***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Who the hell works in government and keeps their passwords on a paper note that they carry with them in public? You shouldn't store passwords on a device but paper password sheets should be kept in a secure location, not in your damn pockets. Just learn to remember the passwords off the top of your head, it's not the hardest thing in the world.
Also, Protonmail is a private email service based in Switzerland with strong encryption. I use it as well and initially registered through their beta program when it first launched. It is covered by Swiss privacy laws.

Edit: The use of an encrypted email service like Protonmail that happens to be covered by Swiss privacy laws doesn't necessarily suggest anything shady going on. Obviously if someone has an interest in trying to conceal email communications to the best of their ability, this is the the kind of service they'll be using but its higher security standards are also key to its popularity.
White House staffer left email passwords on official stationery at bus stop: report

i bet the password was "Password123"
Trump: 'Mueller probe should never have been started'

The tweet came hours after Trump's lawyer, John Dowd, released a statement calling on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller's investigation, to shut down the probe.
Dowd initially told the Daily Beast that the statement was issued on behalf of Trump, but later reversed course, saying it was given in his personal capacity.

Mueller gives Trump's legal team questions for potential interview: report

When the GOP took full control of Oklahoma government after the 2010 election, lawmakers set out to make it a model of Republican principles, with lower taxes, lighter regulation and a raft of business-friendly reforms.

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Conservatives passed all of it, setting in motion a grand experiment. Now it's time for another big election, but instead of campaigning on eight years of achievements, Republicans are confronting chaos and crisis. Agency budgets that were cut during the Great Recession have been slashed even deeper. Rural hospitals are closing, and teachers are considering a statewide strike over low wages.

"I'm not scared to say it, because I love Oklahoma, and we are dying," said Republican state Rep. Leslie Osborn. "I truly believe the situation is dire."

Oklahoma's woes offer the ultimate cautionary tale for other states considering trickle-down economic reforms. The outlook is so grim that some Republicans are willing to consider the ultimate heresy: raising taxes to fund education and health care, an idea that was once the exclusive province of Democrats.

"Without new recurring revenue, we can't fix these problems," said Osborn, who was ousted as chairwoman of the powerful House Appropriations and Budget committee for her outspoken support of tax increases.

The crisis has also placed the oil and gas industry, a sacred cow in Oklahoma, in an awkward spot since it sought the huge tax cut that is one of the biggest factors in the budget mess.


Remember this?


The religious right has a lot to pray about these days: the overdue rapture; babies they'll never get to know; the rise and impending fall of documented coveter of other peoples' wives, Donald Trump.

But right now, they're praying for the oil fields, which are in such an imperiled state that Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin - an avid Trump supporter- named Thursday Oilfield Prayer Day, inviting her constituents to appeal the Lord to show mercy on its oil and gas industry.


I guess they weren't loud enough.
when the pharm reps used to come to my job to push their psych meds, they used to bring all kinds of free stuff like pens, flashlights etc. and they always had great food.
It's literally impossible to keep up with the cluster**** of news

By the time I finish reading doctors supported the opioids epidemic (guess it's death penalty for them too right) I've forgotten about the Atlanta voter suppression, wannabe righteous Comey tweet, and miserably failing conservative economy in Oklahoma.

At this rate we need our own version of last week tonight, called last page because you already forgot it
It's literally impossible to keep up with the cluster**** of news

By the time I finish reading doctors supported the opioids epidemic (guess it's death penalty for them too right) I've forgotten about the Atlanta voter suppression, wannabe righteous Comey tweet, and miserably failing conservative economy in Oklahoma.

At this rate we need our own version of last week tonight, called last page because you already forgot it
Your forgetting that is just TODAYS news. There is so much more going on and no one can keep up with it unless its their job. Hell MSNBC reports are always laughing at the fact they cant keep up with it
It's literally impossible to keep up with the cluster**** of news

By the time I finish reading doctors supported the opioids epidemic (guess it's death penalty for them too right) I've forgotten about the Atlanta voter suppression, wannabe righteous Comey tweet, and miserably failing conservative economy in Oklahoma.

At this rate we need our own version of last week tonight, called last page because you already forgot it

The madness of the last 18 months has shown me why those freshman level classes are so important. Specialized education is great but when things get really crazy, the basic History, political science, philosophy, ethics, rhetoric and classics that we were taught, serve us very well.

So Trump et al. impacted my Saturday. I'm getting drunk with some friends up in Santa Barbara. I mention to one of my best friends, who sells mortgage backed securities, "what do you think of Ben Carson being thrown out?" My buddy's eyes get wide, he's like "uh, what?" I respond, "yeah, he's out so someone else will take over at HUD." At which point by bro starts texting and he tells two other friends, in our party, what happened.

I caused a chain reaction. Realizing that my buddies were in distress, I did what any good guy friend would do, I subtly grabbed my crotch, heading toward the gender neutral restroom and told the furiously texting throng "ah, socialism, consider it."

My buddies, good naturedly, flipped me off. A bit later I asked them what they were going to do. All three of them said, in an exacerbated tone, we just bought some 10 years and we'll just have to wait and see what happens on Monday. I got the next round and I'll keep you guys posted how the motgage industry reacts when Trump appoints Stuart Varney to lead HUD.
Trump is the exact president that shines in today’s society of vloggers and influencers who can sell a brand of themselves and just the idea of them being important instead of actually proving they can make a difference or have real value.
another Sunday morning twitter meltdown from trump. he's getting more desperate. he badly wants to fire Mueller and is boldly lying about his political affiliation.

time is running out for the orange ape.
I'm not holding my breath, but many Congressional Republicans have been wanting to get rid of the trump infestation since 2015. Firing Mueller would be the political cover they need to deliver their Et tu, Brute? moment.

Graham: Trump firing Mueller would be 'the beginning of the end of his presidency'

Trump and everyone around him knows that firing Mueller is a terrible option, but it's looking like the only option he has. Mueller is going to take down everyone around trump, including the few members of his family who kind of like him, and expose him for the fraud that he is.

So I can't see any outcome in the next month except for Mueller to be fired. Which I think first means Sessions has to fire Rubenstein and then hope the person next in line will do trump's bidding.
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