***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Love it when conservative outlets slander their own. They pushed the nonsense about Trump's ability to pay off the US debt during his presidency, and now we're looking at -$3 trillion in the future with nothing to show for it: inadequate schools, no infrastructure, no social safety net, empty federal coffers.

I think that's how Greece happened

Trump logic: Print out/produce more paper money. Debt solved.


Well this is what the electoral college wanted

He is also running the country like his business.

These were meant as jokes but these are sad know that i read them outloud

But hey thats what they wanted. They wanted someone with no political experience who would run this country as a business and not a bought out politician.

Drain the swap they said.
My fault if this is off base or just doesn't sound correct. Help me paint this picture.

But essentially what russia did was paint a picture of an online campaign that dates back at least to 2014 and extends right through the election itself, an effort that involved the spreading fake news and the careful curation of online identities that purported to be politically active Americans.

#Trump2016, #MAGA and #Hillary4Prison, as well as paid political advertisements featuring phrases like “Vote Republican, vote Trump, and support the Second Amendment.” were what these troll accounts were pushing thru social media in which confused your dumb american to support this agenda.

Basically what Russia did has been happening in politics for decades slander your opponent so you can win its called a Presidential Race.

I see ads on TV all the time from my local government that slander other politicians and ends with Vote for me etc.

So what im getting at here is shouldnt we be blaming the dumb idiots who believe those troll accounts on FB to be true without actually going out and doing the actual research to find out its true? Doesnt this expose just how dumb americans are?

Or are we going after Russia just because we know Russia doesnt have the best interest in America?

We know Trump paid his campaign employees alot of money to do what was necessary to win the Presidential race so they paid Russia to help push there political ads is the problem?
My fault if this is off base or just doesn't sound correct. Help me paint this picture.

But essentially what russia did was paint a picture of an online campaign that dates back at least to 2014 and extends right through the election itself, an effort that involved the spreading fake news and the careful curation of online identities that purported to be politically active Americans.

#Trump2016, #MAGA and #Hillary4Prison, as well as paid political advertisements featuring phrases like “Vote Republican, vote Trump, and support the Second Amendment.” were what these troll accounts were pushing thru social media in which confused your dumb american to support this agenda.

Basically what Russia did has been happening in politics for decades slander your opponent so you can win its called a Presidential Race.

I see ads on TV all the time from my local government that slander other politicians and ends with Vote for me etc.

So what im getting at here is shouldnt we be blaming the dumb idiots who believe those troll accounts on FB to be true without actually going out and doing the actual research to find out its true? Doesnt this expose just how dumb americans are?

Or are we going after Russia just because we know Russia doesnt have the best interest in America?

We know Trump paid his campaign employees alot of money to do what was necessary to win the Presidential race so they paid Russia to help push there political ads is the problem?
This is a weak argument.

Be upset at a foreign government for meddling in our elections, and being upset at the clowns that fell for it, and not mutually exclusive.

We can do both.
This is a weak argument.

Be upset at a foreign government for meddling in our elections, and being upset at the clowns that fell for it, and not mutually exclusive.

We can do both.

Trust im upset that Russia did do this and took advantage of the dumbness of our citizens. Im just trying to look at this from different angles to make sense of this :ohwell:

You’re completely overthinking this. White christian males would rather have a white christian male in office than ANYTHING else.

And we know this to be true so who are we blaming here for exploiting this?
Trust im upset that Russia did do this and took advantage of the dumbness of our citizens. Im just trying to look at this from different angles to make sense of this :ohwell:

And we know this to be true so who are we blaming here for exploiting this?
exploiting white fragility? Lol. Their racism and self-inferiority issues do all that. They only needed yet another “hide who you are but keep things white” outlet. Trump was perfect for that
exploiting white fragility? Lol. Their racism and self-inferiority issues do all that. They only needed yet another “hide who you are but keep things white” outlet. Trump was perfect for that


So let me ask you this

Do you believe Trump couldn't have won this election if Russia didnt meddle?


Do you believe that Trump could of paid all these white christian racist males in the states to push the same agenda Russia was paid to do and still win the election?

Russians arent american and can see white fragility :lol:

So let me ask you this

Do you believe Trump couldn't have won this election if Russia didnt meddle?


Do you believe that Trump could of paid all these white christian racist males in the states to push the same agenda Russia was paid to do and still win the election?

Russians arent american and can see white fragility :lol:

Couple things, we don’t know to what capacity the “attack” actually was, and to me this was more of a “I help you, you help me” finance wise between the party and Russia. Russia essentially foot the bill to spam the internet LOL.

With that said I think he would have won either way. White manhood was put into question in the most trivial sense. “Ain’t no woman gonna be in charge of me and my guns!!”. I’ll admit, Trumps angle of racism and “take back our country” was a brilliant move to counteract the “blacks winning” the previous elections.

All in all Obama was all the propaganda Trump needed
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That's why:

"She is particularly concerned about the communities of color in District 2, a district with "a little bit of everything," according to Youngblood—a "beautiful shoreline with multimillion-dollar homes" in Cape May, and more "urban pockets" in other parts."

Money still talk in US politics. There are a lot of people who are oblivious to the fact that whether polite (ala Flake) or brash (Trump), the GOP agenda generally favors the wealthy at the expense of the poor. The "sane" Republicans, who want a tax system a la carte, are willing to financially support DINOs who will maintain a system that caters to their greed. If getting that polite and slow erosion of American society means voting for a conservative Dem, they'll do it. They don't think further than the next quarter.
Couple things, we don’t know to what capacity the “attack” actual was, and to me this was more of a “I help you, you help me” finance wise between the party and Russia. Russia essentially foot the bill to spam the internet LOL.

