***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Is that Papadopolous indictment clear enough? That boy already has been singing. They arrested him on July 27th. It's about to get spicy.
Yea I think people need to calm down and realize this isn’t going to be the final dagger that brings manbaby down. It’s a start but don’t get your hopes up about impeachment from just this...
This ordeal won't lead to what's really the goal and that's to get this corrupted and conniving slime out the office.

What is important is that we see how politics in America truly works and how unimportant our vote truly is. Just my opinion.

Everyone got they hands dirty, some are just clever enough to wipe it a little before a handshake.

"I'm a genius, Papadapolis, never lenient, on your Zenith"

If you are out there still capping for Trump, turn off Fox News. They are NOT covering the Papadopoulos guilty plea and the reasons for it.

The guy deleted a facebook account in which he maintained communication with the Russians. He was on Trump's foreign relations committee too, but the administration tried to downplay that, just like the "Manafort was only chairman for two months" talking point.
Just finished reading the indictment ...

This investigation is a complete and utter farce ... In a nutshell, Mueller has found absolutely NADA regarding the 2016 election, collusion or anything of the sort tying Trump to charges even approaching an impeachable offense ...

This indictment reminds me of a TV show plot line where a guy (Trump) just HAS to be involved with SOMETHING because he is friends with the perp (Manafort) but they don't have anything concrete so they take down the perp for tax evasion ... It's a freakin mob script for goodness' sake ... Nothing related to the 2016 election AT ALL ...

Trump is given a softball yet again, where he can denounce Manafort and claim ignorance ... Yes, he was his campaign manager, but only for 2 months and then was fired ... This is light work damage control for Trump and his team of spin geniuses ...

The only risk is Manafort talks (if there is even anything to talk about) and that has about a snowball's chance in hell of happening ...

You want to know how this investigation will turn out? Manafort strolled into the FBI office through the front door this morning ...
In a nutshell it seems like the concept of an investigation needs to be explained to yet another individual. We'll start with the basics first. An investigation starts, and later it concludes. Especially the latter part seems to be some kind of strange concept to many people since the various probes started.
You have probably noticed this on television but many things can happen between the start and conclusion of an investigation. Someone could get charged a few months in or nobody at all could get charged in 2 years. Neither of those are necessarily related to an investigation's conclusion. A bunch of people could even get arrested and/or charged during the scope of a large investigation and that also not necessarily be the conclusion of said investigation.
When you look at the timeline of something like Watergate, you'll see that it took a lot of time. The scope of these various Russian interference probes are arguably far wider and you can probably expect a similar or perhaps even longer timeline.

Robert Mueller was appointed as special counsel with a very broad mandate.

As you can see, Mueller's investigatory powers are pretty broad. He was appointed to investigate any links between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of Donald Trump. Along with any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.
That covers a whole lot of ground, which is also necessary given the scope and potential implications of this particular investigation. Under the second statute, Mueller would be well within his authority to investigate and charge an individual for non-collusion or campaign related criminal activities if he and his team were alerted to them through their investigation.
What this means in more simple terms is that Mueller can investigate or even charge individuals who did not engage in collusion in any way. This is obvious to anyone who actually reads Mueller's mandate. It is therefore even more nonsensical for people to call out "but no collusion charges! shut down the investigation already!" as it displays a strong ignorance of Mueller's actual mandate.

Yet these same people never seem to say "no charges, shut down the Hillary investigations" here. Why is that? Because it's a moronic statement, that's why. Let the probes run their course. And yes, Mueller's mandate could technically cover the DNC or Hillary as well if any such links arise from his investigation. We can see that the firm of John Podesta's brother is part of his investigation for example.
The Republicans have launched a joint-congressional probe into her emails. There is also a probe looking into the Uranium deal.
So what exactly is there problem there? Those are 2 investigations under GOP control. If there is enough there for charges, I would expect them to find it.
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Yea I think people need to calm down and realize this isn’t going to be the final dagger that brings manbaby down. It’s a start but don’t get your hopes up about impeachment from just this...

Agreed. Just glad to see the ball start rolling. This is how criminal empires begin to crumble.

And seeing all the Trumpsters deflect is glorious, too. Can’t wait to casually ask the Trump guys at my work how they feel about all this. I’m envisioning the mental gymnastics in my head and all I see is Biles at the Olympics. :lol:
I think most people are not celebrating because they think this means impeachment.

They are celebrating because of all the egg on the faces of conservatives. For months they denied and downplayed this investigation, for months they made excuses for behavior that should have gotten Trump impeached by now; and finally they have to face the music that people in their camp actually did what they have been denying for months.

And all they have in response is the same garbage they have been crying about for the past three decades "but, but Da Clintons"

:lol: Even if this is it, it still deserves a good point and a good laugh.
I think most people are not celebrating because they think this means impeachment.

They are celebrating because of all the egg on the faces of conservatives. For months they denied and downplayed this investigation, for months they made excuses for behavior that should have gotten Trump impeached by now; and finally they have to face the music that people in their camp actually did what they have been denying for months.

And all they have in response is the same garbage they have been crying about for the past three decades "but, but Da Clintons"

:lol: Even if this is it, it still deserves a good point and a good laugh.
This is where people have it completely wrong and precisely why I posted about the farce ...

There is no egg on anyone's face who supported Trump ... At worst, this is someone connected to the campaign who had knowledge of "OPPO Research" lololol ... And who was fired ...
lol at the negative Nancy's in here.

it's still a long road to impeachment. we all know that, especially Mueller.

we've been saying for months that this investigation will take on the order of 1-2 years. we thought the first action would come in December or January (at least I did).

we are ahead of schedule and obvious to anyone who follows this is that there is fire behind the smoke and it's a big fire.

this is a big day and signals a) progress is brisk and b) trump has been unable to impede anything.

it's lit.
White House source statement given to NBC:
"The White House has been saying for weeks the special counsel is moving far more quickly and deliberatively than people have been reporting. The fact that the special counsel is actively performing its duties does not come as a surprise to the White House," the source said.

This is what a professional statement looks like, not "but Hillary why won't anyone do something???" coming from the president. Even though there's 2 congressional probes investigating her emails and the Uranium One deal. But apparently those don't count as investigations or something to Trump.
The Papa plea news lowkey might be a bigger bomb than the Manafort arrest in the long run,they've got concrete evidence of legit collusion in regards to the emails

It's only a matter of time before Flynn starts to sing too unless he already has...
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