***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Sounding like RustyShackleford RustyShackleford homie Boomhauer
You say you're not resentful of other people's success, but why is it, then, that you're opposed to affirmative action or public aid programs generally?
affirmative action's good intentions hasn't matched up with its practical application in regards to say asian americans college admissions for example... they gotta go beyond their metrics to overcome some sort of holistic rankings, and once i heard white women benefit da most of affirmative action, it basically became a broken institution...

i dont have a problem with public aid programs, you've misheard there.

You say what Melania eats doesn't make you defecate. What Donald Trump eats doesn't make you full.

i got everything i want as far as da relaxing of automotive cafe standards, a pro fracking regulation, dismantling of da anti coal regulations, and a opportunity to reform da tax code..all under a year of Trump's adminstration.

If you don't resent anyone else's wealth, even when amassed through grift or unearned privilege, why feel resentment over the table scraps flung to those mired in poverty?

you got me confused with some of da previous conservatives here, i don't care what hand outs people feel they wanna take, same way i ain't gonna knock someone with a golden million+ inheritance

my only critiques to in regards to entitlements is government will set up a fund, then raid it for something else and it becomes a unfunded liability.

ninjahood ninjahood , I thought this was a "backward investigation" that is some kind of "fishing expedition" because there is "no crime"?

ya looking for Trump's head on a platter...if this all goes down with da underlings and Trump is still in da White House sitting pretty, ya da ones gonna feel let down, not i. :lol:
I'm more upset about Zeke's suspension than I am happy about Manafort's indictment.


I just want to see the hit new reality show: keeping up with the trumps, in prison. or should they call it "arrested development" but leave out "development".
you're confusing mike flynn with da volunteer who plead guilty to a process crime (lying to da FBI)...that 31 page indictment got ziltch attached to Russian collusion...unless more bodies drops, its gonna be alot of waiting on ya part. manafort & his right hand mand plead not guilty = this is gonna drag out for a LONG time.
Typo, I meant foreign policy advisor. The indictment specifically points to him being given the blessing by a senior campaign manager to set up meetings to collude.

First you said there's nothing. Now we're going to be waiting. Just keep moving the goalposts until you can't anymore. There were more unsealed indictments on the docket and the manafort indictment says that he and Gates conspired with others on the money laundering, so there definitely will be more shoes to drop. We don't have anything but time, anyways. No one expected this to end quickly.
Hannity calling Hillary “President Clinton” is the most hilarious thing ever

Bruh done lost it
Yesterday will be remembered in American history

Of course the cultists have shown the hand they'll play when something big happens. They'll just deny, and target Mueller's credibility.
It's also pretty funny that they'll question his credibility, but if you check right wing media they're going crazy about Podesta :lol:
you're confusing mike flynn with da volunteer who plead guilty to a process crime (lying to da FBI)...that 31 page indictment got ziltch attached to Russian collusion...unless more bodies drops, its gonna be alot of waiting on ya part. manafort & his right hand mand plead not guilty = this is gonna drag out for a LONG time.

Dude come on you can be better than this. Who puts a random volunteer on their campaign's national security team and foreign policy advisor. And even if he was he just some random dude he still was on the national security team for his campaign that can't be ignored with the involvement he had which the indictment specifically outlines how that played a role in the efforts he tried to make while a higher up member of the campaign.

And "plead guilty to a process crime (lying to da FBI)" why don't we take a look at what he lied about, you know actually get some context instead of pretending like there is nothing to it. The truth of what he lied about in bold.

a. Defendant PAPADOPOULOS claimed that his interactions with an overseas professor, who defendant PAPADOPOULOS understood to have substantial connections to Russian government officials, occurred before defendant PAPADOPOULOS became a foreign policy adviser to the Campaign. Defendant PAPADOPOULOS acknowledged that the professor had told him about the Russians possessing "dirt" on then-candidate Hillary Clinton in the form of"thousands of emails," but stated multiple times that he learned that information prior to joining the Campaign. In truth and in fact, however, defendant PAPADOPOULOS learned he would be an advisor to the Campaign in early March, and met the professor on or about March 14, 2016; the professor only took interest in defendant PAPADOPOULOS because of his status with the Campaign; and the professor told defendant PAPADOPOULOS about the "thousands of emails" on or about April 26, 2016, when defendant PAPADOPOULOS had been a foreign policy adviser to the Campaign for over a month. b. Defendant PAPADOPOULOS further told the investigating agents that the professor was "a nothing" and "just a guy talk[ing] up connections or something." In truth and in fact, however, defendant PAPADOPOULOS understood that the professor had substantial connections to Russian government officials (and had met with some ofthose officials in Moscow immediately prior to telling defendant PAPADOPOULOS about the "thousands of emails") and, over a period of months, defendant PAPADOPOULOS repeatedly sought to use the professor's Russian connections in an effort to arrange a meeting between the Campaign and Russian government officials. c. Defendant PAPADOPOULOS claimed he met a certain female Russian national before he joined the Campaign and that their communications consisted of emails such as, '"Hi , how are you?"' In truth and in fact, however, defendant PAPADOPOULOS met the female Russian national on or about March 24, 2016, after he had become an adviser to the Campaign; he believed that she had connections to Russian government officials; and he sought to use her Russian connections over a period ofmonths in an effort to arrange a meeting between the Campaign and Russian government officials.
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This situation is as fascinating as a new Netflix show ... I spent much of last night reading everything associated with the charges ...