With that said I think we would have won either way. White manhood was put into question in the most trivial sense. “Ain’t no woman gonna be in charge of me and my guns!!”. I’ll admit, Trumps angle of racism and “take back out country” was a brilliant move to counteract the “blacks winning” the previous elections.

All in all Obama was all the propaganda Trump needed

Point i was trying to make. Either way Trump would of won and this Trump and Putin thing looks like a finance deal homey hookup because Russia pushed an agenda that was already known to be true in the states. The reason this looks bad is because its "RUSSIA" and to an extent we dont know their true motive is the conspiracy part.

And we dont know what was done in the "Cyber Attack" to an extent because information technology is such a complicated industry its very hard to really know the ins and outs of the industry nothing is %100 secure which is yet another conspiracy part.

Its like we know there is an AIDS cure out there but have yet to cure it but some folks really believe there is one but no one can say because health is such a complicated industry

So what are we actually going after?
Point i was trying to make. Either way Trump would of won and this Trump and Putin thing looks like a finance deal homey hookup because Russia pushed an agenda that was already known to be true in the states. The reason this looks bad is because its "RUSSIA" and to an extent we dont know their true motive is the conspiracy part.

And we dont know what was done in the "Cyber Attack" to an extent because information technology is such a complicated industry its very hard to really know the ins and outs of the industry nothing is %100 secure which is yet another conspiracy part.

Its like we know there is an AIDS cure out there but have yet to cure it but some folks really believe there is one but no one can say because health is such a complicated industry

So what are we actually going after?
Honestly all this BS is just proof that all the media is responsible for this including the ones that suggest they’re against him. They wanted this. News is now reality TV. They’re doing all this under the cover of attempting to get him out of office but that WONT happen. Vote, that will make a change.

All these “ trump is a bad person let’s kick him out!” Type stories are worthless. His backers don’t care and their minds won’t change. White is white is white. Old christian “values”, “freedoms”, “great again” screams of the 1940’s-50’s of good old whites only bathrooms LOL

What are they “going for”? Viewers
Honestly all this BS is just proof that all the media is responsible for this including the ones that suggest they’re against him. They wanted this. News is now reality TV. They’re doing all this under the cover of attempting to get him out of office but that WONT happen. Vote, that will make a change.

All these “ trump is a bad person let’s kick him out!” Type stories are worthless. His backers don’t care and their minds won’t change. White is white is white. Old christian “values”, “freedoms”, “great again” screams of the 1940’s-50’s of good old whites only bathrooms LOL

What are they “going for”? Viewers

Exactly my man finally someone that gets it the finger can be pointed many directions and the "MEDIA" is not our friend its the devil and they have an agenda too "VIEWERS" in which creates "MONEY" which is the devil too.

Truth hurts :ohwell:

From April 2017

Russian intelligence operatives tried in 2013 to recruit an American businessman and eventual foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign who is now part of the F.B.I. investigation into Russia’s interference into the American election, according to federal court documents and a statement issued by the businessman.

The businessman, Carter Page, met with one of three Russians who were eventually charged with being undeclared officers with Russia’s foreign intelligence service, known as the S.V.R. The F.B.I. interviewed Mr. Page in 2013 as part of an investigation into the spy ring, but decided that he had not known the man was a spy, and the bureau never accused Mr. Page of wrongdoing.

The court documents say that Mr. Page, who founded an investment company in New York called Global Energy Capital, provided documents about the energy business to one of the Russians, Victor Podobnyy, thinking he was a businessman who could help with brokering deals in Russia.

In fact, Mr. Podobnyy was an S.V.R. officer posing as an attaché at the Russian mission to the United Nations.

I also remember the story about Russian embassy officials in the US going missing and ending up in random places where the only thing of possible interest was the presence of fiber optics infrastructure.

There was also that story about Russian submarines probing underwater communication cables between the US and Europe.
You’re completely overthinking this. White christian males would rather have a white christian male in office than ANYTHING else.
"Christian" in purely the ethnic/clan version of the word. More specifically, white North european Christian.

these same people would crucify Jesus themselves for being Middle Eastern, Jewish, anti-materialism, and anti-authority. Each on their own would be reason enough.
"Christian" in purely the ethnic/clan version of the word. More specifically, white North european Christian.

these same people would crucify Jesus themselves for being Middle Eastern, Jewish, anti-materialism, and anti-authority. Each on their own would be reason enough.
"Christian" in purely the ethnic/clan version of the word. More specifically, white North european Christian.

these same people would crucify Jesus themselves for being Middle Eastern, Jewish, anti-materialism, and anti-authority. Each on their own would be reason enough.
If Jesus was around....

Evangelicals would hate him

Republicans would call him a socialist extremist

And the Feds would put him on the no fly list

Rusty can speak for himself but I've never seen him say that the Democratic mainstream is always fair or helpful towards black voters.

RIP to cars that failed da bowling ball test

Da real bowling green massacre :frown:

Forget about all of the political disagreements with Trump, I think that the way that he talks about Japan could be a sign of dementia. His mind is stuck at some bar on lower Manhattan circa 1982. Japan, in the 1960's through the 1980's, used administrative tactics to slow down foreign imports while not breaking WTO rules. They never used the bowling ball test but that story is apocryphal of what they did, 30 years ago.

Well this is what the electoral college wanted

He is also running the country like his business.

These were meant as jokes but these are sad know that i read them outloud

It's as if George W. Bush, Harvard MBA and owner of the Texas Rangers never happened. Apparently it was his gubernatorial experience that caused the 2008 crash.

You’re completely overthinking this. White christian males would rather have a white christian male in office than ANYTHING else.

A white christian male who is a white supremacist who will encourage them to roll coal. They had Jimmy Carter but he was a wimpy Unitarian who cared about the earth.
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