***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Crops rotting because nobody will pick them is unbelievable, but what is not talked about is how it will affect the price of food in the following months (it will go up). Expensive/scarce food is never a good thing for the stability of a society. Just ask the Syrians or all those economic migrants risking their lives to cross the Sahara and the Mediterranean Sea.
Man this is why I love niketalk. There's a forum for everything. Lol. So forgive me in advance because I don't really go in the general forum much...and I don't pay attention to politics but can anyone shed some light on what's going on with North Korea??? I live in California and people on my Facebook are flipping out.

Will NK really hit Guam? Or is this a situation where 2 unstable people are just talking mess? Is this also just propaganda? Does NK have nukes that can legitimately get to us without us interfering??? This is why I started to stay off social media lol

-NK is not capable of hitting mainland America yet (there is speculation they can but other reports say they are still testing a missle that can do it reliably). But from that distance we would probably shoot down the missile in time

-It is threatening Guam because they assume they could hit before it was shot down.

Keep in mind the concern too is our missile defense system has not been tested in these conditions.

-They probably won't do anything because that means the end of the regime. America will invade and tear them up. In the interim there are concerns they might hit other targets in South Korea and Japan. Which still kinda puts us on the line to respond anyway

The only worry is that on one side there is a egotistical, fragile, insecure man child with nuke at his disposal and on the other side there is Kim Jong Un. If you were to choose the two worst people in the world to have a **** measuring contest, it is those two fools.
The only worry is that on one side there is a egotistical, fragile, insecure man child with nuke at his disposal and on the other side there is Kim Jong Un. If you were to choose the two worst people in the world to have a **** measuring contest, it is those two fools.

The other night this worry right here led to my own discovery of the existence of our nations stockpile of Trident II D5 missiles.

Don't get me twisted - I'm beyond grateful for our country's military prowess, but what you highlighted above has me worried as **** that a statement like the one Trump put out the other day could quite literally be acted upon.

Beyond Trump, the U.S. decision makers in this domain on world view level, I don't know if I trust their judgement either.
-NK is not capable of hitting mainland America yet (there is speculation they can but other reports say they are still testing a missle that can do it reliably). But from that distance we would probably shoot down the missile in time

-It is threatening Guam because they assume they could hit before it was shot down.

Keep in mind the concern too is our missile defense system has not been tested in these conditions.

-They probably won't do anything because that means the end of the regime. America will invade and tear them up. In the interim there are concerns they might hit other targets in South Korea and Japan. Which still kinda puts us on the line to respond anyway

The only worry is that on one side there is a egotistical, fragile, insecure man child with nuke at his disposal and on the other side there is Kim Jong Un. If you were to choose the two worst people in the world to have a **** measuring contest, it is those two fools.

Appreciate the response bro. I kinda had a feeling it was both guys blowing smoke but you never know lol...living in Cali people started freaking out (I don't blame them with the guy we have in the White House lol) but people are making it seem like it's going to be like Pearl Harbor and we are going to be running for cover any second now. I assume with all the technology we have (including the tech we don't know of) we should be fine. Hell....I wouldn't be surprised if we had some crazy tech that no one knows about that's already in NK LOL
luckily there are many checks and balances that come with nuclear weapons that should limit us from total global annihilation. but we could still see some nonsense where hundreds of thousands of people die unnecessarily.

also, chaos can quickly ensue. let's say NK sends a bomb in the direction of Guam just to spite trump. trump responds with a big attack on NK even though China protests. China bombs a target in the USA, lines of communications go out, and within hours, before anyone really has figured out what's going on, we're in a global nuclear war.

i doubt this would happen. but, given it has a tiny chance of happening, that's why you don't **** around when talking about nuclear war like what trump is doing. :smh:
I assume with all the technology we have (including the tech we don't know of) we should be fine. Hell....I wouldn't be surprised if we had some crazy tech that no one knows about that's already in NK LOL

My old man still talks about the "Star Wars" program at least once every 6 months :lol:
something I found interesting in that Jeffrey Lord clip I posted, he preludes his bigoted comment with, "I used to support the congressional black caucus, but I've changed my mind..."

I used to support ____, but now I've changed my mind about ____ because ____

Is in the same family as the previously mentioned:

"I don't even support Trump, but ____"

"As a black man, ____"

"_____, and I actually voted for Hillary."

Don't give those fools the benefit of the doubt. Don't believe any of that **** when you hear or read it, unless you know it's true. It's all just a weak *** tactic.
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And just to add to that, we all know how someone speaks when they REALLY voted for a candidate that they now dont approve of and they feel like sold them out.

It usually goes something like:

doesn't matter how anyone prefaces "but i think trump is right." they're a racist and traitor for supporting the treasonous bigot.

3 2 1 ... someone gonna come in and lecture me about how I'm too mean and how this isn't conducive to open dialogue...
And just to add to that, we all know how someone speaks when they REALLY voted for a candidate that they now dont approve of and they feel like sold them out.

It usually goes something like:

That man (can we even call him human?) is a snowflake! A disgusting libbie posing as a conservative but they weren't ready for the coal train. We don't want them either because now we have a smaller payroll.

We're going to save a lot of money.
I'm not sure I can go as far as saying every Trump supporter is racist, but everyone who supports him is certainly responsible for allowing the propogation of his bigotry.

There are gullible and desperate people out there who were conned, and there are also greedy and/or ignorant people that can't see the big picture benefit of social programs who also might not trust the government in properly spending tax dollars in the first place.

The latter point, creating mistrust of government, is a big part of how conservative politicians fool people into shifting the power balance to corporations and billionaires.
I also have to note though that a lot of people in those groups I described have a tendency to be racist. But I can't say they all are.

I think another phenomenon we see happen though is that someone's political leanings may start with just one of those aforementioned concepts, but then the cognitive dissonance and propaganda machines lead them to subscribe to the whole republican lifestyle and adopt the bigotry.

It's harder for people to just say I'm greedy and only care about the bottom line in my tax dollars, so it's appealing to add layers of belief and meaning to it and say things like I don't want my tax dollars going to illegals and lazy people.
-NK is not capable of hitting mainland America yet (there is speculation they can but other reports say they are still testing a missle that can do it reliably). But from that distance we would probably shoot down the missile in time

-It is threatening Guam because they assume they could hit before it was shot down.

Keep in mind the concern too is our missile defense system has not been tested in these conditions.

-They probably won't do anything because that means the end of the regime. America will invade and tear them up. In the interim there are concerns they might hit other targets in South Korea and Japan. Which still kinda puts us on the line to respond anyway

The only worry is that on one side there is a egotistical, fragile, insecure man child with nuke at his disposal and on the other side there is Kim Jong Un. If you were to choose the two worst people in the world to have a **** measuring contest, it is those two fools.

Fam there literally is no worst pair in the entire planet to have this kind of pissing contest, dudes are mirror images of each other, straight up ****boys handed the red buttons....crazy, I really doubt these fools won't hesitate once to push that button in order to appear tougher.
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