***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Slightly more than half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election if President Trump proposed it to make sure only eligible American citizens can vote, according to a new survey.

According to a poll conducted by two academic authors and published by The Washington Post, 52 percent of Republicans said they would back a postponement of the next election if Trump called for it.

If Trump and congressional Republicans proposed postponing the election to ensure only eligible citizens could vote, support from Republicans rises to 56 percent.

Pollsters found 47 percent of Republicans think Trump won the popular vote.

A majority of Republicans, 68 percent, also thinks millions of illegal immigrants voted in the presidential election and 73 percent think voter fraud happens somewhat or very often.

The poll was conducted from June 5-20 among 1,325 Americans. The survey focused on the 650 respondents who said they identified with or leaned toward the Republican Party.

Earlier this year, Trump called for an election integrity commission to investigate his claims of voter fraud in last year's presidential election.

Dozens of state election officials from both parties have rebuked Trump's claim that millions of illegal votes were cast during the 2016 presidential race

Oh and that dude gracian or whatever is straight up lying

Reddit exposed the bs of trumpees who start off posts with, "im no trump supporter, but _____"

Or: "As an Asian man who owns a small business _____"

Or in this case: "as a guy whose family has been on public assistance for 4 generations"


**** outta here

Nobody speaks like that
Howling at da gawd Kim Jun un calling da Don senile. Kim Jun prob gets all the yambs with his fresh hairstyle. Son keeps the sides looking clean with the fresh faded sides. His Barber is nice.
They're fine with an authoritarian period. Doesn't matter if they agree.

See decades of anti-Russia sentiment ingrained in American culture go away with a simple "why can't we get along with Rusher?"
It's ironic how the same fools that show mistrust of big government and believe in the second amendment in case of a tyrannical government love this guy so much and would be willing to misappropriate power from other branches of government to him if the opportunity presented itself.
Da Don was dumb for firing Comey. Mueller really gonna make the case fit now, since him and Comey are allegedly boys.
Why isn't anyone investigating Lynch? COMET LIED about pretty much everything except the Lynch stuff. FBI needs to stop this Russia nonsense and do their jobs.
Oh and that dude gracian or whatever is straight up lying

Reddit exposed the bs of trumpees who start off posts with, "im no trump supporter, but _____"

Or: "As an Asian man who owns a small business _____"

Or in this case: "as a guy whose family has been on public assistance for 4 generations"


**** outta here

Nobody speaks like that

"When I get off my job at Wendy's"
"When I get off my job at Wendy's"

Ain't nobody working at Wendy's and supporting this:

Hundreds of low-income families are being pushed out of their homes in Cairo, Illinois, as a result of decisions Carson has made in his first few months as HUD secretary. The pair of housing projects at risk have become notorious across the state in the past two years for chronic and possibly criminal mismanagement, sewage backups in parking lots and lawns, dangerous mold, and broken or nonexistent smoke alarms — but HUD’s decision to tear the Elmwood and McBride apartments down rather than fix them leaves 400 Americans looking down the barrel of homelessness.
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