***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Take a better look into the democratic history regarding the leadership of the city of detroit and how the ridiculous public pension program sent them into bankruptcy to have a better understanding 

Public Pension Program does not hurt the city at all.... IF the jobs are still there.... And why are the jobs not there anymore...
1. Dismantled entire industries to get away from unions with help of Republican politicians on State and National Levels
2. When they moved them to other cities in the South that did not have unions (along with to other countries), they dismantled those towns they left, and within 2 decades when they moved from non-union states to other countries, they dismantled those towns as well.

Another example, Youngstown Ohio which has a higher poverty rate than Detroit... Had a booming steel industry, and large middle class. When the steel industry left, the city went into massive poverty. Those that could leave did, those that couldn't have a lack of options to enter into well paying jobs, which leads to lower education and generational poverty

That same public pension program was in large part what created a large and thriving middle class, that was allowed the creation generational income, across racial lines.

But once that entire industry is dismantled, and there isn't a new industry to replace it... You LOSE millions and eventually billions of dollars of tax revenue, that would not only pay the pension program, BUT continue to fund emergency services
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-If the topic is racism , you seem to have a very elementary understanding of it. Because the concepts of white supremacy and systemic racism are lost on you

Not only that, you're trying to compare street gangs to a hate group, at also used to indulge in domestic terrorism

-Someone of the things that lead to the downfall of those cities were out of the hands of the "leftist" that ran them.

-And the poorest states in the country are run by Republicans btw. But of course, you will completely ignore this fact

The only comparison i made of those groups were size. The KKK isn't even the size of a modern day street gang...  

My point being that there is racism on both sides of the spectrum. thats all.

and you keep mentioning white supremacy like black supremacy doesn't exist brother 

More proof you have no idea what you're talking about.

What institutionalize programs and policies have blacks ever put in place to harm or disproportionately hurt white people?

That is white supremacy. It is not plain ole racism, or hate, it is using economic and social policies to keep one race oppressed

The black community has never done that.

-Anther way to put it, there is institutionalized racism against blacks, there is none against whites
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More proof you have no idea what you're talking about.

What institutionalize programs and policies have blacks ever put in place to harm or disproportionately hurt white people?

That white supremacy. It is not plain ole racism, or hate, it is using economic and social policies to keep one race oppressed

The black community has never done that
What policies that are in place right now do this to JUST black people? 
More proof you have no idea what you're talking about.

What institutionalize programs and policies have blacks ever put in place to harm or disproportionately hurt white people?

That white supremacy. It is not plain ole racism, or hate, it is using economic and social policies to keep one race oppressed

The black community has never done that

What policies that are in place right now do this to JUST black people? 

Cute, you think if you can show that white people are hurt by any given program then it is not racist.

Here educate yourself:

This the modern face of white supremacy, policies that disproportionately hurt black people and their communities.

And I wouldn't even go back in time, because the Civil Rights movement was fairly recent
What policies that are in place right now do this to JUST black people? 
Who Is Impacted by Voter ID Laws?

Laws that require photo ID at the polls vary, but the strictest laws limit the forms of acceptable documentation to only a handful of cards. For example, in Texas, voters must show one of seven forms of state or federal-issue photo ID, with a valid expiration date: a driver’s license, a personal ID card issued by the state, a concealed handgun license, a military ID, citizenship certificate or a passport. The name on the ID must exactly match the one on the voter rolls.

African-Americans and Latinos are more likely to lack one of these qualifying IDs, according to several estimates. Even when the state offers a free photo ID, these voters, who are disproportionately low-income, may not be able to procure the underlying documents, such as a birth certificate, to obtain one.

In Texas, for example, challengers to the law cited an African-American grandmother who could not afford the $25 to purchase her birth certificate to get an ID, and an elderly African-American veteran and longtime voter who was turned away at the polls in 2013 despite having three types of ID, because none qualified under the new law.

And new research from the Government Accountability Office, an independent agency that prepares reports for members of Congress, suggests that voter ID laws are having an impact at the polls. Turnout dropped among both young people and African-Americans in Kansas and Tennessee after new voter ID requirements took effect in 2012, the study found.

Six of the 16 states that have passed voter ID laws since 2010 have a documented history of discriminating against minority voters. All but one of those states’ laws were put in place after the Supreme Court overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act that required them to seek approval from the Justice Department for any voting-law changes.
What policies that are in place right now do this to JUST black people? 
Who Is Impacted by Voter ID Laws?

Laws that require photo ID at the polls vary, but the strictest laws limit the forms of acceptable documentation to only a handful of cards. For example, in Texas, voters must show one of seven forms of state or federal-issue photo ID, with a valid expiration date: a driver’s license, a personal ID card issued by the state, a concealed handgun license, a military ID, citizenship certificate or a passport. The name on the ID must exactly match the one on the voter rolls.

African-Americans and Latinos are more likely to lack one of these qualifying IDs, according to several estimates. Even when the state offers a free photo ID, these voters, who are disproportionately low-income, may not be able to procure the underlying documents, such as a birth certificate, to obtain one.

In Texas, for example, challengers to the law cited an African-American grandmother who could not afford the $25 to purchase her birth certificate to get an ID, and an elderly African-American veteran and longtime voter who was turned away at the polls in 2013 despite having three types of ID, because none qualified under the new law.

