***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Isn't that his first real comment on Putin's retaliation?
And he...thanks him?
Bruh :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Love Don giving Papa VLAD the shout out. DAPPER Don and Papa Vlad are like Bron and Wade in their prime giving each other the assist.

It's ironic how the same fools that show mistrust of big government and believe in the second amendment in case of a tyrannical government love this guy so much and would be willing to misappropriate power from other branches of government to him if the opportunity presented itself.

It's like you're taking crazy pills right? Like you can't believe people are this stupid or naive or ignorant or all of the above, but here we are. WATTBA.
Would be interesting to see if he tipped off manafort that the raid was coming.

**** Jeff Lord, the amount of mental gymnastics this fool used nightly was sickening. Good riddance
i guess it will never end...


I guess all those congressional investigations resulting in nothing weren't enough.
And all those investigations somehow never thought of searching for emails on the State.gov's own email server? That has to come from a Judicial Watch FOIA request? :lol:
If there's anything in there, would that benefit the GOP and get them to go after her? Again, what is preventing them from going after her on the emails right now?
LOCK HER UP isn't a very effective tactic to rile up the base if said person is already locked up.

Willing to sell their country to Russia all in the name of white supremacy, hate for Barack Obama.....and being mad that there are reporcusions for being openly racist.


The Cold War is one of those "that was a different era, get over it" things these idiots say while also bringing up Pearl Harbor and justifying dropping bombs on Japanese civilians because a Japanese man won the Indy 500 in 2017
Benghazi happened in 2012. It's 2017 now. 5 years, about 8 investigations, over 100 interviewed witnesses and millions of taxpayer dollars later and this is still going? And Repubs want the Trump-Russia thing to be done after a few months :lol:

This needs to be read again for emphasis
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