***Official Political Discussion Thread***

thank you, osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh

paul ryan is the worst of the worst. a true fraud. beneath that slightly below average trailer trash face and that slightly above emaciated build lies a poor man's ayn rand using the grammar and vocabulary of a college dropout teaching economics at trump u.

the coal gang never had a use for such hollow and hypocritical RINOs! good riddance.
Dear Paul mother ****ing Ryan.

I have been waiting for this day,

I've been waiting for this day for a long *** time, and it has been a long time coming, but it seems no matter how hard you run, no matter how tightly you close your eyes at night, the fate of those who make deals with Donald Trump, arrives all the same.

Before sitting down I've wondered how would I approach this, would I detail your rise to prominence starting as an embryo gestating in some Heritage Foundation test tube? Maybe start with you as a toddler suckling, at the sagging, liver spotted tit of a Koch brother? Or maybe begin with your rise to prominence in the senate, lying about running a sub 3 marathon, duping gullible reporters, and pretending to care about the deficit.

but then it struck me, to COMPLETELY detail the downfall of someone so uniquely cowardly, to explain the all consuming void that exits where Paul Ryan's testicles should be, to understand a human being so spineless but yet hasn't collapsed under the weight of his own cowardice...In order to understand this man I need to go back to the source,

and I need to rely on an ancient and powerful text, a text with historical significance and moral weight...and use that as my framework.

So I thought maybe I should go back to the Greek philosophers, perhaps, Aristotle's "Poetics"? Or maybe "A Treatise of Human Nature" David Hume? or Immanuel Kant's "Critique of Judgment"...no no no I said to my self, for some one like Paul Ryan I need to refer to a TRULY timeless text.

So Paul Ryan I present to you,

Your life/downfall illustrated in quotes from Jay-Z's "The Takeover"

"I know you missing all the, faaaaaaaaaaame!
But along with celebrity comes bout seventy shots to your brain"

Paul misses his old identity, bright eyed, bushy tailed, young principled conservative policy wonk. "Had a spark when you started but now you're just garbage"

Paul Ryan's primary skill was duping hapless reporters, into believing his self created personal myth. A Reformacon, the policy wonk, canary in the coal mine, warning of an impending debt crisis. America will soon become Greece he cried! "Our current debt levels are unsustainable!" he lamented. The DC press ate it up. Paul was a young, clean looking and not an overtly racist, disgusting homnculous like so many in the republican party were at that time.

but as time passed we learned that what Paul Ryan SAYS has little relation to what he DOES.


But a funny thing happened...no one noticed.

He continued to make deficit busting votes and kept his reputation as a principled conservative a humble policy wonk...until he made a deal with Trump.

The ONE good thing Trump has done is use his celebrity to expose eels like Paul Ryan to public scrutiny. Trump's celebrity finally brought scrutiny to Paul Ryan's endless mounds of bull**** to and end and shattered his political image.

Suddenly reporters were asking why he wasn't worried about deficit? Suddenly people wanted to know why the "compassionate conservative" thought taking healthcare away from poor and sick people was a good idea? Paul Ryan didn't have answers to this because all of that was bull****, a fraud made to dupe the gullible.

but with celebrity comes attention and attention brings scrutiny and in the words of Jay-z, bout 70 shots to your brain and now the approval rating of the congress he presides over now sits at 12%,

"That's why you a, laaaaaaame! Career come to an end
There's only so long fake thugs can pretend"

Then Paul Ryan switched up, he came up with a new idea to feed to centrist reporters eager to "hear both sides". Paul Ryan was a "compassionate conservative" (more on this later) he wanted to be the new Jack Kemp. Paul Ryan cares about the poor, the underclass! He cares about immigrants, he wants to use conservative ideas to help people...not just mindlessly cut taxes. "You scribbled in your notepad and created your life"

But then the GOP elected a, demagogic racist bully and what did Paul Ryan do? Did he stand on principle? Did he fight back against bigotry? Did he champion the underclass in an administration filled with girfters, idiots, and crooks?

Nah, he as quickly as ruthlessly as possible passed the biggest tax cut for rich people as possible, and got the **** outta dodge. A basic smash and grab, only so long fake compassionate conservatives can pretend.

and he proved the worst leftist charactures of republicans are true In the end it will ALWAYS be about cutting taxes for the rich.

And that's so, laaaaaaaaame! ***** switch up your flow
Your **** is garbage, but you try and kick knowledge?

But ultimately the best thing about all of this is Paul Ryan's identity as genius policy wonk obsessed with the details was finally and mercilessly shattered.

Paul Ryan has been obsessed with like 4 things seed he oozed out from that Heritage Foundation test tube.

Privatizing Medicare
Privatizing Social Security.
Cutting Welfare/food stamps
Getting Rid of Obamacare
Tax cuts for the rich.

And he compromised all his principles and made a deal with a sagging, mentally deteriorating, lead poisoned racist sack of lard in order to get it done.

and what did he get out of it?

Lil homie got 1 outta of five, and abandoned the rest.

