***Official Political Discussion Thread***

You ROOKIE LIBBIES getting food from the AmazonWashingtonPostWholeFoods? SMH WOW

You guys need some COAL in your diet

So we must never let the coal gang, the folks who say "we eat meat and if you don't get out," we must never let those people know that we also have meat as well as our kale and tofu.

Sure we might have a light lunch of avocado toast but later in the day, we dine on roasted and gilded piglets, locally sourced goat cheese tarts, finish with Meyer lemon sorbet and drink it down with robust wines. We get up the next day and play ultimate frisbee for four hours and not get fat.

So let the red necks have their BBQ (which is epic and made with almost no resources) but keep the roasted pigs heads and terrines a secret. Let the coal gang think we're subsiding on sprouts and asparagus water.

For the upper crust of the Left Coast, the menu is like something from GRRM's novels.
Ah yeah, my investments into avocado growing coops have been quite lucrative. I take much of that money and put it into political activity. Libby Avocado toast is helping to fund some of California's most radical left wing campaigns.

But I'm still only getting a small slice of the action, I want the whole toast. I want to be, in 30 years, like George Jung and be able to say "if you every ordered avocado toast in the late 2010's and early 2020's, there is a good chance I got a cut from it."

are you the reason why i gotta pay $2.50 for a damn smedium avocado?

but it tastes so ******* good. take my money.

You ROOKIE LIBBIES getting food from the AmazonWashingtonPostWholeFoods? SMH WOW

You guys need some COAL in your diet


ever since whole foods lowered their prices, it's no longer "whole paycheck." it would be like if we passed universal health care and i only need to save up 3 months of salary instead of 6. NO THANKS.

I'm going to have to find a new upscale overpriced grocer to give my money to so that i can feel superior to trump supporters again.
So we must never let the coal gang, the folks who say "we eat meat and if you don't get out," we must never let those people know that we also have meat as well as our kale and tofu.

Sure we might have a light lunch of avocado toast but later in the day, we dine on roasted and gilded piglets, locally sourced goat cheese tarts, finish with Meyer lemon sorbet and drink it down with robust wines. We get up the next day and play ultimate frisbee for four hours and not get fat.

So let the red necks have their BBQ (which is epic and made with almost no resources) but keep the roasted pigs heads and terrines a secret. Let the coal gang think we're subsiding on sprouts and asparagus water.

For the upper crust of the Left Coast, the menu is like something from GRRM's novels.
novels? what are you, son, a no good libbie elite who's literate? you trying to make us hard-working Mericans feel stoopid or something?

you can keep your goat cheese farts and Oscar Meyer weiners and your kale salad. look, the only salad we need is iceberg lettuce with lots of ranch dressing.

and we don't play no stinking ladyboy sports like penultimate frisby. no. we play real man sports like golf and watching 22 hours of high school and college football every weekend. now where's my Pabst blue ribbon?
novels? what are you, son, a no good libbie elite who's literate? you trying to make us hard-working Mericans feel stoopid or something?

you can keep your goat cheese farts and Oscar Meyer weiners and your kale salad. look, the only salad we need is iceberg lettuce with lots of ranch dressing.

and we don't play no stinking ladyboy sports like penultimate frisby. no. we play real man sports like golf and watching 22 hours of high school and college football every weekend. now where's my Pabst blue ribbon?

Coal gang will only eat food with coal dust grated on top. Over in Kale Country, gold leaf makes for a nice touch. After forcing another, otherwise totally economically viable, coal mine or coal plant to shut down, the crew and I love us some locally sourced pig's head, piglet, deboned and stuffed quail or a saddle of venison all covered in gold leaf.

It may seem extravagant but the gold leaf costs a few bucks and is an homage to Trump's tastefully decorated hotels and the $60 pig's head is supposed to shared among four to six people, making it cost the same, per person, as a meal at a Popeye's, ah, organization.

Drink it all down with some sparkling white wine both to cut the richness of the hog's cheeks and to toast the demise of the American family structure. First we smash the family, then the bourgeois nation state and then the capitalist world order and at some point we will all smash the Beckies who are now without their patriarchal family structure.
While I don't want police to have military grade weapons, I'm down for police to have bulletproof suits and mask shields (if there's such a thing)

That way the 'I feared for my life' defense whenever 'I thought he was reaching for a weapon' wouldn't hold much weight.

A couple of weeks ago President Trump scrapped Obama-era rules, intended to reduce the risks posed by flooding, that established new construction standards for roads, housing and other infrastructure projects that receive federal dollars.

Trump derided these restrictions, which were written in response to growing concerns over the impact of climate change, and other federal rules as useless red tape holding back the economy.

“This overregulated permitting process is a massive, selfinflicted wound on our country — it’s disgraceful — denying our people much-needed investments in their community,” he said in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York during an event to tout his infrastructure policies.

But now, in the wake of the massive flooding and destruction caused by Hurricane Harvey along the Gulf Coast, the Trump administration is considering whether to issue similar requirements to build higher in flood-prone areas as the government prepares to spend billions of dollars in response to the storm.


2 high profile lies being confirmed as just that, lies/fake news

Gonna be real interesting seeing the GOP try to squirm there way out of the Trussia mess now that Pence has been implicated...
So was DMing with Tammi Lehrner today (don't get jealous Rusty, it was totally Platonic, I mean I did send her a **** pic but most of it was wrapped in Kale) and she was talking about how ungrateful these Handmaid are. She was saying that they have these beautiful red dresses, white bonnets and sturdy shoes as well as place to live rent free and yet half of them try to run off or kill themselves. Worst of all, they have this Latin phrase where they say "don't let the bastards turn you into coal dust." I mean how ungrateful can a person get.
So was DMing with Tammi Lehrner today (don't get jealous Rusty, it was totally Platonic, I mean I did send her a **** pic but most of it was wrapped in Kale) and she was talking about how ungrateful these Handmaid are. She was saying that they have these beautiful red dresses, white bonnets and sturdy shoes as well as place to live rent free and yet half of them try to run off or kill themselves. Worst of all, they have this Latin phrase where they say "don't let the bastards turn you into coal dust." I mean how ungrateful can a person get.

SMH WOW. Tomi is a gem and a national treasure. The conditions she has to deal with IS EXTREMELY SAD. When her and @RustyShackleford tie that knot next year COAL FOR EVERYONE.
SMH WOW. Tomi is a gem and a national treasure. The conditions she has to deal with IS EXTREMELY SAD. When her and @RustyShackleford tie that knot next year COAL FOR EVERYONE.

Blessed be the coal, she will say officially. Secretly she'll think of a certain Kale picture from when she was named "tammy" but now she is Ofrust.

Commander Shackleford will be the finance minister and live two doors down from Mike Pence. Ninja will live rent free over the garage at Commander Shackleford's estate. Ninja might seem like a low status male but he will be a great "eye" in the Republic of Gilead, he had experience talking to the authorities before the revolution. Ultimately he will get Ofrust with child and since half black and half Taino children look so similar, Commander Shackleford will be none the wiser.
trumpito going out of his waybto find black children to pick up and kiss. unbelievable. i see why his core will forever rock w/ him. he really is somethin else
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