***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I wonder what Indian American Nikki Haley thinks of these 7-Eleven raids.

Well she's born and raised here. That's the "birther" fact many republicans ride so hard on. Or "my parents came the legal way, the right way". Not defending her. Some Republicans and maybe dems won't really get or understand the complexity of immigration. But something gotta be done right

....so yeah that would make her look weird. Her parents 100% Indian. Guess she hung out with too many white people
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#1, 99% of Indian people don't follow the caste system in 2018. That's some @#$@ that mostly happens in remote villages along with forced marriages, cow worship, etc. that America loves to display in the news to stereotype all Indians.

#2, 99% of Indian people would NEVER identify as white. My mom and her family are descended from and look like Southern Europeans (they're even more light skin than my European family), but you'll never hear them claim to be white or European. Most don't want anything to do with white people due to the British robbing the country blind; the only Europeans that get a pass are Asian washed/ethnic looking ones like my dad that prove that they respect and appreciate different cultures.

People like Nikki Haley are like the Ninjahoods of Indians. They don't claim us now, but we haven't claimed them since they decided to burden the planet with their emergence. There's a lot of derogatory terms for them in Indian/Asian culture.

Thank you for explaining some stuff about my peoples
Don is just speaking how people talk that work in the Coal mines UNDER Manhattan. LIBBIE tears taste Grrrrrrreat. Very proud of MY PRESIDENT for saying what Real America feels. No amount of IDENTITY POLITICS and ALT LEFT propaganda will save you LIBBIE SNOWFLAKES. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa is all I hear from you clowns. Go back to your mom's rent controlled basement before REAL America makes you taste your own blood. #SMASHMOUTHPOLITICS

this reminds me of a schizophrenic homeless guy who would walk the streets yelling out the n-word and telling African-Americans to go back to Africa and to stop raping white women.

"That's just how the forgotten men and women of this country talk on the streets."
Remember they got the caste system.....so of course she is gonna consider her self white.
Caste got more to do with your role, job, status in society. Karma may be relative

I have a bangladesh friend who tells me about Indian folk who identify as White. She said the lighter you are the Whiter you are.

Banglas technically aren't Indian now, we all used to be 1 mega country. Lighter to whiter status preference or bias is colorism. That type of discrimination that the British would identify when they ruled India for 100s of yrs. these damn British also made paki and India turn on another

Light whitish pale skin =/= Caucasian race

There's plenty of pale whitish light looking people in non European races, ex latino, irani, Indian, afghan, arab, Spanish even some asian
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Don is just speaking how people talk that work in the Coal mines UNDER Manhattan. LIBBIE tears taste Grrrrrrreat. Very proud of MY PRESIDENT for saying what Real America feels. No amount of IDENTITY POLITICS and ALT LEFT propaganda will save you LIBBIE SNOWFLAKES. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa is all I hear from you clowns. Go back to your mom's rent controlled basement before REAL America makes you taste your own blood. #SMASHMOUTHPOLITICS
Finally a REAL president sharing what we are all THINKING.

This is good ole 'Merican COAL MINE TALK. Just this morning I was telling my COALMATE Jimbo a) your eyes are beautiful in this kerosene lamp light, b) I only acknowledge two ****holes: the one at the other end of this mine, and the LIBBIE-INFESTED countries that send us their Commie-loving WORST to try to ruin MY country and detail trump from bringing back MY jobs.

Is it my fault that those countries happen to be in Africa? Does that make me racist? Nope. That makes me AMERICAN.
Finally a REAL president sharing what we are all THINKING.

This is good ole 'Merican COAL MINE TALK. Just this morning I was telling my COALMATE Jimbo a) your eyes are beautiful in this kerosene lamp light, b) I only acknowledge two ****holes: the one at the other end of this mine, and the LIBBIE-INFESTED countries that send us their Commie-loving WORST to try to ruin MY country and detail trump from bringing back MY jobs.

Is it my fault that those countries happen to be in Africa? Does that make me racist? Nope. That makes me AMERICAN.

This sounded a little too authentic:lol:
If someone can read through this whole interview without throwing up, jumping off a roof, or punching a wall, I give you props:


here's an except:

WSJ: Do you think they’re close to ending the probe?

Mr. Trump: I hope so. Hey, look, I got elected president. I won easily, 306 or 304, depending on your definition, to 223. I won a race that should never be won by a Republican because it’s so stacked in the Democrats’ favor. I mean, if you figure California, New York, and Illinois, you start off with losing that—you have to run the entire East Coast and every— and the entire Midwest.

I won an election that should never be won, because the Electoral College is far harder to win than the popular vote. The popular vote, for me, would have been much easier.

WSJ: But just to be clear, you’re not asking for them to shut those congressional investigations down?
This sounded a little too authentic:lol:
Even my best attempts at sarcasm still come across as something the average trump supporter would say offhand.
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I don't know which one is viler.

Trump's words

Or that outlets like Fox News trying to excuse them by basically saying "Hey, its cool, rich white people say stuff like this behind closed doors all the time," so no worries

-We must always remember that the most dangerous white supremacist is not the mostly powerless poor white racist dudes in Appalachia, that are living in despair, holding onto their guns, and a false sense of superiority. But the affluent white supremacist who has the money to buy influence and the power to influence damage on marginalized groups.

Trump is not only being cheered on in the poor rural areas of this country but in the affluent suburbs too.
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I love reading those transcripts :lol:
While they're always worrying and disturbing, at least the combo of being dumber than a rock and senile delusion can make for some funny reading. When faced with such unrelenting ignorance, stupidity, delusion and incompetence and no end in sight any time soon, I welcome that kind of comedic relief
He will see this and comment about how he is giving everyone a break. And he doesn't feel like posting. His *** is still lurking

And it is peace, not need for buffoonery.

I mean I know he supports Trump, but I wonder if he supports the things he said today especially about Haiti since that shares the island with DR.
I don't know which one is viler.

Trump's words

Or that outlets like Fox News trying to excuse them by basically saying "Hey, its cool, rich white people say stuff like this behind closed doors all the time," so it is cool.

-We must always remember that the most dangerous white supremacist is not the mostly powerless poor white dude living in despair in Appalachia, that are living in despair, holding onto his guns, and a false sense of superiority. But the affluent white supremacist who has the money to buy influence and the power to influence damage on marginalized groups.

Trump is not only being cheered on in the poor rural areas of this country but in the affluent suburbs too.
The worst to me are the people that have the power to do something that either choose to do nothing or continue to encourage the awful behavior.
No need to @ him

“There are ****hole countries everywhere b”
I think this covers most of the defense strategies

"But is he wrong about Haiti though b"

"Locker room racism b"

"But Bill and Hillary and Haiti"

"Note how da DR wasn't in that list :pimp: Real recognize real b"

(picture of Trump with a Haitian and an African)

"If OBUMMER passed immigration reform he wouldn't need to do this"

(random picture of Trump with rappers)

"If you want to stand up for these ****hole countries so much and hate our dapper white savior, why don't you go move there or go back where you came from?"

"But da age of consent in Mexico though, when will you Mexican-American citizens answer for all actions of the Mexican government"
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