***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Unemployment rate is one of the most deceptive bureau of labor statistics.

I could work with Napoleon Dynamite at a chicken farm for one day, make $7.00 and be counted as "employed."

The issue is quality of labor, wage equality, paid time off, health insurance, opportunity for advancement/management, education financial aid, etc.

You can try to deceive everyone by regurgitating Trump and his klan's numbers....but we all see right through it.
Yeah I mean jobs are great if they pay a decent wage and provide benefits. It would be great if I didn't have to constantly have anxiety over retirement when that **** is at least 30 years away.
Refute their BS whenever you can

It’s always interesting to see they way conservatives view democratic “strategy”. There’s this prevailing theory going on right now in conservative leaning media essentially summing up any democratic/liberal response as a tactic or strategy. Like “injecting” race or gender into topics they deem have none of those elements. I think it’s hilarious though because the same way liberals can find a race factor in everything, conservatives will twist and contort themselves to ignore it. Although they’ve got their system on their side via gerrymandering and voter suppression, clearly parts of the dems message, race and gender filled as it is, still resonates with a ton of people because they see it in their everyday lives.
f*ck that he did that ****. You Republicans can try to front to lie to yourselves but we all saw him hemming and hawing and lying up there.

Just like Roy Moore.

Your feelings simply can't be an objective standard. As stated yesterday, in my comment that no one responded to, we have to rely on traditional notions of fairness. There is a presumption of innocence that remains unless someone is proven guilty. That burden of proof rests with the accuser--not the accused.

It is a scary thought to have arbitrary feelings, from people who were not present during the alleged events, determine guilt.
Unemployment rate is one of the most deceptive bureau of labor statistics.

I could work with Napoleon Dynamite at a chicken farm for one day, make $7.00 and be counted as "employed."

The issue is quality of labor, wage equality, paid time off, health insurance, opportunity for advancement/management, education financial aid, etc.

You can try to deceive everyone by regurgitating Trump and his klan's numbers....but we all see right through it.

Although I agree with the unemployment rate unreliable stat on its own without context, if dudes use it as means to bolster The success of trumps presidency then best believe I’m holding them to praising Obama, which you know will make their stomach churn.
Although I agree with the unemployment rate unreliable stat on its own without context, if dudes use it as means to bolster The success of trumps presidency then best believe I’m holding them to praising Obama, which you know will make their stomach churn.

Speaking only for myself, I have no issue with giving President Obama credit for the current state of the economy. In fact, I think Obama was a great president for many reasons. The issue, at least in this thread, is that everyone seems unwilling to give President Trump any credit for the economy.
Your feelings simply can't be an objective standard. As stated yesterday, in my comment that no one responded to, we have to rely on traditional notions of fairness. There is a presumption of innocence that remains unless someone is proven guilty. That burden of proof rests with the accuser--not the accused.

It is a scary thought to have arbitrary feelings, from people who were not present during the alleged events, determine guilt.

Actually if the FBI had interviewed the accusers and the accused and all the people who wanted to testify then you could talk to me of "fairness & a presumption of innocence". You and your party have no high horse just a bunch of hot air.

I never seen so many people complicit in a cover up then have the audacity to say "there wasn't a cover up..... this was normal".
That was your cue to elaborate....can you elaborate?

The presumption of innocence is a long-standing tenet as it relates to criminal accusations. It is patently unfair, in my opinion, to place the burden to prove a negative on the accused. It is also impractical. I honestly do not know how to further elaborate on the word fair.

To propel the discussion, do you think that the presumption of innocence is an unfair standard? Do you think another standard is better-suited?
Speaking only for myself, I have no issue with giving President Obama credit for the current state of the economy. In fact, I think Obama was a great president for many reasons. The issue, at least in this thread, is that everyone seems unwilling to give President Trump any credit for the economy.

I think most semi informed people can see that trumps influx of deregulation and spending would by nature result in a jolt short term in areas that were already seeing record highs. I can be objective enough to give him credit for that. The long term effects are still to be seen though. But history does paint a pretty clear picture of what trickle down economics does in the long term.
I think most semi informed people can see that trumps influx of deregulation and spending would by nature result in a jolt short term in areas that were already seeing record highs. I can be objective enough to give him credit for that. The long term effects are still to be seen though. But history does paint a pretty clear picture of what trickle down economics does in the long term.

Can it even be called trickle down economics when wages are frozen?
Actually if the FBI had interviewed the accusers and the accused and all the people who wanted to testify then you could talk to me of "fairness & a presumption of innocence". You and your party have no high horse just a bunch of hot air.

I never seen so many people complicit in a cover up then have the audacity to say "there wasn't a cover up..... this was normal".

They heard the senate testimony of both. They interviewed every witness that Dr. Ford implicated. All of them either did not remember the party or they stated they've never seen Justice Kavanaugh act in the manner she described. The other people that wanted to testify weren't present for the alleged events. And, surely, no evidence of excessive drinking moves the needle anywhere on guilt as it relates to sexual assault.

From that evidence, you state that he definitely did it. I just do not know how that squares with any logic. It seems like an arbitrary opinion based on some preconceived notion or angst.
To propel the discussion, do you think that the presumption of innocence is an unfair standard? Do you think another standard is better-suited?

I don't think it's unfair.

However, I don't believe in confirming someone to the highest court without a full investigation.

The Dallas Mavericks just fired a camera man amid allegations of sexual misconduct, yet here we are with Kavanaugh.

I'd like to think a Supreme Court Justice would be held to at least the same standard as a basketball photographer.
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