***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Surprised for what? Mods have BEEN soft on racists. One of their own Jrose was outed & I don't even think he was banned. Ain't nothing new.
As soon as I confirmed that the PMs in question were from his account and not an impostor, JRose was stripped of his access and left the site in disgrace. He hasn't returned since, and couldn't even if he wanted to. He betrayed our community and its values. No excuses were accepted.

excuse me ahead of time if this analogy sounds like a trivialization, but i look at it as just a algorithm baked in that determines cost based on a history...kinda like how women and older people are charged more for healthcare because historically they're more often then not accessing da system and generating more costs, or when a club opens and its "women free alll night" but for us men we paying a cover and/premiums to offset da ladies... Obamacare didn't fix da fact that this is true, it mandated procedures for everyone to share da cost (and increase da price for people who never use certain services)

if a loan company is processing foreclosures and a certain pattern of a archetype appears to always bomb on their mortgage, i presume alot of da disparaties can just be attributed to historical algorithms doing what it does.

i feel a new term should be created to describe what we're talking about...i doubt companies are looking are minority families looking to drop serious chicken on a crib as "subhuman" or "genetically inferior".
Just to be clear, you are literally attempting to defend racial profiling and discrimination.

Racism in contemporary society does not require racial animus to perpetuate itself. You seem to conceptualize racism as overt hatred rooted solely in the belief that people of color are inherently evil or inferior. There is a distinction to be made, however, between individual prejudice and institutional or structural racism.

You don't have to march in a "White Lives Matter" rally to perpetuate racial inequality. For all the vile, unconscionable acts of terror committed by individual racists or overly racist organizations, bombings have caused far less financial damage than discrimination in the lending and housing markets. That should not be trivialized through comparison with "ladies night."

Taking a neutral stance on a racist status quo is supporting racism.

sure, but her ticket to America if we're all in a figuritive air plane headed over here, was on a 1st class gold plated arab air flight, and my mom got here on a American airlines coach ticket :lol:

not complaining on that, "what she eats don't make me ish" da beautiful thing about this country is yours not locked into a permanent caste system, so you never know if you come up with a hair brained scheme and hit it big, you'll be flying foreign too. look at Neek & ben baller...2 dudes that used to always post here, are now riding in exotic cars, and living da life, i can't knock no one getting it...its just not in my blood...
You say you're not resentful of other people's success, but why is it, then, that you're opposed to affirmative action or public aid programs generally?

If you don't resent anyone else's wealth, even when amassed through grift or unearned privilege, why feel resentment over the table scraps flung to those mired in poverty?

You say what Melania eats doesn't make you defecate. What Donald Trump eats doesn't make you full.

Lifting him (and his ilk) up on your shoulders while standing atop the backs of others won't help you climb the ladder - it just makes you the second rung.

If we're playing Monopoly and I start with ten times more money, pay 20% less for houses, don't have to wait 3 turns when imprisoned, and receive more from each transaction than you, it's still theoretically possible for you to win. Giving up isn't the answer, but there's little sense in supporting a rigged system simply because you're hoping to someday trade your thimble in for a car. Those rules that we know to be unjust can and should be reformed.

I can appreciate that you love this country and the opportunities it affords, but that's no reason to accept its many flaws. Those "founding fathers" patriots so admire weren't content with the possibility that, through some harebrained scheme, they might eventually become patroons or lords.

If it doesn't make you ungrateful to this country to want more for yourself than you started with, it doesn't make you ungrateful to this country to want it to be better, too.
Just to be clear, you are literally attempting to defend racial profiling and discrimination.

Racism in contemporary society does not require racial animus to perpetuate itself. You seem to conceptualize racism as overt hatred rooted solely in the belief that people of color are inherently evil or inferior. There is a distinction to be made, however, between individual prejudice and institutional or structural racism.

You don't have to march in a "White Lives Matter" rally to perpetuate racial inequality. For all the vile, unconscionable acts of terror committed by individual racists or overly racist organizations, bombings have caused far less financial damage than discrimination in the lending and housing markets. That should not be trivialized through comparison with "ladies night."

