***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The majority do share our views. Hilary won the popular vote.

One thing they often do not mention when they come complaining here about the "silent majority" is that the geographic distribution of the votes has a lot more influence than it should over who would be elected. The overwhelming majority of the country lives in large cities, which means that votes in sparsely populated areas have way more weight on the outcome of the election.

:smh: This dude can't be serious with this
it's hard to make o'rielly look like MLK but, my god, ****er carlson has pulled it off!
You can't debate with facts so you try to label me as a racist. The true sign of lack of intelligence. I come from a multi-racial family. Black, white, Mexican, Jewish and the KKK have actually murdered one of my family members, idiot. Has the KKK ever murdered one of your family members? People like you are the worst of the worst.
When did I label you a racist? I said they were like minded people. I meant they all support Trump

I'm sorry if the fact Trump has the white supremacist vote upsets you.

And cut the Paris Denard BS. Talking about the worst of the worst. The terrorist white supremacist that probably voted for Trump and than killed a girl this weekend is the worst of the worst. People that deny Trump blatant racism is the worst of the worst. And people who rather play victim than open the eyes to the disgusting **** this president is doing is the worst of the worst.

And you don't even know how proportions work, and you want to insult someone's intelligence. Stanley please, no one is biting on your rustling attempt.
One thing they often do not mention when they come complaining here about the "silent majority" is that the geographic distribution of the votes has a lot more influence than it should over who would be elected. The overwhelming majority of the country lives in large cities, which means that votes in sparsely populated areas have way more weight on the outcome of the election.
In big cities, 95% of my friends and people I come across are anti-trump.

Whenever I meet someone new, I always hold back any political views at first. I let them reveal first how they feel.

Like I said, 95% of the time, they express disgust and hate for trump, and we bond over that.

As others who live in big cities know, we cross paths with multitudes of people.

So those who say otherwise, that the "silent majority" is ok with trump, are living in middle of nowhere.

Everyone of my Republican friends has also expressed disgust and hate for trump, and this was before the events of this week.

so **** out of there with your blatant lies and mischaracterizations.
I have minority relatives..........I can't be racist..............:lol: :lol: The fact you felt this proves anything speaks volumes
Tucker is downplaying slavery by acting like it was business as usual

Wretched human being...and I use that term loosely

Do you really think IGAF what you or any other hater thinks. Rhetorical, btw. Thanks for demonstrating the mentality of people like you. Cry like a little girl about racism, but when someone on the other side of the isle actually has a family member murdered by the KKK (decades ago, btw) they're a liar.

For the guy trying to dismiss the electoral system it is designed so states have equal representation. If we didn't have it then four states would decide everything. New York, California, Texas, and Florida. Too bad it'll never be changed and your side is doing nothing to change it, just bringing it up to make you fall inline, which you do at the drop of a hat.
Tucker is downplaying slavery by acting like it was business as usual

i mean...back then? it was.

someone had to remind me da Trail Of Tears included black slaves that da Native Americans owned....

*sigh* tucker....i rather watch paint dry then his show.
You can't debate with facts so you try to label me as a racist. The true sign of lack of intelligence. I come from a multi-racial family. Black, white, Mexican, Jewish and the KKK have actually murdered one of my family members, idiot. Has the KKK ever murdered one of your family members? People like you are the worst of the worst.

Nobody trust ya lying *** type son. :lol:
Do you really think IGAF what you or any other hater thinks. Rhetorical, btw. Thanks for demonstrating the mentality of people like you. Cry like a little girl about racism, but when someone on the other side of the isle actually has a family member murdered by the KKK (decades ago, btw) they're a liar.

Whatever you say LIAR
Do you really think IGAF what you or any other hater thinks. Rhetorical, btw. Thanks for demonstrating the mentality of people like you. Cry like a little girl about racism, but when someone on the other side of the isle actually has a family member murdered by the KKK (decades ago, btw) they're a liar.

For the guy trying to dismiss the electoral system it is designed so states have equal representation. If we didn't have it then four states would decide everything. New York, California, Texas, and Florida. Too bad it'll never be changed and your side is doing nothing to change it, just bringing it up to make you fall inline, which you do at the drop of a hat.
Actually no. The Electoral College was not to give states equal representation. That is nonsense, it was to prevent the "tyranny of the majority". Basically empower minority factions against majority factions,.

Also because the GOP pushed through a cap on House reps int he 1910s, smaller states have gained even more power within the system.

If we worked with the rules before that happen, with each vote counting the same (cause you no, that whole slavery thing), then the Dems would destroy the GOP. Just off of Cali and NY alone.

For someone claiming to be so intelligent. Sure don't know much. Just spewing right wing defensive talking points

And haters? :lol: :lol: Your struggle ranting is not worth someone feeling a sense of hate toward you. I feel pity more than anything else for you. You be this fragile, so sad, so SAD!
When did I label you a racist? I said they were like minded people. I meant they all support Trump

I'm sorry if the fact Trump has the white supremacist vote upsets you.

How did you label me a racist? You told me to go to a Nazi and KKK site.
With your logic, if a Nazi/racist supports said politician then said politician is guilty by association, right?
Pot meet kettle in the attached image.

You calling Trump a racist doesn't upset me because it's not true. Just because his mentor was a Robert Byrd, KKK grand cyclops and he called black kids super predators....oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton, but her actually ties to racists is ignored by people like you.

You can't even be honest with yourself that why you can't be taken seriously. Another reason why people like you are so easy to dismiss.


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i mean...back then? it was.

someone had to remind me da Trail Of Tears included black slaves that da Native Americans owned....

*sigh* tucker....i rather watch paint dry then his show.
Here's the problem with Tucker's assessment though....just because slavery was the norm until 1860s doesn't mean that we should look back at say "well it wasn't all too bad, everyone had slaves!"
With that Tucker logic, we might as well say "well segregation is bad, but back then everyone had seperate bathrooms just 50 years ago, the entire South followed Jim Crow laws!"
That part of history should be remembered, but not celebrated or be justified.
How did you label me a racist? You told me to go to a Nazi and KKK site.
With your logic, if a Nazi/racist supports said politician then said politician is guilty by association, right?
Pot meet kettle in the attached image.

You calling Trump a racist doesn't upset me because it's not true. Just because his mentor was a Robert Byrd, KKK grand cyclops and he called black kids super predators....oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton, but her actually ties to racists is ignored by people like you.

You can't even be honest with yourself that why you can't be taken seriously. Another reason why people like you are so easy to dismiss.

The fact you have these queued up checks another caricature box. Geez dude

And I am sorry if you can't handle the fact that the most avid Trump supporters on the internet and real life and vile racist. Not my fault, it is Trump's. But those dudes are a members of your coalition, accept that.
Here's the problem with Tucker's assessment though....just because slavery was the norm until 1860s doesn't mean that we should look back at say "well it wasn't all too bad, everyone had slaves!"
With that Tucker logic, we might as well say "well segregation is bad, but back then everyone had seperate bathrooms just 50 years ago, the entire South followed Jim Crow laws!"
That part of history should be remembered, but not celebrated or be justified.
Being a damb slave owner with not some burden. Dude had a choice, many white people didn't have slaves during that Era, some freed their family slaves, there were abolitionist. Tucker tries to make the "well everyone was doing it" excuse. That **** doesn't fly because other people made choices to not be part of that system.
Why these dudes always come on here and complain about liberal slant? What grown man willingly out here going to places on the internet to ***** and moan?

I'm saying. The internet is vast, you could get lost long before staggering into some site that opposes your views. You'll never see me on r/dontheracist.
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