***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This is what happens when wealth, money and capital are the most important things our body politic. We will cease to have national sovereignty. Conservatives can huff and puff all they want about flags, troops and their fear of the UN but at the end of the day, when everything is privatized and commodified and for sale, there is no Nation State anymore.
Oh look who else was poppin it with Flynn and the Turkish FM after the kidnap plot

Does this mean Nunes will temporarily step aside for another fifteen minutes, before he starts writing up new subpoenas?
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First of all, I'm sorry for the sloppy writing. Second, I just don't know exactly how we should deal with a legal adult having non coercive sex with a minor who is a biological adult. Third, I do find it fascinating that a majority of Americans make no distinction between pedophilia and attraction to under 18 adolescents. It seems that there is a huge difference and most Americans refuse to make any distinction.

What I do know is that the age of consent should be lower. No one should have to be considered a felon and be labeled a sex offender because they had consensual sex with a high school junior or senior. Also and obviously, sex with young child must stay illegal and be punished severally. What to do with those who have sex with pubescent young adults, the 13 to 15 year range, I am not sure. My gut says it should still be illegal but the penalty should be less severe than it is now but, like i said, I am not sure about that group.

where's despairsray to make sense of all of this?
First of all, I'm sorry for the sloppy writing. Second, I just don't know exactly how we should deal with a legal adult having non coercive sex with a minor who is a biological adult. Third, I do find it fascinating that a majority of Americans make no distinction between pedophilia and attraction to under 18 adolescents. It seems that there is a huge difference and most Americans refuse to make any distinction.

What I do know is that the age of consent should be lower. No one should have to be considered a felon and be labeled a sex offender because they had consensual sex with a high school junior or senior. Also and obviously, sex with young child must stay illegal and be punished severally. What to do with those who have sex with pubescent young adults, the 13 to 15 year range, I am not sure. My gut says it should still be illegal but the penalty should be less severe than it is now but, like i said, I am not sure about that group.

Ok, cool.

I do agree that America has its head up its *** regarding the sexual activities of teenagers. But still it is a tough subject for me to talk about because at my core I view teenagers as more of kids than adult. I will touch on this later.

I am more in the mindset that 16 should be the national limit. And it should have softer enforcement that it does now. A 17-year-old should not get in trouble for having sex with a 16-year-old, the sexting charges are ridiculous, the should be a soft cap above the victims age to guide punishment. A 40-year-old that has sex with a 15-year-old should not be treated the same as a 19-year-old that does it. Kids in the same school or school level should get a break, but educator should be fired because for god’s sake keeping your hands of the kids is a small ask for a teacher.

I really don’t care if an adult that chooses to engagement in sexual activity with a 10-year-has his/her life ruined with the registry. That should probably not be the punishment for someone does it with a teenager that is 17.5 years. Society may view you as a perv though depending on your age though. In the 14-15 I fall on the side of harsh punishment but not jail time, and no registry. Having them pick up road kill every Saturday for the next couple years, have them pay a fine. But don’t ruin them economically for the rest of their lives.

However, I think it is reasonable for such an action would cause society to disqualify you from being a US Senator.

-Now regarding your Lebron lynching comment. While I get the point, you are trying to drive home, you opened that door with your wording so, let me add something.

Maybe within the black and other minority community there is a sense that a 14-year-old should be treated as more of a child than an adult because our 14-year-olds are already being treated as adults by America. You know, if one of them makes even the slightest of mistakes, their lives are ruined because the American education and justice system tells them they are adults, they should have known better, zero tolerance.

Fighting in school, breaking a window with a rock, or playing with a toy gun can get your life ruin or ended. So, there might be some general feelings in those communities that 14-year-olds need to be seen more are children that need to be protected, than young adults that need to be given freedom. And that extends to other areas beyond what I mentioned. I know this fuels my view, maybe it should not, but it does.
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Ok, cool.

I do agree that America has its head up its *** regarding the sexual activities of teenagers. But still it is a tough subject for me to talk about because at my core I view teenagers as more of kids than adult. I will touch on this later.

