***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Gwap just mad [emoji]128533[/emoji]. These dudes still repping the ppl that put us 20 trillion in debt and are in straight denial
good lord...

we have a surplus with clinton...

we get to bush, end up in two wars, historically low tax rates and a housing market collapse....

but the national debt was given to us by the democratic party?

can't wait to see how he blames race for this...

"are you saying only whites cause the deficit to rise?"
The bipartisan CBO said that the surplus would grow so much that America would be debt free within like a decade, even with a couple recession, even with going to Afghanistan, that still could have been true. Even the great recession probably couldn't have stopped that day from coming

So there would have been money for free community college, for universal healthcare, to fix our infrastructure, and have a robust jobs bill that could have help tons of lower class people. Hell even people we release out of jails.

But instead, Bush pissed that money away on tax breaks for the most wealthy Americans. Obama then comes in and fixes the country Bush and the GOP left in ruins. He even gets smacked away constantly everything he suggests that America reinvest in the middle class and poor. And now, after 8 years of fiscal sanity, the GOP want to go back to the destructive behavior that threw away the nation's last hope of financial security.

Not only that, they want to supercharge what Bush did, because when policies fail, the best move is to always double down on them. Ask Kansas how that plan is going btw.

-But they, Obama gives people healthcare and stuff. So **** him for incidentally trying to improve people's lives, making them dependent on the "system" . Ohh them damb lefties :rolleyes
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Bingo. They don't want to hear that though.

Who doesn't want to hear that?

of course there are racist democrats many of them are trump supporters. what does that have to do with anything?:lol:

I'm not coming at you at all fam. It's just a broad statement. I prob shouldn't have quoted you.. We keep putting these race issues at the front line like that's what really matters first, but look at what a democrat black president did to suppress racism in almost 8 years in office. They are not the race saviours of America.

Why white supremacists tend to vote republican tho? I don't know maybe they don't like to pay more tax that's going to be given back to the black community (in their eyes). That is not my opinion tho, it just seems as the only thing that would make possible sense with them if race is the actual issue

How old are you b?

they support the republican party because the republican party espouses positions that target black folks and use coded language tthat plays on the racial anxieties of white Americans.
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Trump's rallies feel way too much like a WWE event for me not to think they are staged.

The question of why blacks don't vote for Bernie is interesting. A big part of it is probably Bill's past popularity but I think it goes deeper than that. I feel like a southern white liberal gives an advantage over being a northeast white liberal. The latter tends to come across as more paternal and condescending. That's my naive read at least.

As for Republicans (this is pertinent to the discussion a couple pages back), Rex's analysis is spot-on. The elites have somehow managed to lump together free economy (that favors the rich) with social conservatism. Pandering to people's fears on guns/2nd amendment, on immigration and terrorism, on social policies being the reason why the economy isn't good (even when the economy is good), and so on has been their way of doing this. At the same time, democrats sometimes do the same, especially on foreign policy and this college-student-level oversimplification that we shouldn't spend any money or efforts on international issues.
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He thinks lefties political opinions are formed by Blitz and Cooper. :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:

Same folks would have you believe the myth that the corporate MSN is "far left" :lol:. Just watch the difference in how the moderators act in both GOP and Dem debates to see if that's true :lol:
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Who doesn't want to hear that?

of course there are racist democrats many of them are trump supporters. what does that have to do with anything?:lol:
How old are you b?

they support the republican party because the republican party espouses positions that target black folks and use coded language tthat plays on the racial anxieties of white Americans.

I'm 30 btw. Please show me these coded languages you speak of that target black folk. There are successful black entrepreneurs, lawyers, members of the govt and even doctors that are republicans. I do not see what your point is.

good lord...

we have a surplus with clinton...

we get to bush, end up in two wars, historically low tax rates and a housing market collapse....

but the national debt was given to us by the democratic party?

can't wait to see how he blames race for this...

"are you saying only whites cause the deficit to rise?"

If you think the housing bubble was caused by bush alone, you are mistaken my friend. Clinton went to great lengths to help less qualified people become homeowners under his presidency. You should look into that more before you speculate (The re-write of the community reinvestment act).
Actually bush was for tightening Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac regulation but congress didn't move.
What about Meryl lynch and there business deals regarding sub-prime mortgages? Or how China fueled the fire with an agenda to keep their currency devalued?

Sloppy mortgage lending to less then qualified people was the main issue here and this began under Clinton policy... It just took time to manifest

How much money did Obama spend since he came to office? Yes the leftists more then doubled the debt.
He thinks lefties political opinions are formed by Blitz and Cooper. :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:

Same folks would have you believe the myth that the corporate MSN is "far left" :lol:. Just watch the difference in how the moderators act in both GOP and Dem debates to see if that's true :lol:

Yeah, There's no such thing left far media in this country.

Or at least far left big media.

Just based on the way ideas work, it much easier to get the masses to favor the status quo/yesterday's golden era etc.

Change is scary and most people don't like it. A lot Conservatives rather dream of returning to a golden yesterday that never really was.
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Prove that Obama is the cause off the "debt doubling"

Correlation doesn't equal causation.

Or maybe it was Bush's wars and tax cuts have been the main drivers of the Nation's debt since Clinton left office
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Now we're gonna fake like dog whistle politics don't exist. Idk why y'all are arguing with homie he's clearly so far deluded up his own *** he can't think straight
Prove that Obama is the cause off the "debt doubling"

Correlation doesn't equal causation.

Or maybe it was Bush's wars and tax cuts have been the main drivers of the Nation's debt since Clinton left office

National debt when Obama entered office- 10.6t
National debt (including the new spending plan that will resume until the end of his presidency) 21t
He thinks lefties political opinions are formed by Blitz and Cooper. :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:

Same folks would have you believe the myth that the corporate MSN is "far left" :lol:. Just watch the difference in how the moderators act in both GOP and Dem debates to see if that's true :lol:

Yeah, There's no such thing left far media in this country.

Or at least far left big media.

Just based on the way ideas work, it much easier to get the masses to favor the status quo/yesterday's golden era etc.

Change is scary and most people don't like it. A lot Conservatives rather dream of returning to a golden yesterday that never really was.

More people watch Fox News than every single other cable news network combined.

This notion of a liberal media is idiotic.
This guy endorsed Trump:


"....and a child shall lead them" At least 1 person who just so happens to be a child doesn't want to be a member on the **** train. Good for him at least. The adults should know better.
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