***Official Political Discussion Thread***

u liked da post on whether "Dominicans have Monuments worshipping their oppressors" meanwhile Puerto Rican has da biggest Columbus Statue on Planet Earth that was recently built...

da chutzpah coming from you had to be highlighted.


Ninja Hoodstein wit da Yiddish :rofl: :rofl:

My mans is in the crib listening to a Barbara Streisand reggaeton mix, and he has HAD IT!!!

I like how he highlighted the word to make everyone know he is using a special word. Or his copy and paste included the italic :lol:

Talk yo **** Bubbee, talk yo ****
This is now the most liked Tweet of all time


:pimp: I know this will eat at Trump's fragile *** too.

-The black baby like "What you mean Michelle ain't with you, this some ******....."
I thought Latinos aren't a monolith? But now this guy is speaking on behalf of Mexicans?
liked that tweet just because i know it'll piss off covfefe while he's walking around in his adult diapers tonight
Just peeped on fb.. 9 alt right demonstrations apparently scheduled for next weekend in different cities

Isn't the first and won't be the last time you hear me say this, we need to start having discussions about limiting hate speech. I know it's a slippery slope but instead of asking where does it end we need to start asking where to begin to fix this ****
Side note, but remember back in the day when you had much more free time, because you didn't spend hours each day concerned about a ws man-baby as president and the emergence of nazis on american soil leading to an implosion?

I want my leisure time back
we aren't but im still latino, thats why i can rib him on da border..i wouldn't recommend your Asian self to rib a Hispanic.

Oh race jokes are cool now.

I remember you taking objection to black NTers insult black Trump supporters. Even complaining to Meth about it. Your hypocrisy are like Trump's tweets, there is one for every occasion.

And you record of xenophobia has not been restricted to just this example anyway

You're not Mexican, so please spare use the excuses now that you got called out.
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