I am more in the mindset that 16 should be the national limit. And it should have softer enforcement that it does now. A 17-year-old should not get in trouble for having sex with a 16-year-old, the sexting charges are ridiculous, the should be a soft cap above the victims age to guide punishment. A 40-year-old that has sex with a 15-year-old should not be treated the same as a 19-year-old that does it. Kids in the same school or school level should get a break, but educator should be fired because for god’s sake keeping your hands of the kids is a small ask for a teacher.

I really don’t care if an adult that chooses to engagement in sexual activity with a 10-year-has his/her life ruined with the registry. That should probably not be the punishment for someone does it with someone 17.5 years old though. Society may view you as a perv though depending on your age. In the 14-15 I fall on the side of harsh punishment but not jail time, and no registry. Having them pick up road kill every Saturday for the next couple years, have them pay a fine. But don’t ruin them economically for the rest of their lives.

However, I think it is reasonable for such an action would cause society to disqualify you from being a US Senator.

-Now regarding your Lebron lynching comment. While I get the point, you are trying to drive home, you opened that door with your wording so, let me add something.

Maybe within the black and other minority community there is a sense that a 14-year-old should be treated as more of a child than an adult because our 14-year-olds are already being treated as adults by America. You know, if one of them makes even the slightest of mistakes, their lives are ruined because the American education and justice system tells them they are adults, they should have known better, zero tolerance.

Fighting in school, breaking a window with a rock, or playing with a toy gun can get your life ruin or ended. So, there might be some general feelings in those communities that 14-year-olds need to be seen more are children that need to be protected, than young adults that need to be given freedom. And that extends to other areas beyond what I mentioned. I know this fuels my view, maybe it should not, but it does.

I agree with pretty much everything you said, especially the part about educators. I'm happily married but if I were single, I still would not date any of my students and they are all legal adults. I wouldn't even feel comfortable dating them after taking my class or even after graduating since they may ask me for a letter of recommendation or for me to be a refrence for a job application in the future.

On your second point, I had not thought of that particular angle. It makes sense and it reminds me of Chris Hayes, a couple of years ago, putting the black proclivity for corporal punishment into perspective. Hayes said that being black in America is do dangerous that black parents have to keep their kids in line with harsher and more rigorously applied discipline then white parents have to.

Yet again, our unbalanced criminal justice system disadvantages black and brown people by downgrading their childhood. Corporal punishment is bad for a child's development and then because society treats black and brown adolescent as fully accountable adults, they are robbed of the freedom and self discovery that white adolescents tend to enjoy.
He really went around and shook everyone in that rooms hand :lol: that's my president :pimp:

Secret service probably like "hurry up...!"
I was going to post this:

"On a serious note, the US has been destabilized. When you have people who engage in a personality cult regardless of what their leaders/parties do, you have the strong possibility of violent trouble. The country is vast, largely uninhabited, and a situation like DR Congo is not out of the realm of possibility IMO (no go zones in less populated areas for the neutral population and pockets of insurgency within the US).

The moderate Republicans that are left in Congress need to actually stand up to Trump with more than speeches, unless they are warming up the private jet engines and attempting their last cash grab before bailing on the rest of us."

Then I read this:

Brett J. Talley, President Trump’s nominee to be a federal judge in Alabama, has never tried a case, was unanimously rated “not qualified” by the American Bar Assn.’s judicial rating committee, has practiced law for only three years and, as a blogger last year, displayed a degree of partisanship unusual for a judicial nominee, denouncing “Hillary Rotten Clinton” and pledging support for the National Rifle Assn.

On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee, on a party-line vote, approved him for a lifetime appointment to the federal bench

There ain't no moderate Republican. Don't be swayed by their words of "concern" because their only worry is not yet knowing which way they'll go if **** hits the fan.
I wish OBUMMER'S fans would've confronted him about CROOKED NANCY AND UNDAPPER CHARLES. Throw a Honker Burger at him for ruining everything.

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