Taking a neutral stance on a racist status quo is supporting racism.
Well this is just what he often finds himself doing. This weekend he tried to tacitly defend birtherism and criticized Obama more for birtherism than anyone else besides Hillary. Not a single word of criticism was uttered about Trump pushing that narrative for years and demanding his birth certificate. I'm not sure if it's due to deliberate malice or his general refusal to ever concede to anything. If he finds himself on the wrong side of the fence, which he often does, he doubles down. Even if that position is implicitly racist.

Shadow President
Tony Podesta stepping down from lobbying giant amid Mueller probe
Podesta announced his decision during a firm-wide meeting Monday morning and is alerting clients of his impending departure.

Democratic power lobbyist Tony Podesta, founder of the Podesta Group, is stepping down from the firm that bears his name after coming under investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller.

Podesta announced his decision during a firm-wide meeting Monday morning and is alerting clients of his impending departure.

Podesta’s decision to leave the firm came on the same day that former Donald Trump campaign aides Paul Manafort and Rick Gates were indicted on multiple charges, including money laundering, operating as federal agents of the Ukrainian government, failing to disclose overseas bank accounts and making false statements to federal authorities. Trump campaign foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty earlier this month for lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russian officials, according to court records.

The investigation into Podesta and his firm grew out of investigators’ examination of Manafort’s finances. Manafort organized a PR campaign on behalf of a nonprofit called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine. Podesta Group was one of several firms that were paid to do work on the PR campaign to promote Ukraine in the U.S.

Podesta Group filed paperwork with the Justice Department in April stating that it had done work for the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine that also benefited the same Ukrainian political party that Manafort once advised. Podesta Group said at the time it believed its client was a European think tank untethered to a political party.

Podesta is handing over full operational and financial control of the firm to longtime firm CEO Kimberley Fritts, according to multiple sources with knowledge of Monday's meeting. Fritts and a senior group of the Podesta team will be launching a new firm in the next one or two days. Sources said the transition has been in the works for the past several months.

“[Tony] was very magnanimous and said, “This is an amazing group of people,” a source said of Podesta’s remarks. Podesta also told staff he “doesn’t intend to go quietly, or learn how to play golf.” He said he “needs to fight this as an individual, but doesn’t want the firm to fight it.”

Fritts also addressed the gathering, telling staff that she is “thrilled at this opportunity” and that, “This is not about me, this is about y’all.” Several other senior staff spoke about their excitement about the future of the firm. The meeting ended with a resounding ovation for Podesta.

Podesta Group did not respond to a request for comment for this story.

Podesta has long been a larger than life figure on K Street, growing his business from a boutique firm into a massive lobbying and public relations operation. He is well known for his flashy dressing, vast art collection, generous campaign donations across all levels of Democratic politics and, of course, for his brother John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman.

Podesta Group has struggled in the wake of the Mueller investigation. More than a dozen of its lobbying clients have cut ties with the firm this year, according to lobbying filings. Revenues have also declined: The firm brought in an estimated $4.8 million in the third quarter of 2017, down from $5.2 million in the second quarter of 2017 and from $6.1 million in the third quarter of 2016.
This dummy carter page.

Paulie Manafort probably finessed multiple NBA max contracts outta foreign goverments and tin pot dictators, and is getting indited while carter page is talking wrecklesx on tv. Id be salty if i wad Manafort.

Everything's setting up some perfect conditions for the 2018 midterms...

Dems need to be out for blood next year
Today was a long ball fly out now. :lol:

When they've got a guy who was a national security advisor for the campaign taking a plea and getting caught flat out attempting to collude with Russians, with the blessing from a senior campaign manager. At this rate we'll have to catch Trump on video with Vlad for some people to think anything has happened.

you're confusing mike flynn with da volunteer who plead guilty to a process crime (lying to da FBI)...that 31 page indictment got ziltch attached to Russian collusion...unless more bodies drops, its gonna be alot of waiting on ya part. manafort & his right hand mand plead not guilty = this is gonna drag out for a LONG time.
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