***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Don't worry comrades, these weak ****s will fall back in line and vote BARSON 2020 when it's time. They might be feeling weak now, from all the kale speech and innuendo and libel. But rest assured, when the COAL TRAIN comes barreling through their town like da silver orange bullet, they'll pickup their bootstraps, mine that coal, and VOTE BARSON 2020 :pimp:

Once THE BLACKS finally open up the RNC platform pdf (PORTABLE DOCUMENT FORMAT) and find that page that describes ALL THE WONDERFUL things that trump has in store for THE BLACKS, they will be PLEASANTLY SURPRISED (Hint: it involves FREE ROOM AND BOARD for everyone willing to pick cotton), and that small minority of THE BLACKS (92%) who voted for CROOKED H will UNDERSTAND their mistake, HEAL, INSPIRE, and REPENT. And then vote for Benjamin Barson 2020 in record numbers.

Libbies don't have a clue.
Someone said Trump won the popular vote. Dudes really dont know better.

You know the routine

Trump won the popular vote

-posts red/blue election map-
-mentions about the illegals voting-
-mentions how Trump would win if you took out the liberal coastal cities like LA and NYC-

These dudes are delusional
It'd be the ultimate satisfaction if he just quits. That'd be way better than impeachment.

Cuz if he quits no one can defend that. If he gets impeached, his fans will just scream that it's unfair
How do you grow up in the Bay Area and become a Trump supporter? Traitor

My experience is that the Trump supporters here are usually white people or people that wish they are white.

Tom Brady is a product of the Bay Area in the 80's and early 90's. All the metro areas, DC, NYC, Boston, LA, The Bay Area, all had a lot more conservatives in and near the major cities back then.

In California, recall that laws like prop 187 and three strikes passed at the ballot box all the time in the '90's, George H.W. Bush carried California in 1988. You do not win a majority of votes in California by carrying places like Kern and Modoc County only. The GOP and White supremacy won California wide election right up until about 1998, 1999.

It's a pretty recent development that the Bay Area suburbs and exoburbs have turned so blue and the LA metro area is still not finished consolidating into a massive blue bloc (although it's almost there).
Are there any practical solutions to many southern states closing polling stations and making it more difficult for disenfranchised/minority voters to get to the polls?

Texas, for example, closed over 400 voting areas across their state alone. It's difficult to fight this because they do it without debate and often just before elections take place. They're also not required to inform prospective voters of the changes.


-continues to consume all things ESPN online and on TV-

It's like they forget that athletes have a voice but get soooo mad when what they said doesn't fit their views :lol:
Repubs gotta find a way to get Trump out and Pence in if they want to save some legitimacy.
It'd be the ultimate satisfaction if he just quits. That'd be way better than impeachment.

Cuz if he quits no one can defend that. If he gets impeached, his fans will just scream that it's unfair

If he quits, his base will spin it as how the Dems and establishment republicans pushed him to quit by constantly meddling with his agenda and not allowing him to get things done.

I'd prefer impeachment. If his base is going to deflect and make excuses either way, I rather him get pushed out in the most humiliating and embarrassing way. Him getting impeached would demoralize his base too.

This guy who they rallied around, who could do no wrong to them, who got some of them to vote who probably normally wouldn't. To see him kicked out of office would send the message to them that their vote don't mean ****.

I want them to feel "the establishment screwed their guy" both dems and their own party in a way that dissuades them from showing up at the polls again.

If I voted for Trump and he just quits on me, especially by end of the first year, I'd feel some type of way

Like *****, my vote put you in office.. I stood by you when everyone was giving you ****..and you just quit

Trump quitting would be delicious
I don't get what's wrong about that? Is it because he said he's happy about having that German blood?

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