***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This is the most positive coverage I've ever seen of trump

There would've been a lot more "compare and contrast" commentary between the 1st and 2nd trip if it were any other president, considering that his initial response was more spontaneous. It's almost like they are desperate to find something positive about Trump's presidency.

This is what I hate about the American news networks and its political talking heads: they act as if there is no continuity in the actions of elected officials. They are complicit in fooling the populace into believing the PR game these politicians play instead of being yet another check on politicians' desire and ability to manipulate public opinion. Trump has already made decisions that will make more situations like Harvey MORE difficult to deal with and has refused to acknowledge the main reason why we will see more frequent 500-year events (climate change), and all these morons want to talk about is Melania's denim shirt.

**** them too.
There would've been a lot more "compare and contrast" commentary between the 1st and 2nd trip if it were any other president, considering that his initial response was more spontaneous. It's almost like they are desperate to find something positive about Trump's presidency.

This is what I hate about the American news networks and its political talking heads: they act as if there is no continuity in the actions of elected officials. They are complicit in fooling the populace into believing the PR game these politicians play instead of being yet another check on politicians' desire and ability to manipulate public opinion. Trump has already made decisions that will make more situations like Harvey MORE difficult to deal with and has refused to acknowledge the main reason why we will see more frequent 500-year events (climate change), and all these morons want to talk about is Melania's denim shirt.

**** them too.

Climate change is a "hoax", though.
This is what I hate about the American news networks and its political talking heads: they act as if there is no continuity in the actions of elected officials.
well said.

they're like little kids with no attention span, just constantly chasing the shiny object in the room.
Dude cant let the pettiness go for one sentence during a disaster when physically at the relief area. First it was "what a turnout" from his car not even with the people, then this. SMH I wouldn't give him the time of day, turn around and walk off.

This is the most positive coverage I've ever seen of trump

It's almost like they are desperate to find something positive about Trump's presidency.

This is what I hate about the American news networks and its political talking heads: they act as if there is no continuity in the actions of elected officials.

When the media gives The Bigot credit for some **** he's supposed to do, the first thing I think of is that infamous Chris Rock bit from Bring the Pain.

The Bigot sure as hell ain't Black, but it's the same principle.
So North Korean is amping up its nuclear tests.....this has been an eventful Labor Day weekend

Lowkey feels like a distraction though
So NK now have access to a 100 Kiloton nuke capable of being placed on a warhead now...oh boy :smh::smh:

SK seems to be at wits end over it all and have stepped up their contingencies

The manbaby being in charge always makes the whole situation 10x more terrifying to me,NK has made so much progress,years worth it feels like, on its nuclear program over the last 7-8 months as a result of gis sabre rattling
Kim Jun Un Doing the fldamn thing. He doing things his pops and grand pops could only dream of. Now he can protect his country from lames like Trump.

He's also threatening a trade war with China now over NK's antics...

Basically forcing them into an unenviable choice of either US war with NK or a trade war between the world's top 2 economies...not even religious but God help us all

CBS News reports the president will end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program by not accepting new permits and letting the existing permits to expire with no chance to renew it, according to two Republican sources.

This is the guy the TV networks want to give humanitarian points to.

800,000 people who were brought here by their parents at an age no older than 7-8, lived all their lives here under the assumption they were legal until it was time to get official documents. They go to school/work and have no criminal records here and they will be kicked out just like that.


This is the guy the TV networks want to give humanitarian points to.

800,000 people who were brought here by their parents at an age no older than 7-8, lived all their lives here under the assumption they were legal until it was time to get official documents. They go to school/work and have no criminal records here and they will be kicked out just like that.

Disappointed, but not surprised by this.

I wonder who will defend this :nerd:
Sorry to be off topic, this north Korea thermo nuke thing has kind of tripping out. I got kids, I love my life, and do not want to be blown up. 100 megatons is crazy. Someone tell me my tinfoil hat is the wrong brand or something.
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