In fact the one that he got is basically the BARE MINIMUM for any republican majority since it's the bull**** animating principle of ****ing party. and the rest? He passed a nonsensical healthcare bill that basically had to be complete rewritten in the senate and might be the worst polling piece of prospective legislation ever to make it out the house and he's not even going to try for the rest. It turns out that almost nobody who votes for republicans sans a few oil oligarchs and koch brothers actually likes Paul Ryan policies, they mostly like racial resentment and triggering "libtards" "So yeah I sampled your voice, you was using it wrong" but Paul Ryan didn't even make it a hot line, Trump took that **** added some racial grievance and made it a hot *** song for like 47% of the country.

PAUL RYANS **** GARBAGE. and what ever knowledge he claimed has been proven useless given his inability to get anything done.

Say what you want about Nancy Pelosi, people don't like her, people think she should leave, shes a liability in tough districts. NANCY GETS **** DONE, she presided over one of the most productive congresses in history and raises a boat load of money for the party. Paul Ryan just talks a good game and takes massive L's.,

"You are not deep, you made your bed, now sleep"

well We've reached the end, your cowardice is exposed, and rather than facing the prospect of a blue wave, losing your speaker ship and possibly even losing your election or getting primaried by a nazi you are fleeing the scene like a rat on a sinking ship. I tried to warn you and for the rest of y'all making deals with trump, in the words of Jay "I'll give y'all half a bar".


I want to point something out about Zuck.

Out of all high profile tech billionaires (Gates not included), I think he is one of the few that genuinely wants to help people. Like if you asked him about every single marginalized group in America, I think you will find real concern, and a desire for their lives to improve.


He is completely obvious about how genuine change must happen. Zuck like most rich left-leaning libertarians what change at no cost to their businesses. Regulate others not them, don't reform systems at a cost to me, just wait until some cool new invention "changes" everything, don't help workers I need power or them, don't tell me what to do with the data I farm I need to leverage it for profit, don't question my morals when I give money to bigots/sexist/white supremacist/etc., because I need their ear in case they win.

They don't want justice, they just want a more decent society.


Rocky_ Throw the towel.gif
I know the Syria chemical attack has taken a backseat to all the ****show in DC, but I was wondering if that attack wasn't a case of Russia punching the US in the back and hiding their hand/pointing at Syria.

They have used chemical weapons in the UK and they denied they did it. In Syria, they denied there even was a chemical attack. I could see that the Russians are trying to bait Trump into invading.

They’re upset with the recent decision by Governor Rick Snyder’s administration to stop distributing free bottled water in the city. During House session, people started to chant, “Do your job, open the PODs” – that’s Point of Delivery for bottled water distribution. The group then walked down the stairs and out of the Capitol while chanting. One person was temporarily detained. He says he isn’t facing any charges.

“Today they heard us on our voice and our terms. And that’s a very powerful thing,” said Flint resident and leader with the activity group Michigan United, Anthony Paciorek.

Governor Rick Snyder said Flint’s tap water has been tested and it’s satisfied the water is safe to use. But residents say they still don’t trust the water. Or the government.

Claire McClinton lives in Flint and helped organize the event. She said they are not going to let the state forget about Flint.

“For them to put a narrative out there and telegraph a message to the world that everything is fine, it’s hunky dory,” she said. “What they’re saying to us is that, we’re done with Flint.”

Organizers say they will continue to mobilize and protest until all the lead pipes in Flint are replaced.
There is NOTHING in Syria worth risking World War 3 for. Just Sanction the **** of out Assad and keep it moving. Backup the people who are already being supported and be done with it.

Russia Economy is failing with QOL falling and their population aging along with all of the Corruption. Syria is barely a existing thing as every City is a heap of Rubble and destroyed infrastructure.

Hands are already full as it is.
Flew under the radar

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Tuesday that will force recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits, Medicaid and low-income housing subsidies to find work or lose their assistance.

Executive Order Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility

(b) It shall be the policy of the Federal Government to reform the welfare system of the United States so that it empowers people in a manner that is consistent with applicable law and the following principles, which shall be known as the Principles of Economic Mobility:

(i) Improve employment outcomes and economic independence (including by strengthening existing work requirements for work-capable people and introducing new work requirements when legally permissible);

(ii) Promote strong social networks as a way of sustainably escaping poverty (including through work and marriage);

(iii) Address the challenges of populations that may particularly struggle to find and maintain employment (including single parents, formerly incarcerated individuals, the homeless, substance abusers, individuals with disabilities, and disconnected youth);

(iv) Balance flexibility and accountability both to ensure that State, local, and tribal governments, and other institutions, may tailor their public assistance programs to the unique needs of their communities and to ensure that welfare services and administering agencies can be held accountable for achieving outcomes (including by designing and tracking measures that assess whether programs help people escape poverty);

(v) Reduce the size of bureaucracy and streamline services to promote the effective use of resources;

(vi) Reserve benefits for people with low incomes and limited assets;

(vii) Reduce wasteful spending by consolidating or eliminating Federal programs that are duplicative or ineffective;

(viii) Create a system by which the Federal Government remains updated on State, local, and tribal successes and failures, and facilitates access to that information so that other States and localities can benefit from it; and

(ix) Empower the private sector, as well as local communities, to develop and apply locally based solutions to poverty.

