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Full Spectator article since it's behind a paywall

The National Enquirer presented Trump watchers with a mystery last week. Why did it print an attack on Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort? A headline screamed: ‘Trump advisor sex scandal — Paul Manafort’s sick affair.’ A 68-year-old man’s alleged dalliance with a ‘hottie half his age’ might seem a trivial subject to discuss as the US convulses over the issue of race once again, this time after a white supremacist killed a woman protester in Charlottesville, Virginia. President Trump has electrified supporters and opponents alike by siding with those who want to keep the town’s statue of the Confederate general, Robert E. Lee.

And sex, politics and celebrity are the Enquirer’s usual stock-in-trade. Recent ‘bombshell world exclusives’ include ‘Supreme court justice Scalia — murdered by a hooker’ (she was ‘hired by the CIA to inject poison into his buttocks’) and ‘Clinton sex romp caught on video!’about Bill being filmed ‘having steamy sex in a pickup truck with a department store clerk’.

But the Enquirer is a Trump ally, owned by a rich friend. It was one of the few national publications to predict his victory in last year’s presidential election. Why now a hit piece on the one man he must surely need to keep onside in the Russia investigation? One answer: Manafort has been ‘flipped’.

Reports in US publications say it was Manafort who told the FBI about a meeting between Trump’s eldest son, Donald Jr, and a Russian lawyer linked to the Kremlin. That would be terrible news for the President if true: the FBI’s investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia now being assisted by the manager of that campaign.

Manafort’s spokesman denies it, and the evidence as to whether he is trying to save his own skin at Trump’s expense remains ambiguous. The FBI carried out a dawn raid at Manafort’s home in Virginia last week; why was that necessary if he is a cooperating witness? Perhaps he has given up some information, but not all. The Enquirer story could be interpreted as a dead fish left on his doorstep (the traditional Sicilian warning that things could get very bad if you sing).

‘If’, ‘could’, ‘perhaps’, ‘reports’, ‘alleged’ — most stories about the US President and Russia are nailed together with such words. The specifics of the ‘collusion’ allegation are claims that the Trump campaign told Russian intelligence which Democrats to hack, and then worked together with them to make sure that WikiLeaks, Fox, Breitbart and Russia Today all left the resulting dirty laundry flapping in the wind. In fairness to President Trump, it must be pointed out that so far no evidence has emerged to prove such a treasonous conspiracy. The few things we do know are open to wildly different interpretations.

Take Donald Jr’s meeting with the Russian lawyer. He admits its purpose was to get dirt on Hillary from the Russian government. This undid months of denials during which the White House often sounded like a shocked and offended maiden aunt accused of debauchery with the pool boy. (‘Trump denies sick affair with barechested Russian stud!) Other details of the meeting seem to help the White House. A jaunty, vulgar British PR man named Rob Goldstone was the unlikely intermediary. You might think that his help would hardly have been needed if there really were a backchannel to the Kremlin in June last year. On the other hand, such baroque arrangements might be the kind of thing that intelligence services go in for. For years, the intermediary between MI6 and the IRA was the owner of a Londonderry chip shop, Brendan Duddy.

It is the same with the intercepts of Trump’s people talking to the Russians, the subject of so much feverish speculation in Washington. There is no single conversation revealing a grand conspiracy — at least according to two members of the ‘intelligence community’ who have seen the top-secret material. However, a third source told me: ‘There is a conspiracy in the SIGINT [signals intelligence] — just not in one or two intercepts. Hence no literal “smoking gun”. But cumulatively…’ This SIGINT is mostly said to be what is termed ‘reflections’; that is others talking about the relationship between Team Trump and Moscow. Some of the calls are said to involve senior Kremlin officials: ‘By itself, not enough for indictments but a disturbing picture.’ Other sources have told me there have still been a suspiciously large number of direct contacts between Trump’s people and various Russians: ‘Dozens.’

A vague outline of the truth is starting to emerge from the fog. It is that the Russians made continual attempts to get close to Trump and his associates, part of what the US intelligence agencies all agree was a Kremlin plot to subvert the election. Trump’s supporters believe that any such approaches never went anywhere (as Jr says happened with his meeting) or that the tough New York property developer from The Apprentice was playing the Russians without being played himself. Trump’s enemies, believing him to be a man with no moral compass, imagine he was only too eager to take whatever was being offered: information; weird sex in a Moscow hotel room; money, lots of it, for his businesses.

This is why it is so important that the FBI investigation, led by a special counsel, Robert Mueller, now appears to be reaching back into Trump’s business past. Mueller’s team of prosecutors includes a number of experts in money-laundering and New York real estate. The US media is speculating that he is trying to build an old-fashioned wire fraud, tax evasion and racketeering case against Trump. This is a neuralgic issue for the President. In a New York Times interview he agreed that any investigation of his finances was a ‘red line’ Mueller should not cross. ‘I would say yeah. I would say yes. By the way, I would say, I don’t — I don’t — I mean, it’s possible there’s a condo or something, so, you know, I sell a lot of condo units, and somebody from Russia buys a condo, who knows?’ Trump’s most recent partner in ‘selling a lot of condos’ was a man called Felix Sater. Sater was once jailed for stabbing a man in the face with the broken stem of a martini glass. He was convicted of a massive stock fraud — a partnership between the Russian and Italian-American mafias — but stayed out of jail by becoming an FBI informant.

