***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Or you can blame Obama for not forcing through immigration reform when he didn't have the votes, and idiot proofing the presidency beforehand, so the Bigot you support could not make you look like a complete *** whenever you claimed to support immigrant rights and cape for this clown at the same time.
Or maybe his alternative defense strategy "But is he wrong about Haiti though b? And it was actually Bill and Hilllary who..."
people are in general coarser in private and will say more insensitive things. me included.

so apply that to trump and it's pretty clear the n-word is just the tip of the iceberg of what he says in private.

Right.. having been around a decent amount of world leaders (i grew up in politics, not American), inclusive of American ones, this is not normal

You have individuals who are significantly smarter.. yes, they may have the occasional slip of the tongue, as any person does

But look at the last few presidents.. a single 1 of these dumb a*]*] things would have been HUGE scandals.. but every damn day it's something with this fool

He is somehow the only supposed billionaire in the damn world who doesn't know there are 2 Virgin Island and 1 of em is an American territory
Or you can blame Obama for not forcing through immigration reform when he didn't have the votes, and idiot proofing the presidency beforehand, so the Bigot you support could not make you look like a complete *** whenever you claimed to support immigrant rights and cape for this clown at the same time.

Considering OBUMMER ruined everything, door number 2 it is.
thats probably how all world leaders talk behind closed doors
so they probably not tripping
but will publicly make it a big deal

There are some things you don't say in a work setting about certain people or countries because you do not know when you'll need their cooperation. Nigeria is the largest oil producer in Africa. I suppose they will not receive Trump's comments very well, especially since they also constitute the largest contingent of international students in the US (aka $$$$$) from that side of the globe.
I really can't believe a 70 year old mature man, President of the free world, the best* country on the earth, makes slurs about those countries. WOW.

Dont make America hate again

Anders Behring Breivik first comes to mind whenever I hear of Norway...
It would be on my shortlist of other countries to live in if I had to choose a different one. Canada, Sweden or Norway. Canada more so due to the language factor.
It's generally held in very high regard around here. All the Scandinavan nations really, but primarily Norway and Sweden.
And still, nothing will be done. We live in a fascist, racist nation with a fascist, racist government.
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