***Official Political Discussion Thread***

FBI gonna go hard in the paint and find ALL THE DIRT now lol

I heard this point yesterday, trump and his personal lawyer are suing stormy daniels over a NDA and hush money they said don’t exist :nerd:
The madness of the last 18 months has shown me why those freshman level classes are so important. Specialized education is great but when things get really crazy, the basic History, political science, philosophy, ethics, rhetoric and classics that we were taught, serve us very well.

So Trump et al. impacted my Saturday. I'm getting drunk with some friends up in Santa Barbara. I mention to one of my best friends, who sells mortgage backed securities, "what do you think of Ben Carson being thrown out?" My buddy's eyes get wide, he's like "uh, what?" I respond, "yeah, he's out so someone else will take over at HUD." At which point by bro starts texting and he tells two other friends, in our party, what happened.

I caused a chain reaction. Realizing that my buddies were in distress, I did what any good guy friend would do, I subtly grabbed my crotch, heading toward the gender neutral restroom and told the furiously texting throng "ah, socialism, consider it."

My buddies, good naturedly, flipped me off. A bit later I asked them what they were going to do. All three of them said, in an exacerbated tone, we just bought some 10 years and we'll just have to wait and see what happens on Monday. I got the next round and I'll keep you guys posted how the motgage industry reacts when Trump appoints Stuart Varney to lead HUD.

EXCELLENT post as usual Suspects COMRADE. EXTREMELY proud of your casual reference to the KING OF THE HUD in your conversation. I often mention Barson, Silk , Diamond , Sage Steele, Stacey Dash, STEVEN HARVEY, STEVEN Anthony Smith , SCAM NEWTON , America's Sheriff Elect , Jason Whitlock and Snackquille O'Neal. AMAZING.
EXCELLENT post as usual Suspects COMRADE. EXTREMELY proud of your casual reference to the KING OF THE HUD in your conversation. I often mention Barson, Silk , Diamond , Sage Steele, Stacey Dash, STEVEN HARVEY, STEVEN Anthony Smith , SCAM NEWTON , America's Sheriff Elect , Jason Whitlock and Snackquille O'Neal. AMAZING.
Our fellow Coal Comrade going DEEP cover in the middle of Kale Country. AMAZING. #COALGOALS #ALLHAILKINGOFTHEHUD
Coal Gang circle frot scheduled for tonight (be there 8:30 pm SHARP at the local pub) to this AMAZING and FLATTERING portrait of our QUEEN:

Its crazy that after the IPO Facebook struggled a little until they started selling those targeted ads and now that may have caused Hil to lose the election(among other factors)
I'm sure Trump has changed his view on Mueller since he ordered his firing and saw it blocked due to the WH lawyer threatening to resign in protest. After many months, a few dozen indictments, multiple cooperating witnesses, a subpoena issued to the Trump Organization and an unsuccessful first attempt to fire Mueller I'm sure he no longer wants to fire him.
White House assures Trump 'is not considering or discussing' firing Mueller
The White House on Sunday moved to quell speculation that President Trump was considering firing special counsel Robert Muellerafter Trump spent the weekend lambasting the federal probe into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russian election meddling.

“In response to media speculation and related questions being posed to the Administration, the White House yet again confirms that the President is not considering or discussing the firing of the Special Counsel, Robert Mueller," Trump's lawyer Ty Cobb said in a statement
Trump mentioned Mueller's name for the first time in his tweets over the weekend, going against the advice of his attorneys.

The president's criticism began on Saturday after his personal lawyer John Dowd called on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to end Mueller's investigation.

Mueller reportedly subpoenaed the Trump Organization last week in addition to presenting the president's legal team with a series of questions for a potential interview with Trump, according to another report.

Trump told The New York Times last year that Mueller would be crossing a “red line” if his office began investigating his family’s finances with other countries outside of Russia.
White House officials made to sign non-disclosure agreements -Washington Post
President Donald Trump ordered senior staff after they joined the White House to sign non-disclosure agreements following several leaks in the early months of his administration, the Washington Post reported on Sunday.

The agreements stipulated officials could face monetary penalties if they disclosed confidential White House information to the press or others, and were intended to remain in effect after Trump was no longer president, according to the report.

A draft copy of the agreement would have subjected violators to a $10 million penalty for each instance, payable to the U.S. Treasury, according to Ruth Marcus, the Post’s deputy editorial page editor. Sources familiar with the final document do not remember a similarly large penalty, she said.

Top officials in the Trump campaign signed similar agreements, but legal experts questioned whether such an agreement would be legal for a high-ranking government employee, given constitutional free-speech protections.

Officials ultimately agreed to sign the agreements, in part after concluding they were likely not enforceable, according to the Post.
I've often thought Trump is too impulsive and dumb to have colluded with the Russians.

But then I look at his behavior as it relates to Stormy Daniels.

Quiet. Hasn't said a thing.

It seems like when he's in real legal jeopardy he manages to stay quiet, he's not completely incapable of concealing his true feeling.s
Walls are definitely closing in, the day we see this clown escorted in cuffs out the White House is the day America can attempt at healing...of course we will probably be stuck with Pence for a bit, but the GOP is done for afterwards.
You don’t get a hairdryer and hairspray in prison right? Like a cueball dressed in orange would be a sight to see!
As much as i would like trump to be thrown out.......

People say Trump should run this country as a businessman but sometimes forgets this dude has billions of dollars before he got into politics, I believe if you follow his money you can make up all kinds of conspiracies to throw him out. People who are as rich as him does business with other rich people regardless of political stance. Dude is not a smart politician to understand how politics and foreign business assets dont mix.

all this russia stuff is just smoke and mirrors its bigger than that.

Its like me working for the government if i travel to Russia on good terms who just wants to visit and see Moscow I have to report that to the government and they will investigate my travels even though i went just to see landmarks. If i lie about it just because how bad it looks that i traveled to russia i will be fired and if i tell them im going before i go they can deny me and investigate me on why i want to go there its a double edge sword.

Just like trying to travel to cuba before the embargo was lifted. When all i wanted to do was smoke a cuban cigar.

Trump does business with anyone he is a businessman first before politician as you all can see dude cant do politics right. His business and money will probably end his presidency reason why he refuses to release his taxes.
As much as i would like trump to be thrown out.......

People say Trump should run this country as a businessman but sometimes forgets this dude has billions of dollars before he got into politics, I believe if you follow his money you can make up all kinds of conspiracies to throw him out. People who are as rich as him does business with other rich people regardless of political stance. Dude is not a smart politician to understand how politics and foreign business assets dont mix.

all this russia stuff is just smoke and mirrors its bigger than that.

Its like me working for the government if i travel to Russia on good terms who just wants to visit and see Moscow I have to report that to the government and they will investigate my travels even though i went just to see landmarks. If i lie about it just because how bad it looks that i traveled to russia i will be fired and if i tell them im going before i go they can deny me and investigate me on why i want to go there its a double edge sword.

Just like trying to travel to cuba before the embargo was lifted. When all i wanted to do was smoke a cuban cigar.

Trump does business with anyone he is a businessman first before politician as you all can see dude cant do politics right. His business and money will probably end his presidency reason why he refuses to release his taxes.

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