For several weeks there have been rumours that Sater is ready to rat again, agreeing to help Mueller. ‘He has told family and friends he knows he and POTUS are going to prison,’ someone talking to Mueller’s investigators informed me. Sater himself added fuel to this fire when he told New Yorkmagazine last week: ‘In about the next 30 to 35 days, I will be the most colourful character you have ever talked about. Unfortunately, I can’t talk about it now, before it happens. And believe me, it ain’t anything as small as whether or not they’re gonna call me to the Senate committee.’
Sater and Manafort together would pose a deadly threat to Trump’s presidency if they testify that Russian money in his businesses led to information being exchanged with Russian intelligence. This is exactly the relationship — an ‘exchange running between them for at least eight years’ — that the former MI6 officer Christopher Steele described in his ‘dossier’. At a news conference this week at his New Jersey golf club, the President bizarrely asserted that the Steele dossier had been paid for by Russia in order to damage him. This is the latest twist in Trump’s response to the dossier, which began with flat denials in January that he had been filmed by Russian intelligence with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel room.

That remains unproven. Nevertheless, Steele is not the only source. I heard of Russian kompromat — compromising material — on Trump from two sources months before the Steele dossier came to light. That might be evidence for Trump’s statement that Russian intelligence, as well as the US agencies, are out to get him. There are, though, reports of witnesses in the hotel who corroborate Steele’s reporting. These include an American who’s said to have seen a row with hotel security over whether the (alleged) hookers would be allowed up to Trump’s suite. The dossier’s account of hookers in a Moscow hotel room was the subject of gossip among a select group of journalists, politicians, and intelligence people for months before it was published. Now, claims are circulating of more tapes showing even more extreme behaviour. Expect these allegations to emerge in due course.

Some Republicans in Congress are tiring of the Trump reality show, a mix ofThe Sopranos and the Kardashians. The Mueller inquiry plods along relentlessly but prosecuting a president is a political decision. Reckless as ever, the President has tweeted criticism of the Senate’s Republican leader, Mitch McConnell, whose help he will need if Mueller finds anything damning. The President’s ordinary supporters don’t care. They fear that they are losing their country — this was an election above all about race; all else is trivia to them, an Enquirer headline.

Even if all the allegations are shown to be true, Trump will simply emerge as the person they supposed him to be when they voted for him.

Paul Wood is a BBC correspondent and fellow of the New America Foundation.
on paper its not bad, what he's implying that your missing is by concentrating on only this and other social justice/identity politics they're not forming a economic message to run on for 2018-2020.
Dawg the thing is that the "economic message" he's preaching is utter horse****. Protectionism isn't a way to go about especially in a globalized economy, and would also go against the principles of free market that Republicans love to talk about.

Plus you know damn well if Democrats were emphasizing their economic theories, they would catch hell from the Republicans for trying to regulate the free market yet be less tough on immigration.

Anyway the matters of race didn't really appear for a couple months until this week...and it's the flavor of the month currently. You can't just turn off the subject and be like "well let's just focus on something else" when both political parties are heavily involved in the current state of events.
http://www.bbc (NT turns link into media for some reason) .com/news/world-europe-40965581
Barcelona: Van rams crowds in Ramblas tourist area

At least one person died and 32 were injured - 10 of them seriously - after a van ploughed into crowds in Barcelona's famous Las Ramblas tourist area, police and local officials say.

The vehicle sped along the pedestrian area, mowing down people and sending others fleeing for cover. Police are treating the incident as terrorism.

Later they said a man had been arrested in connection with the attack.

Witnesses said the van had deliberately targeted people before stopping.

Spanish media reports said the driver of the vehicle - a white Fiat that had been rented in the city - fled on foot.

Other unconfirmed reports say the death toll is as high as 13.

Local authorities in the small town of Vic in Catalonia say police have cordoned off the area and are inspecting another van amid suggestions it may have been used as a getaway vehicle.

The attack happened at the height of the season in one of Europe's top tourist destinations.

Vehicles have been used to ram into crowds in a series of attacks across Europe since July last year.

Tom Markwell from New Orleans, who was just arriving in a taxi in Las Ramblas, said: "I heard a crowd screaming. It sounded like they were screaming for a movie star.

"I saw the van. It had already been busted on the front. It was weaving left and right, trying to hit people as fast as possible. There were people lying on the ground."

Aamer Anwar said he was walking down Las Ramblas, which was "jam-packed" with tourists.

"All of a sudden, I just sort of heard a crashing noise and the whole street just started to run, screaming. I saw a woman right next to me screaming for her kids," he told Sky News.

"Police were very, very quickly there, police officers with guns, batons, everywhere. Then the whole street started getting pushed back.

"Police officers who got there just started screaming at people to move back, move back."