And new research from the Government Accountability Office, an independent agency that prepares reports for members of Congress, suggests that voter ID laws are having an impact at the polls. Turnout dropped among both young people and African-Americans in Kansas and Tennessee after new voter ID requirements took effect in 2012, the study found.

Six of the 16 states that have passed voter ID laws since 2010 have a documented history of discriminating against minority voters. All but one of those states’ laws were put in place after the Supreme Court overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act that required them to seek approval from the Justice Department for any voting-law changes.

This is very solid too
Harris Teeter must be racist bc they asked me for my ID tonight when I bought beer.
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Public Pension Program does not hurt the city at all.... IF the jobs are still there.... And why are the jobs not there anymore...
1. Dismantled entire industries to get away from unions with help of Republican politicians on State and National Levels
2. When they moved them to other cities in the South that did not have unions (along with to other countries), they dismantled those towns they left, and within 2 decades when they moved from non-union states to other countries, they dismantled those towns as well.

Another example, Youngstown Ohio which has a higher poverty rate than Detroit... Had a booming steel industry, and large middle class. When the steel industry left, the city went into massive poverty. Those that could leave did, those that couldn't have a lack of options to enter into well paying jobs, which leads to lower education and generational poverty

That same public pension program was in large part what created a large and thriving middle class, that was allowed the creation generational income, across racial lines.

But once that entire industry is dismantled, and there isn't a new industry to replace it... You LOSE millions and eventually billions of dollars of tax revenue, that would not only pay the pension program, BUT continue to fund emergency services
NO man you are wrong. Mid-range cars are not hard to produce, and we have the ability to do so. The asians came in and ate our lunch and we stopped innovating. 

- the pension program was not for auto workers, it was for public workers of the municipality. 
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Voter ID & traffic tickets are not targeting JUST black people. Give me a ******* break. There is no rhetoric in law asserting that these instances are to target black folk specifically. 
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- the pension program was not for auto workers, it was for public workers of the municipality. 

They are intricately linked.

The entire city was booming because of factory jobs. When those factory jobs are gone... They lost a significant amount of their revenue.. No revenue = no money... No money = they can't buy things or fund things.

And Public Pensions, also do create forms of generational wealth.
They are intricately linked.

The entire city was booming because of factory jobs. When those factory jobs are gone... They lost a significant amount of their revenue.. No revenue = no money... No money = they can't buy things or fund things.

And Public Pensions, also do create forms of generational wealth.
No they are not. Pensions going to the workers of the city have nothing to do with the auto industry 
So illegal immigrants deserve to vote now? 
i forgot.. Obama granted an amnesty loop hole he relied on to get the illegals to vote 
They are intricately linked.

The entire city was booming because of factory jobs. When those factory jobs are gone... They lost a significant amount of their revenue.. No revenue = no money... No money = they can't buy things or fund things.

And Public Pensions, also do create forms of generational wealth.

No they are not. Pensions going to the workers of the city have nothing to do with the auto industry 

Yes they do.

When you have high employment... High paying jobs.... That create generational wealth...

Do you know what that creates for a city?

Tax revenue. Added population, and added business in different industries seeking to take advantage of that thriving working class..

It creates a constant flow of money to the city...

And what can the city do with that? Fund pensions... And other city services.
what a grea
Yes they do.

When you have high employment... High paying jobs.... That create generational wealth...

Do you know what that creates for a city?

Tax revenue. Added population, and added business in different industries seeking to take advantage of that thriving working class..

It creates a constant flow of money to the city...

And what can the city do with that? Fund pensions... And other city services.
so they need 1 city worker for every 50 people? Your missing the point here
So illegal immigrants deserve to vote now? 

i forgot.. Obama granted an amnesty loop hole he relied on to get the illegals to vote :lol:

Show me any evidence that Barack Obama relied on the votes of undocumented immigrants to win any presidential election.

Provide proof for this nonsense claim.

Matter of fact, show me any study that shows voter fraud is a problem in America

-Ask for a ID is one thing, but republicans then take it to another level and make it difficult to obtain a ID, by restricting access to DMV's and other places that issue state IDs.

You don't see republicans championing any programs that would make it easier for poor people, i.e minorities, to vote.

It is voter suppression plain and simple, and it is disgusting, plain and simple.

Punishing minorities because they tend to vote democrat
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So illegal immigrants deserve to vote now? 

Who made that point? The thing is these voter ID laws arent just saying "come with your drivers license and you're set". It's making it harder for people to vote. And they disproportionately affect people of color. You don't have to specifically call out black people in a laws verbiage for a law or policy to directly target black people. If for instance if there was a statistic that said 85% of black voters vote at 6pm on Thursdays. If all of a sudden a law comes to pass that voting facilities have to close at 3pm on Thursday. Who does that law disproportionately affect?
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Who made that point? The thing is these voter ID laws arent just saying "come with your drivers license and you're set". It's making it harder for people to vote. And they disproportionately affect people of color. You don't have to specifically call out black people in a laws verbiage for a law or policy to directly target black people. If for instance if there was a statistic that said 85% of black voters vote at 6pm on Thursdays. If all of a sudden a law comes to pass that voting facilities have to close at 3pm on Thursday. Who does that law disproportionately affect?
Its making it harder for PEOPLE to vote. Not BLACK PEOPLE. This includes WHITE HISPANIC ASIAN LATINO people ect. 
How hard is it to bring a damn ID to vote :lol: This is such fake outrage over this issue. I guess no one here has ever bought alcohol, cigarettes, etc.
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