***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This help is just a DOWN PAYMENT on the WALL they will build. NOTHING to see here. MAGA

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I good way to tell the former from the latter is to ask if the critic talks about other ways that workers have been crushed by capital and capitalist friendly politics. Union busting, divestment from education and infrastructure and the systemic favoring of the financial services sector are the major drivers of stagnation and decline among the middle class

The ethnic purity that she is advocating for is what I call idiotic. First, it discounts the reality that most Americans are genetically mixed, it ignores the contributions that all ethnic groups have made to this country throughout its history, and it assumes that America's hegemony would continue without its cultural melting pot.

As to your point I quoted above: I agree with you. I don't know if you noticed that in her rant, she didn't exclude the possibility of tax cuts happening. We all know what gets cut first when taxes go down: education, social services, worker protection agencies, consumer protection agencies, etc... The result is invariably an ignorant and uneducated population that industries can't use as workers (for example, auto companies choosing higher tax areas to build and operate factories because of the poor quality of workers). What do governments with such predicament do to keep their industries from leaving/to make themselves attractive to ? Import foreign workers who will "displace" the locals (who weren't getting those jobs in the first place). One could say that the availability of a migrant workforce kills the need to invest in educating and caring for the local population, but I do wonder if the will to educate that population has been there in the first place. I do wonder if the local population (in the case of the US) is even interested in getting educated for the jobs of tomorrow. Judging by the events of the last year, I doubt either statement is true.
his password is sweets??? :lol:
Yes. I don't recall exactly when that huge LinkedIn database breach happened but it's relatively recent if I'm right. 2016 I believe.
It doesn't necessarily mean that is Kasowitz' real LinkedIn account but it confirms that there is an account on LinkedIn registered to that email address and with "sweets" as password when the database breach happened. It's very likely that the account really belongs to Kasowitz since there is only 1 Linkedin result for that email address and it's not something other people would put as their email to register. That is the case with Trump for example. Doing a search on Trump's @trump.com email address for example shows dozens of LinkedIn results. Those are just tons of people putting a Trump email address as their email on LinkedIn.
I can personally vouch that the actual data of passwords etc. is accurate as I have found my personal information for one of my email addresses on this service. It was mostly outdated but accurate. I change my passwords etc frequently so the passwords on a couple websites were long outdated and therefore pretty harmless. However one of the results did include my real first and last name so I deleted all results for my email addresses from the service. That data will be in those actual leaked databases forever but people at least won't be able to search results for my email addresses on this service.
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“Well, Andrew Jackson had a great history, and I think it's very rough when you take somebody off the bill,” Trump said last year. “I think Harriet Tubman is fantastic, but I would love to leave Andrew Jackson or see if we can maybe come up with another denomination.”

Rough huh. Poor Andrew Jackson.
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