***Official Political Discussion Thread***

i hope you realize, that the real problem the US has with illegal immigration, is this

people enter the country legally and then overstay, thus becoming in the country illegally

but hey, i'm sure a wall will solve that

any really actionable immigration reform that doesn't center around people overstaying visa isnt a genuine one.
i think what he's trying to say is that since the left doesnt have people publicly stating what their immigration plans are, he's "forced" to assume that based on the lefts position on letting the DACA kids stay, the advocacy of amnesty for the undocumented already here, and the out rage on the separation of children from their family's because it was no fault of their own.

i mean hes being intentionally obtuse and disingenuous, but im pretty sure thats the point hes attempting to make. Claim "i dont know what the lefts position is" and then pigeon hole them in reactionary positions caused by the right doing super right wing things
Yes, thank you for summarizing, generally ...

The only actionable suggestion so far in this thread has been to allow illegal immigrants who currently reside in the U.S. (illegally btw) to stay, provided they are "productive" ...

This equates to memorializing criminals ... I just cant rock with that because the "productive" requirement is too broad will practically just grant amnesty to everyone without vetting ... that's not only infeasible, it's stupid ...
I should point out that my uncle owns a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and absolutely despises The Bigot™. He hates him even more than I do. :lol:
Yes, thank you for summarizing, generally ...

The only actionable suggestion so far in this thread has been to allow illegal immigrants who currently reside in the U.S. (illegally btw) to stay, provided they are "productive" ...

This equates to memorializing criminals ... I just cant rock with that because the "productive" requirement is too broad will practically just grant amnesty to everyone without vetting ... that's not only infeasible, it's stupid ...

Leviticus 19:33
Yes, thank you for summarizing, generally ...

The only actionable suggestion so far in this thread has been to allow illegal immigrants who currently reside in the U.S. (illegally btw) to stay, provided they are "productive" ...

This equates to memorializing criminals ... I just cant rock with that because the "productive" requirement is too broad will practically just grant amnesty to everyone without vetting ... that's not only infeasible, it's stupid ...

So how many of these so called illegals do you think are criminals % wise relative to their population. What if I told you it’s less than the criminal % of americans compared to the American population?
I love how he required someone on the left to explain their position to him, yet he said to go Google the effect immigrants has on wages when he was making his point.

Then when people broke down his ignorance, he gets upset and ignores it. But when he perceives someone being "civil" to him answers, he accepts that response then moves the goal posts.

:lol: :lol:
Yes, thank you for summarizing, generally ...

This equates to memorializing criminals ... I just cant rock with that because the "productive" requirement is too broad will practically just grant amnesty to everyone without vetting ... that's not only infeasible, it's stupid ...

That’s one way too look at it. Another way to look at it is an acknowledgement of a flawed and broken system that was wrong and didn’t work in past.

The “productive” requirements leading to granting amnesty to everyone is a pretty big leap to make with nothing to substantiate it. Again you’re trying to make the case because the left wants to protect DACA recipients and wants to provide a path to citizenship to people who are already here, that have started lives and are contibuting to society that they must want open boarders. You’re intentionally ignoring context to round about how you already feel.
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I love how he required someone on the left to explain their position to him, yet he said to go Google the effect immigrants has on wages when he was making his point.

Then when people broke down his ignorance, he gets upset and ignores it. But when he perceives someone being "civil" to him answers, he accepts that response then moves the goal posts.

:lol: :lol:

:lol:I don’t know if my Intent was being “civil” but I’m just trying to expose the faux objectivity and faking ignorance.
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