One thing is for sure, Fox News spent a significant amount of time on their programs discussing ... If you want to know Trump's path forward, it was laid out last night ... Basically, nothing to see here, had no knowledge of meetings, put lowest staffer on assignment to decline meetings, guy is a liar anyway, and absolutely no connection to election ... While CNN literally cried tears of joy, celebrating what amounts to the OPPO research that their own party funded ... It was a very weird night on news channels ...

Mueller is clearly lost and trying to force people to talk ... Applying pressure in the form of trumped up tax evasion charges to somehow gain cooperation ... This will not happen ... Book it ... The entire Manafort angle is for leverage and it will not work ... You aren't a career crook for no reason ...

The Papa Doc connection reminds me of Scooter Libby ... In short, no one will care about the person who eventually takes the fall ... And it won't be The DON ...
Yea he was just a “volunteer”...that is copping a guilty plea for federal crimes. Anyone who tries to pass that as not a big deal is hilarious. No it’s not Trump being arrested, but it was done under his watch...I don’t remember the last time I committed a federal crime for the Boys and Girls Club when I was volunteering. Is that how I show my true loyalty?
These people truly don't exist in the real world man...

They're just tossing out random buzzwords and attacks against their 'enemies' now to rile up their base

Even Bern isn't on the 'radical left' let alone the rest of the Dems :lol:

The obstruction accusation makes no sense either because they legit rule every branch of power...its not the Dems not passing anything,it's their owm incompetent and incapable of governing asses but their willfully ignorant base doesn't do nuance so they'll eat it up and regurgitate it like good parrots
If we're playing Monopoly and I start with ten times more money, pay 20% less for houses, don't have to wait 3 turns when imprisoned, and receive more from each transaction than you, it's still theoretically possible for you to win. Giving up isn't the answer, but there's little sense in supporting a rigged system simply because you're hoping to someday trade your thimble in for a car. Those rules that we know to be unjust can and should be reformed.

I love analogies like this because they are easy to understand.

i got everything i want as far as da relaxing of automotive cafe standards, a pro fracking regulation, dismantling of da anti coal regulations, and a opportunity to reform da tax code..all under a year of Trump's administration.

How do these things actually affect you specifically?
Oh and add confederate apologist to the list of the adult in the room, Kelly's, redeemable qualities...>D

The longer he's been in the spotlight,the more he's exposed exactly what he's about and now it's looking like no surprise that he decided to associate himself with this regime
Yea he was just a “volunteer”...that is copping a guilty plea for federal crimes. Anyone who tries to pass that as not a big deal is hilarious. No it’s not Trump being arrested, but it was done under his watch...I don’t remember the last time I committed a federal crime for the Boys and Girls Club when I was volunteering. Is that how I show my true loyalty?
I think you are missing the point, though ... Of course he wasn't just some guy that walked in off the street ... But that was his entire purpose ... Be the guy that would take a semi-fall with a couple other jokers and have Trump commute the sentence just like every president does ...

I urge you guys to do some googling ... There are many instances of similar charges being levied against people "close" to the candidate/President ...this is not unique, nor is it damaging ...

We don't live in a made for TV drama world ... Again, look how Manafort waltzed into the FBI ... This is a joke to these people ... I know it's hard to fathom but unless Mueller has a significant ace up his sleeve, which he might, this is about as close to getting Trump impeached as Bernie becoming Pence's Vice President in 2020 ...
Every American needs to read "Battle Cry for Freedom" because it's pretty obvious that a way too small percentage of y'all actually understand what the civil war was about.
I think you are missing the point, though ... Of course he wasn't just some guy that walked in off the street ... But that was his entire purpose ... Be the guy that would take a semi-fall with a couple other jokers and have Trump commute the sentence just like every president does ...

So what you’re claiming is they knew from the jump that he would be their scape goat if these things came to light?

I’ve dealt with people like this in the agriculture sector. They raise a bunch of investment, while realizing they don’t really know what they’re doing. So they look for a fall guy early on to pin it on when it gets messy. It makes them look more guilty after the fact than they would have looked...
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