***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Lol at Republicans reversing stance on DACA now that they're in a position to actually kill it

Majority in Congress and they can't kill healthcare and can't kill DACA
Racism is the root of all this matter man :lol:. We BEEN Knew. You can go decade by decade since the 60s and it's clear as hell.
I knew race was a factor in funding, but how the numbers are broken down show how significant the problem really is.
It is not only the racist feelings withing the but the GOP's masterful way on scapegoating everything on minorities.

They literally have their base voting against their own interest just to get utility out of the thought of it hurting a minority more.

The more progressive you seem, the more it works because the base knows that more progressive policies disproportionately help minorities, so even if it helps my racist ***, **** it.And at the same time the GOP attacks every institution that might deprogram folk. Just them in despair or afraid, and blame a minority group

The GOP's identity politics are so refined, it has become a common part of the political language. Even on the left.
Mannnnnnn wtf. I was about to cop one. What these fools expect me to do, use a blender like a normal person. :smh:

Overpriced or unnecessary kitchen gadgets are a Libby staple.

Let me go Sous Vide some chicken, then finish it off in my Phillips Air Fyer. I can use my vegetable steamer, and Electric Pressure cooker to make some sides. To drink, I can pour me a cold grapefruit and elderflower summer shandy out of my Fizzics.
Don't be upset because da globalist closed down Honker Burger, and you can't recreate the taste at home on you propane grill. Go grab you some fine French cuisine at Chez Honque.
Don't be upset because da globalist closed down Honker Burger, and you can't recreate the taste at home on you propane grill. Go grab you some fine French cuisine at Chez Honque.

OBUMMER RUINED MY HOMETOWN. Chez Honque is a LIBBIE ECHO CHAMBER that I don't want any part of.
White collar Rocky Dennis needs to get his act together


The parliamentarian rule that the fastrack window for the ACA repeal ends at the end of the months. After that they need 60 votes, or have to wait until next year.

I they were planning on using reconciliation next year to pass tax reform.
psshh, you're doing it all wrong. I have all these gadgets in my kitchen, and more. It's beautiful. And when it's time to eat, I do what any good kale-loving libbie does. I walk on down to Whole Foods and buy me food from the vast selection of ready-made warm meals that they sell. :pimp:

kale salad? they got it. avocado toast? all you can eat (and afford). fresh-squeezed juice? only $6.99 for a glass.

Ah yeah, my investments into avocado growing coops have been quite lucrative. I take much of that money and put it into political activity. Libby Avocado toast is helping to fund some of California's most radical left wing campaigns.

But I'm still only getting a small slice of the action, I want the whole toast. I want to be, in 30 years, like George Jung and be able to say "if you every ordered avocado toast in the late 2010's and early 2020's, there is a good chance I got a cut from it."
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