Kevin Kwast, who is on holiday in Barcelona with his family, said: "I was eating with my family in La Boqueria market very near where the crash occurred.

"Hundreds of people started stampeding through the market... we started running with them going outside right into where casualties were already on the ground.

"Police pushed us into a money transfer shop and we've been sheltering there for over an hour."

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said he was in contact with authorities, and the priority was to attend to the injured.

The United States has offered its assistance to Spain.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said consular assistance was being provided to Americans in the city, and urged US nationals to check in with their families.

"Terrorists around the world should know the United States and our allies are resolved to find you and bring you to justice," he told reporters.

UK Prime Minister Theresa May said her thoughts were with the victims, adding that "the UK stands with Spain against terror".

Everyone can't quit if you get rid of the job first

Conservatives and Trump Stans love to talk about economics, but don't know **** bout economics.

Trump can't run on an economic message if his brand of economics fails to deliver for four years. Look at push, it was a cultural issue that put him over. His tax cuts didn't do ****.

But then again, his fan base is ignorant about the most basic economic measures, so he will just act like every is great, cherry pick, and blame the Dems
that isn't a foregone conclusion.
I honestly don't see how adopting protectionist policies from globalization will help grow America's economy...let alone bring more jobs.

This administration by itself doesn't itself address the potential situation of post scarcity and advancement of robots and automation. For Bannon to just focus on the variable of nationalism only in economics is short sighted.
I honestly don't see how adopting protectionist policies from globalization will help grow America's economy

by preventing da dumping of certain industries wit dirt cheap markets overseas (many times because government subsidizing) it protects our jobs at home.
BTW, like Rex said, near all politics is identity politics. Most people vote on identity not policy. It is just that the two line up for many.

Right wing identity politics is just more refined and effective. Their dog whistles are better, they can market their "white, Christian, straight, male lead society" message, without saying it explicitly. And their identity politics is attached to white supremacy policies, and folk pick up that easily.

The left's identity politics are not that slick. They don't use dog whistles as much, it is less refined, and their messaging is attached to Civil Rights policies.

The right wants to call out the left because they want a monopoly on using identity politics. If they can message vaguely, the Dems will have to appeal to minority groups explicitly with policy proposals. And the GOP will just you that to fuel their identity politics.

The far left takes objection because they want to a better chance to win over minorities from the center left. So instead of changing their message, which they assume will connect more with white voters, they want other liberal politican to change theirs.
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The fact someone so obsessed with the Census Department validating his identity, lecturing about how much he hates identity politics, is also laughable
The fact someone so obsessed with the Census Department validating his identity

that disingenuous goal post move...

everyone who knows how da Census works knows "more representation = more allocation in funds and leverage"

that bait was weak b.. needs more adobo :lol:
Is there really any chance that the President gets impeached? From what I've read, it seems like everyone in the GOP is playing their cards and not trying do anything.
Please elaborate.

think of da US economy like your neighbor bodega...think of dirt cheap overseas products like wallmart.

Wallmart will go thru your town, and purposely undercut everything da bodega does to kill da competition, even running in da red (while depending on da HQ infusion of funds) just to take it out.

Soon da bodega goes bye bye cuz it can't compete, and wallmart is da only place where u can get anything.

that's what happens if you don't protest manufacturing in da US.

there's alot more factors but thats da abridged version.
it took 2 years for Reagan to get it poppin, after that it was off to da races.
You know nothing about economics and economic history.

So Reagan gets a pass on his recession, but Obama doesn't. Of course, of course

I have tried to explain why your beliefs on Reagan and bull ****. You never want to listen, to me or Rex or any of the links I provided.

But I wonder, would you listen to Trump? So Edwin I present to you you Papi into 1990, absolutely ****ting on Regan's major tax reform bill. It starts at 4 minutes in, Enjoy....

Stop debating economics with me or anyone else, you just look silly. You always do
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think of da US economy like your neighbor bodega...think of dirt cheap overseas products like wallmart.

Wallmart will go thru your town, and purposely undercut everything da bodega does to kill da competition, even running in da red (while depending on da HQ infusion of funds) just to take it out.

Soon da bodega goes bye bye cuz it can't compete, and wallmart is da only place where u can get anything.

that's what happens if you don't protest manufacturing in da US.

there's alot more factors but thats da abridged version.
But da bodega employs less people and charges more for the same products. Wouldn't capitalism demand that you let the companies in question fend for themselves and let the strongest survive?
by preventing da dumping of certain industries wit dirt cheap markets overseas (many times because government subsidizing) it protects our jobs at home.
lol we have many multinational companies that employ Americans here...there will be no sizible net gain or loss in employment except to the consumer who will pay a higher price for goods if the Trump admin decides to raise tariffs, which would eventually cause a trade war, which is bad for MANY sides. Your theory would sound nice and dandy if the USA didn't have foreign country investment...but they do.
Even Newt Gingrich was on Fox & Friends saying "good people don't join neo-nazi rallies"
Rather sad that it has even gotten to the point of "even (this guy) condemns neo-nazis"
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