***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Dudes aren't even here to dissociate this from their lord and emperor. They legitimately came in here to try to defend and excuse these actions.

And in doing so just to let you fools know when you attempt to move the goal posts it's too ****in late this time. Your instinct was to defend it BECAUSE you know it's related to your president who has neo-nazis as some of his closest advisors.
I think we can all agree that Islamic terrorism is the most brutal and gruesome at this time. White supremacist terrorism however is still a very significant domestic threat. One that Trump refuses to name and fully acknowledge.


Thats wild. Sick as f


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Personally i would say islamic extremisim is worse just because of all the videos ive seen

They throw gays off ledges, they burn n mutilate people they capture, they rape women, they do a lot of more extreme stuff than that but i stopped watching after they burnt the jordinian pilot alive

**** white supremists but they aint doing that stuff
Not in which is worse, in your instinctual response to condemn something like this.

You may not even be conscious of it, but do you think you would have been waiting to let all the facts come out had this been a Muslim driver plowing over Christians?
Stated this before but there absolutely no way in hell da ninja expresses his political views IRL to anyone in his neighborhood or any other parts of NYC.

Dude would be laughed out of every barbershop and ran off every block. Getting his shoulders clapped constantly.
keep moving that goal post from where i left it at "people die over pettiness all da time"
And I said that's not ok...I didn't move my goal post at all. Sounds like you lack empathy for those that die from "pettiness".
"Islamic terrorism is worse cuz violence I watched and read about on the internet" while ignoring the history of white supremacy around the entire planet is outright stupid.

if we're keeping tabs, "white supremacists" only got a couple hundred years old.
.. Islamic radicalization & Sharia law is about a millennium+

but at this point this is da grivence Olympics.
if we're keeping tabs, "white supremacists" only got a couple hundred years old.
.. Islamic radicalization & Sharia law is about a millennium+

but at this point this is da grivence Olympics.

Yeah that's American white supremacy though. It goes back further than the Confederate flag but you knew that already.

I don't go for the "one is worse than the other" game. White supremacists are more of a threat to American safety in this country than Islamic jihadists and that is the issue to me. **** both groups but one of them needs more of a focus in this country, quickly.
I don't go for the "one is worse than the other" game. White supremacists are more of a threat to American safety in this country than Islamic jihadists and that is the issue to me. **** both groups but one of them needs more of a focus in this country, quickly.

Yeah that's American white supremacy though. It goes back further than the Confederate flag but you knew that already.

I don't go for the "one is worse than the other" game. White supremacists are more of a threat to American safety in this country than Islamic jihadists and that is the issue to me. **** both groups but one of them needs more of a focus in this country, quickly.

Agreed. The right thrives on this idea that Islamic terrorism is a huge threat such that we need to discriminate against anyone that is brown. The reality is that the country experiences white terrorism on a regular basis and it's conveniently ignored.
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