***Official Political Discussion Thread***

When you deny obstruction yet admit to obstruction at the same time

Mans said Mike Pence will restore etiquette and sensible morals in the fabric of US democracy :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
An extremist biblethumper whose blood starts boiling at the thought of gay people having equal rights.

Absolute delusion

Gotta remember to them “etiquette and sensible morals” = “extremist bible thumper”
I think it will restore etiquette to the oval office and continue the institutionalization of sensible morals into the fabric of our democracy ...

Don has done a tremendous job of littering the courts with conservative voices that strictly interpret our laws in a fair and consistent manner ... The Supreme Court will lean conservative for hopefully two decades, praise God ... And Mike Pence will only further this effort ...

Lastly, we might be able to finally protect the innocent lives of children who are not given the right to life under current law ...

A+ post would read again
Morals are independent of religion. Religion is just something that makes them part of their core belief so don’t intertwine them. I hope to which ever version of Jesus you pray to you don’t get a gay son or daughter with pence in office or you and him will force them into conversion therapy.
As far as I'm concerned, the GOP is the most advanced criminal organization in modern history, so **** them. This is their reckoning. I hope one day history books reflect just how ethnically bankrupt and morally defunct the party is. Just like I learned about how crooked Tammany Hall was, I want kids to learn the same about them.

You meant ethically right? Although ethnically works too!
Word is the agents moved on those records like a *****
Raid on Trump’s Lawyer Sought Records on ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape
The F.B.I. agents who raided the office and hotel of President Trump’s lawyer on Monday were seeking all records related to the “Access Hollywood” tape in which Mr. Trump was heard making vulgar comments about women, according to three people who have been briefed on the contents of a federal search warrant.

The search warrant also sought evidence of whether the lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, tried to suppress damaging information about Mr. Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign.

It is not clear what role, if any, Mr. Cohen played regarding the tape, which was made public a month before the election. But the fact that the agents were seeking documents related to the tape reveals a new front in the investigation into Mr. Cohen that is being led by the United States attorney’s office in Manhattan.

The disclosure comes a day after it was revealed that the authorities also sought documents from Mr. Cohen related to payments made to two women who claim they had affairs with Mr. Trump, Karen McDougal and Stephanie Clifford, as well as information on the role of the publisher of The National Enquirer in silencing the women.

The new details from the warrant reveal that prosecutors are keenly interested in Mr. Cohen’s unofficial role in the Trump campaign. And they help explain why Mr. Trump was furious about the raid. People close to Mr. Trump and Mr. Cohen regard the warrant as an attempt by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, to pry into Mr. Trump’s personal life — using other prosecutors as his proxy.

Mr. Mueller’s spokesman declined to comment.

Stephen Ryan, a lawyer for Mr. Cohen, referred to his earlier description of the raid as “completely inappropriate and unnecessary.” He has described it as an overreach by prosecutors into the privileged communications between Mr. Cohen and his client, Mr. Trump.

Mr. Cohen served as part fixer, part attack dog for Mr. Trump. He has acknowledged paying $130,000 to Ms. Clifford, a pornographic film actress known as Stormy Daniels, who said she had a sexual encounter with Mr. Trump. She signed a nondisclosure agreement, promising not to discuss the matter. Agents also sought documents related to deals with other women.

Federal prosecutors are investigating Mr. Cohen for possible bank fraud, but they are also scrutinizing whether these efforts amounted to improper campaign donations to Mr. Trump.

Mr. Trump, who had been planning to make a decision this week about whether to sit down with the special counsel for an interview, has taken a more adversarial tone toward Mr. Mueller since the warrant was executed on Monday. Although he had said for months that he wanted to be questioned by Mr. Mueller, his stance has changed since Monday, and the prospect of him willingly being questioned is far less likely, according to two people briefed on the matter.
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DOJ gives House Intel original document that prompted Russia investigation
The Justice Department has provided all members of the House Intelligence Committee with access to a two-page document that the FBI used to initiate its original counterintelligence probe into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia, an official confirmed to The Hill on Wednesday.

Committee chair Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) had requested access to the unredacted document, complaining that previous "heavily" redacted versions were not adequate to the committee's own investigation.

According to a Justice Department official, the remaining redactions in the document are "narrowly tailored to protect the name of a foreign country and the name of a foreign agent." Specifics have been replaced with identifiers like "foreign official" and "foreign government," the official said.

"These words must remain redacted after determining that revealing the words could harm the national security of the American people by undermining the trust we have with this foreign nation," the official continued, adding that they appear "only a limited number of times, and do no obstruct the underlying meaning of the document."

Nunes had threatened to hold FBI Director Chris Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in contempt and initiate impeachment proceedings against them if they did not comply with the request for the unredacted document.

A spokesman for Nunes did not respond to a request for comment from The Hill on Wednesday.

A handful of conservatives are investigating what they say is evidence that the department's decision-making during the 2016 election was riddled with bias—allegations that Democrats see as a transparent effort to muddy the waters around Mueller, or provide a pretext to shut him down.

"We're not going to just hold in contempt, we will have a plan to hold in contempt and impeach," Nunes said of "impeaching" the officials on Fox News on Tuesday.
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