***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm not criticizing the article at all. He laid out my main problem with Conservatives as of late, which is that they have forgotten that they can be wrong. Still, what the article sounded like (to me at least) was another plea for compassion towards people who haven't been compassionate by supporting a bigot, and all I'm saying is that it is naive to think that renouncing Trump will be enough for those who will be / have been hurt by his policies.
They taking their country back


Repping strictly off the avy
I have a government trip to New Orleans and Florida from Sunday to next Friday. Welp, looks like I'll have to cancel and re-schedule.

But, but, but school choice! The free market!!

1 billion of taxpayer money given to a school that had the largest dropout rate in the nation and a graduation rate of 40%.

"Now, with ECOT imploding, some state politicians have floated the idea that Lager, who has made millions in profits off the school and come a long way from the Waffle House, should be personally held responsible for paying back some of the $80 million owed to the state. But while the coming days will reveal if the political will or mechanisms exist to make this happen, it’s unclear how he might ever be held accountable—because the real scandal is that ECOT grew up legally, with the support of state politicians and national GOP power brokers, and that in many ways it has served as a model for schools like it across the country. Now, the same districts ECOT pulled its funds from are scrambling to find a way to take in its former students, and Ohio is facing a reckoning, after nearly two decades when the state became one of the country’s freest laboratories for pro-charter policies. “Why did it take a generation and a half of kids to go through this crappy system for us to do something about it,” Stephen Dyer, a former Ohio state representative asked me in exasperation in December. “The reason is because a lot of money came in.

When ITT tech goes to the high school level


I feel bad for the kids but the parents and state politicians who got swindled, not so much. They better use that suddenly free taxpayer money to compensate these kids.

What kind of parent enrolls their kid at a school with that bad a graduation rate?

If anyone aside from an educator with a degree is running a school, instant red flag. Smh
The republican philosophy in a nutshell:

"By 2006, ECOT was growing into a behemoth, and Lager was growing rich. He didn’t technically work for the school, but he remained the head of Altair. His private companies eventually billed ECOT for at least $153 million, most of it taxpayer dollars. These companies were largely insulated from state oversight. In 2002, a law, put forth by Republican legislators, had stripped the state of much of its ability to directly oversee charter schools and shifted that responsibility to chartering agencies like Lucas County ESC, which were left largely responsible for monitoring the schools that paid them. Charter management companies like Altair weren’t—and still aren’t—required to report what percentage of the state funds they received were paid out in individual salaries. But two early state audits show that at least in the first two years of ECOT’s operation, more than $1 million in fees paid to Altair went to Lager personally."

Collect taxes (public money) and keep the public from having a say in how that money is spent by destroying regulatory agencies. Then, allow private companies, which are not accountable to the public, to play regulator but only if the companies they're supposed to regulate pay them; pay those private regulators (and the companies they oversee) with public funds.

"Absolutely nothing will go wrong."
- the GOP
When ITT tech goes to the high school level


I feel bad for the kids but the parents and state politicians who got swindled, not so much. They better use that suddenly free taxpayer money to compensate these kids.

What kind of parent enrolls their kid at a school with that bad a graduation rate?

If anyone aside from an educator with a degree is running a school, instant red flag. Smh
It's in the article: kids and parents who got left behind by a system that funds education with property taxes. The charter school was sold to them as another chance to a brighter future.

It is worth the read.
It's in the article: kids and parents who got left behind by a system that funds education with property taxes. The charter school was sold to them as another chance to a brighter future.

It is worth the read.

I read it, didn’t the parents look into the school before taking their kids out of regular public schools? Charter schools in general are shady as hell but after how many years the parents get some of that blame too for not doing due diligence on the school they send their kids too. Especially if they’re already troubled/poor/dropouts/whatever.
I read it, didn’t the parents look into the school before taking their kids out of regular public schools? Charter schools in general are shady as hell but after how many years the parents get some of that blame too for not doing due diligence on the school they send their kids too. Especially if they’re already troubled/poor/dropouts/whatever.

Some charters don't charge students to attend the school (like public schools). It must've been one of them.
Because of the lack of oversight, the administration is able to hide the issues during the recruitment process; the problems only appear after the kid has started the school year and parents can't get in touch with teachers or the administration. When it comes to the profile of students who went there, it's really no different than ITT Tech: people who got kicked out, failed to graduate, or who couldn't get in a public school for one reason or another.

Oh and this is for RustyShackleford RustyShackleford

"Kasich spoke at ECOT’s 2011 commencement. “You will have had no other speaker more committed to the ECOT idea than Governor Kasich,” Lager told the crowd that day. “With his help, we see nothing but clear sailing.”

Only now, since the Department of Education’s reviews, have Ohio politicians begun to distance themselves from the growing scandal. Last August, the state Republican Party returned $38,000 in donations from Lager and another $38,000 from his lieutenant at Altair, Melissa Vasil. Yost has since even suggested that Lager, who over the years has purchased a $3.7 million home in Key West, Florida, along with a lakeside retreat and properties around Columbus, could be expected to personally repay some of the tens of millions of dollars ECOT owes the state."

Yeah, Kasich is on circus bathroom status too, always has been.

Famb supports all the buffoonery the far right does, fakes being a principled moderate and some liberals fall for it, then he runs back to the dog whistling and lashing out at minorities and poor people the next chance he gets.
I'm not criticizing the article at all. He laid out my main problem with Conservatives as of late, which is that they have forgotten that they can be wrong. Still, what the article sounded like (to me at least) was another plea for compassion towards people who haven't been compassionate by supporting a bigot, and all I'm saying is that it is naive to think that renouncing Trump will be enough for those who will be / have been hurt by his policies.
Yeah I agree, Frum gives too many breaks to the GOP base. especially after conceding how much damage many far right policies cause. He has been trying to rationalize, and explain away, their white supremacy for decades now.

Like I said, he knows there is a rot, he is naive to how bad the rot is. Not only in the establishment, but the voters too.
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The GOP controls the House, Senate and Presidency. The only thing holding this really seems to be DACA, something the GOP claim their support. There are votes for it. They promised Flake they would pass it to get his vote on the tax bill. Yet Ryan and Turtle still stall to play games

Yet the government shuts down because they couldn't stop acting like petulant children, and could find anyone else to indulge their buffoonery.

Oh yeah, there is a clown in the White House.

Can't blame Cruz or the Tea Party this time, it is the GOP Establishment that is showing their incompetence right now.
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