***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Seems like everyone kept diaries/memos/notes during their time with orange clown

I am going to give any NTer who admitted to voting for The Bigot™ in the last election a chance to publicly admit that you ****ed up.

Nobody on here will think less of you if admit to your mistake.
Seems like everyone kept diaries/memos/notes during their time with orange clown


I don’t know if that’s normal protocol but to me it’s says a lot that everyone feels like they need to keep receipts talking with dude cause they know he won’t hesistate to lie about what was said.
I don’t know if that’s normal protocol but to me it’s says a lot that everyone feels like they need to keep receipts talking with dude cause they know he won’t hesistate to lie about what was said.

Did you watch Comeys testimony last year? He's so shady he didn't ever want to be alone with him in a room.
Why is the Orange clown so sloppy? It seems like he’s setting himself up for a huge L.

Georgia GOP pushes elimination of Sunday voting to suppress black turnout
The proposal would also shorten voting hours in Atlanta.
KIRA LERNERMAR 16, 2018, 1:56 PM
advancing a bill through the state legislature that would suppress African-American turnout by eliminating Sunday voting and cutting the hours that polls are open in Atlanta.

The bill, SB 363, would force polls in the majority African American city of Atlanta to close an hour earlier — 7 p.m. instead of 8 p.m. — and would eliminate early voting on the Sunday before Election Day. That Sunday is often a high-turnout day for African American voters because of Souls to the Polls events that encourage people to cast ballots early after attending church.

When the GOP took full control of Oklahoma government after the 2010 election, lawmakers set out to make it a model of Republican principles, with lower taxes, lighter regulation and a raft of business-friendly reforms.

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Conservatives passed all of it, setting in motion a grand experiment. Now it's time for another big election, but instead of campaigning on eight years of achievements, Republicans are confronting chaos and crisis. Agency budgets that were cut during the Great Recession have been slashed even deeper. Rural hospitals are closing, and teachers are considering a statewide strike over low wages.

"I'm not scared to say it, because I love Oklahoma, and we are dying," said Republican state Rep. Leslie Osborn. "I truly believe the situation is dire."

Oklahoma's woes offer the ultimate cautionary tale for other states considering trickle-down economic reforms. The outlook is so grim that some Republicans are willing to consider the ultimate heresy: raising taxes to fund education and health care, an idea that was once the exclusive province of Democrats.

"Without new recurring revenue, we can't fix these problems," said Osborn, who was ousted as chairwoman of the powerful House Appropriations and Budget committee for her outspoken support of tax increases.

The crisis has also placed the oil and gas industry, a sacred cow in Oklahoma, in an awkward spot since it sought the huge tax cut that is one of the biggest factors in the budget mess.


Remember this?


The religious right has a lot to pray about these days: the overdue rapture; babies they'll never get to know; the rise and impending fall of documented coveter of other peoples' wives, Donald Trump.

But right now, they're praying for the oil fields, which are in such an imperiled state that Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin - an avid Trump supporter- named Thursday Oilfield Prayer Day, inviting her constituents to appeal the Lord to show mercy on its oil and gas industry.


I guess they weren't loud enough.
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White people are gonna be the demise of us all... they foul up everything they touch... since the beginning of time... smfh

I understand you feelings but you are playing into the hands of white supremacists by positing the idea that white is a natural, biological and enduring category of humanity. It is a social construct that did not exist prior to the 16th Century. If it can be created by sociopolitical forces it can be undone by sociopolitical forces.

Let us all hope that ends up being the case because, to your point OP, whiteness will be the end of us because white supremacy will incur any cost: economic, ecological, social that is required to preserve itself.
Who the hell works in government and keeps their passwords on a paper note that they carry with them in public? You shouldn't store passwords on a device but paper password sheets should be kept in a secure location, not in your damn pockets. Just learn to remember the passwords off the top of your head, it's not the hardest thing in the world.
Also, Protonmail is a private email service based in Switzerland with strong encryption. I use it as well and initially registered through their beta program when it first launched. It is covered by Swiss privacy laws.

Edit: The use of an encrypted email service like Protonmail that happens to be covered by Swiss privacy laws doesn't necessarily suggest anything shady going on. Obviously if someone has an interest in trying to conceal email communications to the best of their ability, this is the the kind of service they'll be using but its higher security standards are also key to its popularity.
White House staffer left email passwords on official stationery at bus stop: report

A White House staffer left the password to his encrypted email account at a bus stop in Washington, D.C., according to a new report.

Ryan McAvoy left his ProtonMail passwords and email address on a piece of White House stationery at a bus stop near the White House, The Intercept reported Saturday.

Someone reportedly found the piece of paper and turned it over to The Intercept, which said that it confirmed its authenticity. The aide, who works as a staff assistant in the White House, did not return The Intercept's requests for comment.

House Intelligence Committee Democrats said Wednesday they are interested in filing a subpoena to see how Trump campaign officials used WhatsApp, a messaging service.

Democrats said they want to see how how senior White House adviser Jared Kushner and other campaign employees are using the messaging app and others such as iMessage, Facebook Messenger, Signal, Slack, Instagram and Snapchat on the encrypted networks.

The committee may consider adding ProtonMail to that list, The Intercept reported.

Last September, it was reported that six members of Trump’s administration used private email addresses while conducting government business.

President Trump and Republicans had attacked former Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton over her use of a private email server while serving as secretary of State, calling it reckless.

Democrats on the Intelligence panel released a memo on Wednesday to lay out their responsibilities in the Trump-Russia investigation, which Republican members have said is wrapping up. Democrats, meanwhile, have pledged to continue their investigation.
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