***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Rumor is that Trump is ending DACA. And that Dreamers will be ******.

I remember one of his fanboys saying he would turn on him for this, hmmm
his password is sweets??? :lol:
I was actually able to confirm that was/is indeed Mark Kasowitz's password,. I signed in on his Dropbox with it, sort of. However it appears it has long been inactive as I got a screen that said the password was expired due to being too old and that it needed a change to a new password. Kasowitz has not done so or else I wouldn't be able to log in and get this screen. If you try to log in with a different password it'll just say "wrong password/email" and stay on the login form, which confirms that "sweets" is indeed the pass.

It's hard to tell how long this has been inactive but smh at a professional lawyer using "sweets" as his Dropbox password :rofl:
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The ethnic purity that she is advocating for is what I call idiotic. First, it discounts the reality that most Americans are genetically mixed, it ignores the contributions that all ethnic groups have made to this country throughout its history, and it assumes that America's hegemony would continue without its cultural melting pot.

As to your point I quoted above: I agree with you. I don't know if you noticed that in her rant, she didn't exclude the possibility of tax cuts happening. We all know what gets cut first when taxes go down: education, social services, worker protection agencies, consumer protection agencies, etc... The result is invariably an ignorant and uneducated population that industries can't use as workers (for example, auto companies choosing higher tax areas to build and operate factories because of the poor quality of workers). What do governments with such predicament do to keep their industries from leaving/to make themselves attractive to ? Import foreign workers who will "displace" the locals (who weren't getting those jobs in the first place). One could say that the availability of a migrant workforce kills the need to invest in educating and caring for the local population, but I do wonder if the will to educate that population has been there in the first place. I do wonder if the local population (in the case of the US) is even interested in getting educated for the jobs of tomorrow. Judging by the events of the last year, I doubt either statement is true.

A couple of things:
- We do not know what jobs of the future are. The idea that everyone should study a STEM major and that computer classes at the community college will save the ghetto and will save Appalachia is mostly a myth. The idea that there is a "skills gap" and "millions of unfilled jobs" is a myth pushed on us by the business elite. If businesses really did need workers to fill certain jobs, they would recruit people and train them. When the business community tried to promote STEM and coding certifications, they are trying to create a glut of workers so they can lower the wages of ordinary tech workers and keep them low.

- Getting back to immigration, the funny thing is that in the counties that most heavily supported Trump, there are very few immigrant coming there. The effects of immigration, positive and negative, are almost entirely concentrated in blue counties.

- Now when we talk about immigration and the economy, we are really talking about two groups, the undocumented workers who perform "unskilled" and "semi skilled" work, and we are talking about H1B visa workers, who work in technology and who are legal immigrants who are bond to their current employer.

It's funny that Republicans talk about a wall but net migration, for the mostly Mexican and Central American workforce, is already declining. If the US ended its war on drugs and we stopped meddling in the internal affairs of Latin America, we would not have many immigrant, legal or illegal, coming to the US. Too many American liberals and conservatives think of young Mexicans as these creatures who yearn to leave their families, come here and work. There is a certain myopia among upper middle class folks across our political spectrum. Illegally immigrating here all so they can cut your crass or change your kid's diapers is not a dream for a Mexican, it is a survival strategy.

Now, most undocumented workers actually end up filling jobs that were created by demand within their own communities so most undocumented workers are not competing with native born workers. Nevertheless, there is some impact particularly in agriculture, where, yes, white people do indeed work. There has also been a big impact on people in certain building trades, especially black folks in major cities. With that said, the downward on wages effects are minuscule compared to the profoundly damaging effects brought about by a lack of collective bargaining, casualization of labor and a lack commitment to full employment economics on the part of the US government.

Now with the H1B visas, the effects are stronger. It is targeted and used deliberately to undercut wages of "skilled" tech workers. When a worker cannot change jobs and is beholden to his employer, then his wage will be lower than if he can move around in the labor market. The foreign worker's lower wage, lowers the wages of native born workers.

- Now it seems like way to keep the social benefits of immigration while mitigating its bad economic effects is to make all immigrant workers and native born workers join unions as a condition of employment and also to let H1B visa workers change jobs as they see fit. Speed up the family reunification process while you're at it and fast track green card holders to citizenship and you can have a multi ethnic, workers friendly nation.
Trump gonna give Sheriff Clarke a cabinet position. He loves folk who are loyal to him.


did donald write that one?


and what's with calling a married woman Ms.? do these kids not have parents?

every letter that uses an honorific uses "Ms." these were obviously all written by the same person.
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just like there's a hypocritical trump tweet for everything he does, there's a handwritten note too:

"Dear Kareem,

Now I know why the press always treated you so badly — they couldn’t stand you. The fact is that you don’t have a clue about life and what has to be done to make America great again!

Best wishes,

Donald Trump"



and then there's this: trump calling Comey "prone to exaggeration" :rofl:

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