoticons, as it ALWAYS does, I leave. I have no time for the school yard antics of you and your flunkies.
Because only deomcrats govern states, counties, and cities occupied by black people

The GOP are currently actively trying to suppress the black vote, but you think that those dudes would be better for the black community. :smh: :lol:

Let's keep it #1HUNNA, you already said you don't give a **** about anything but your tax bill.

You could careless about the havoc the GOP would unleash on minorities and a macro, or even micro level, as long as you're good individually.

So please, miss this thread with the notion you actually care

First off, I made this thread. I'll comment when I please.

Secondly, you're talking about voter suppression, where was you outrage when the IRS was going out of their way to target GOP organizations. The dirty tricks are on both sides. And yes, I care very little about race relations. However, the reason I bring it up is that I know you all do. So my question is, why keep voting on the same crop of people time and time again who don't do **** for you? A disproportionate amount of black neighborhoodand and counties have all Democrat representatives. And a disproportionate amount of black neighborhoods, have more people making less than the national average, low performing schools, and higher crime. Now if Democrats are the saviors of black people shouldn't these areas all be flourishing? Because the principles of left should be in lockstep with this needs of blacks just like blacka are in lockstep with the Democratic party. So where's the disconnect?

I'm just saying if blacks would break from the norm and actually listen to what a Republican candidate is saying instead of judging them solely because their a republican and if we diversify our vote, maybe things might improve. Because why would any Democratic politician make and keep promises to a group of people that they already know will vote for them.

And if Rubio doesn't get the nomination, I'll probably write his name in. I will not be voting for Hillary or any other candidate.

-I never said you couldn't post, I said stop acting like you care about what is best about the black community.

-Most black people live in the Southern United States, btw. But yeah, you careless about them, so I didn't expect you to know that.

-The IRS targeting a couple of GOP groups is not the same as voter suppression, NOTE EVEN CLOSE.

A civil rights law was rolled back by SCOUTS, and the GOP made even more attempts to suppress minority votes for political gain.

Of course voter suppression would elicit a much bigger reponse.

-The reason most democrats can't follow through with their policies is because the GOP rights tooth and nail to make sure they pass very little that can help minorities, even if they will help white people too....See the Medicaid gap
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:lol: everyone can hear and see the nonsense the GOP, you want blacks or anyone else to listen to something that's not there? Damn near all of them preach some form of intolerance as well as the stupid supply side economics and not even to delve deep into their foreign policy stances. But the Dems are taking too much of your tax money to try and get us out of a debt that was exploded by the last GOP in charge and actually try and advance social issues and inclusion. But I'm starting to see the light...GOP is def what we need, surely they won't plunge us into another conflict abroad or anything.

And it's hard to enact actual changes when the GOP is hellbent on blocking everything just because. Maybe your beef should be with Congress (on a national level) and local affiliates and not just the figure head at the top cause last I checked they're no dictatorships.
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It is the same. Preventing supporters of the other side from doing what they want.

Bruh, there are a myriad of cities, towns, counties that have majority Democratic representation. So of the point you're making is that the GOP minority is able to still continue to wreak havoc then perhaps you should just stop supporting such a weak party.
You're moving the goal post:

Then say she will move to the center when she is President

Don't call her a moderate Republican now, because right now, she is firmly a liberal

-And you have no idea to accurately predict what as president. She is imply that she would be a third term Obama, and Obama can't be classified as a "pro choice Republican"

Nothing more establishment than the Clinton's, maybe Bush but he thankfully dropped out. If you don't think her backers don't want anything in return for the money they are paying, you're crazy. Besides very little social change, I wouldn't call Obama a liberal either.

You're right, I can't predict what a president is going to be. I really thought Obama would really make a difference and be a lot more liberal, but no, more of the same. I voted for him twice. Hillary can talk a good game, but she knows where her bread is buttered. Hillary is hawkish, business-friendly, pro-TPP etc. Despite whatever she says on the campaign trail.
It is the same. Preventing supporters of the other side from doing what they want.

Bruh, there are a myriad of cities, towns, counties that have majority Democratic representation. So of the point you're making is that the GOP minority is able to still continue to wreak havoc then perhaps you should just stop supporting such a weak party.

And perhaps you should stop endorsing white supremacy just for a slightly fatter paycheck
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Man the writing is on the wall folks. You want something to change, then do something different.

You're right maybe get them Dems back in control of Congress. But not enough people care about mid terms plus the system is rigged in part due to the GOP voter suppression and drawing their own districts.
You're moving the goal post:

Then say she will move to the center when she is President

Don't call her a moderate Republican now, because right now, she is firmly a liberal

-And you have no idea to accurately predict what as president. She is imply that she would be a third term Obama, and Obama can't be classified as a "pro choice Republican"

Nothing more establishment than the Clinton's, maybe Bush but he thankfully dropped out. If you don't think her backers don't want anything in return for the money they are paying, you're crazy. Besides very little social change, I wouldn't call Obama a liberal either.

You're right, I can't predict what a president is going to be. I really thought Obama would really make a difference and be a lot more liberal, but no, more of the same. I voted for him twice. Hillary can talk a good game, but she knows where her bread is buttered. Hillary is hawkish, business-friendly, pro-TPP etc. Despite whatever she says on the campaign trail.

-Sorry to be harsh, but you're being delusional.

-Obama was supported by "the establishment" (funny how this is a dirty word for Sanders supporters :rolleyes) , and he took money from Wall Street.

But go read up on some of the things Obama tried to do, but couldn't.

Even in this first two years he had Blue Dogs to deal with. He wanted a pubic option, he wanted to unleash Elizabeth Warren on Wall Street, he want a infrastructure bill, he passed a stimulus, he wants a jobs bill, he wanted to reform students loans, he nominated liberal Supreme court justices, and he has been pushing for a infrastructure bill.

Most of the more liberal things he wanted to do have been blocked by conservatives.

Being business friendly, or hawkish, or even supporting the TPP doesn't just make someone not a liberal, not even in a economic sense.

If you think that Obama has tried and just have people "more of the same" after Bush and Clinton. Then I don't what to tell you.

Because that is plain and simple not true. Period
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Of course YOU would :rofl:

At least Rico is straight up that he don't care about black folk, you try to fake the funk like you are.

Not a single person believe you famb. Stop it
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