***Official Political Discussion Thread***




First of all, Virgil Texas,Co-host of the Chapo Trap House (and more importantly, Gamer) is a "Popular Democrat" now?

More broadly, conservatives either cannot or will not understand hyperbole, context or power dynamics. White people, even white allies, are firmly part of the dominant racial caste in this society so we the luxury of not having to show racial solidarity with other whites. It should also be common sense that a white person saying "kill all whites" is not a death wish but an expression of exacerbation at the behavior of other white people. Which brings me to the final point. Just as conservatives couldn't infer that "Black Lives Matter (which is not to say that non black lives matter less so)," they cannot figure our that white people saying "I hate white people" actually means "I disapprove of conservative and reactionary white people's actions."

No way he has good nights of sleep. Dude prob stays in the tanning bed an extra hour so he can cover the dark circles under his eyes :lol:
I can't tell the real supporters and parody supports apart on this forum, I wonder if the real supporters would raise their hands?

Obviously just in an affirmative way, as in "Hey teacher, I know the answer to the question" not as in slapping your heels together and performing a perfect Roman salute.
She should have been removed from jury.

No cult members should have been approved as jurors.

What do you do with people like this? Can we have a system with jurors when people are going to do this right in the open?

She knew she wasn't going to vote to convict him before she ever went to that courtroom. What BS.
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