(c) As part of our pledge to increase opportunities for those in need, the Federal Government must first enforce work requirements that are required by law. It must also strengthen requirements that promote obtaining and maintaining employment in order to move people to independence. To support this focus on employment, the Federal Government should:

(i) review current federally funded workforce development programs. If more than one executive department or agency (agency) administers programs that are similar in scope or population served, they should be consolidated, to the extent permitted by law, into the agency that is best equipped to fulfill the expectations of the programs, while ineffective programs should be eliminated; and

(ii) invest in effective workforce development programs and encourage, to the greatest extent possible, entities that have demonstrated success in equipping participants with skills necessary to obtain employment that enables them to financially support themselves and their families in today’s economy.

(d) It is imperative to empower State, local, and tribal governments and private-sector entities to effectively administer and manage public assistance programs. Federal policies should allow local entities to develop and implement programs and strategies that are best for their respective communities. Specifically, policies should allow the private sector, including community and faith-based organizations, to create solutions that alleviate the need for welfare assistance, promote personal responsibility, and reduce reliance on government intervention and resources.

(i) To promote the proper scope and functioning of government, the Federal Government must afford State, local, and tribal governments the freedom to design and implement programs that better allocate limited resources to meet different community needs.

(ii) States and localities can use such flexibility to devise and evaluate innovative programs that serve diverse populations and families. States and localities can also model their own initiatives on the successful programs of others. To achieve the right balance, Federal leaders must continue to discuss opportunities to improve public assistance programs with State and local leaders, including our Nation’s governors.

(e) The Federal Government owes it to Americans to use taxpayer dollars for their intended purposes. Relevant agencies should establish clear metrics that measure outcomes so that agencies administering public assistance programs can be held accountable. These metrics should include assessments of whether programs help individuals and families find employment, increase earnings, escape poverty, and avoid long-term dependence. Whenever possible, agencies should harmonize their metrics to facilitate easier cross-programmatic comparisons and to encourage further integration of service delivery at the local level. Agencies should also adopt policies to ensure that only eligible persons receive benefits and enforce all relevant laws providing that aliens who are not otherwise qualified and eligible may not receive benefits.

(i) All entities that receive funds should be required to guarantee the integrity of the programs they administer. Technology and innovation should drive initiatives that increase program integrity and reduce fraud, waste, and abuse in the current system.

(ii) The Federal Government must support State, local, and tribal partners by investing in tools to combat payment errors and verify eligibility for program participants. It must also work alongside public and private partners to assist recipients of welfare assistance to maximize access to services and benefits that support paths to self-sufficiency.

Sec. 3. Review of Regulations and Guidance Documents. (a) The Secretaries of the Treasury, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, and Education (Secretaries) shall:

(i) review all regulations and guidance documents of their respective agencies relating to waivers, exemptions, or exceptions for public assistance program eligibility requirements to determine whether such documents are, to the extent permitted by law, consistent with the principles outlined in this order;

(ii) review any public assistance programs of their respective agencies that do not currently require work for receipt of benefits or services, and determine whether enforcement of a work requirement would be consistent with Federal law and the principles outlined in this order;

(iii) review any public assistance programs of their respective agencies that do currently require work for receipt of benefits or services, and determine whether the enforcement of such work requirements is consistent with Federal law and the principles outlined in this order;

(iv) within 90 days of the date of this order, and based on the reviews required by this section, submit to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy a list of recommended regulatory and policy changes and other actions to accomplish the principles outlined in this order; and

(v) not later than 90 days after submission of the recommendations required by section 3(a)(iv) of this order, and in consultation with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, take steps to implement the recommended administrative actions.

(b) Within 90 days of the date of this order, the Secretaries shall each submit a report to the President, through the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, that:

(i) states how their respective agencies are complying with 8 U.S.C. 1611(a), which provides that an alien who is not a “qualified alien” as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1641 is, subject to certain statutorily defined exceptions, not eligible for any Federal public benefit as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1611(c);

(ii) provides a list of Federal benefit programs that their respective agencies administer that are restricted pursuant to 8 U.S.C. 1611; and

(iii) provides a list of Federal benefit programs that their respective agencies administer that are not restricted pursuant to 8 U.S.C. 1611.

Sec. 4. Definitions. For the purposes of this order:

(a) the terms “individuals,” “families,” and “persons” mean any United States citizen, lawful permanent resident, or other lawfully present alien who is qualified to or otherwise may receive public benefits;

(b) the terms “work” and “workforce” include unsubsidized employment, subsidized employment, job training, apprenticeships, career and technical education training, job searches, basic education, education directly related to current or future employment, and workfare; and(c) the terms “welfare” and “public assistance” include any program that provides means-tested assistance, or other assistance that provides benefits to people, households, or families that have low incomes (i.e., those making less than twice the Federal poverty level), the unemployed, or those out of the labor force.

Sec. 5. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.



April 10, 2018.

I really want to slap this **********er

Remember that Corker for a long time was openly against the tax cut bill. He supported the bill after a last-minute amendment was added that would benefit him personally.
He denied that he was aware of the amendment and refuted claims it made him change his vote.
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