***Official Political Discussion Thread***


case in point. trickle down economics doesnt work
I'd say the best resources available, they're just not that available. When I was in the hospital I marveled and all the tech, but even with insurance I was left with a hefty bill. Can't imagine what it would be like for someone without insurance or with lesser insurance.

Yea.. this is probably the best way to describe it.. US probably has the most and best readily available equipment and facilities

European and Asian developed countries have all but caught right up to us in terms of technology, innovation and pretty much any other metric.

When I was between jobs, I couldn't even count how many international students I drove an Uber for who I picked up at UMass Medical, Tufts, BU...all say they've come to get the American education and plan to return to their homeland to practice.

If that's a trend, it speaks to why other countries have caught up from a technology perspective and then surpassed us in being efficient with it.
being republican means that you're racist bigot, no compassion, no common sesne?? (just asking in general)
is this all because of trump? would that had been said about republicans before him?
The majority of Republicans at that have posted in here have been banned for racist comments. Liberals out number Conservatives in here by such a large number because we have managed not to get ourselves banned.

You need to stop playing coy and just state the problem you have with liberals.
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being republican means that you're racist bigot, no compassion, no common sesne?? (just asking in general)
is this all because of trump? would that had been said about republicans before him?

i think its way more nuanced than republican = racist. but if people are currently pushing for trumps brand of politics in 2018 i think it says a lot about where they stand on issues of race.
The majority of Republicans at that have posted in here have been banned for racist comments. Liberals out number Conservatives in here by such a large number because we have managed not to get ourselves banned. I

You need to stop playing coy and just state the problem you have with liberals.
why would I say that?
to be honest I could care less. do you , I do me. I have nothing against anyone in here.
Our battle is elsewhere Rusty
being republican means that you're racist bigot, no compassion, no common sesne?? (just asking in general)
is this all because of trump? would that had been said about republicans before him?
I think you have your statement misconstrued, if you said "being a racist bigot means that you're republican" is a more correct answer than vice versa. There are republicans that have compassion, and common sense, then there are others that don't have a spine to speak out against what's wrong with their party. And yes even before Trump there were racist republicans.Racist values and ideology do fall in line with many conservative values. "Southern Strategy" was a political plan instilled by the republicans in the early 60's to win the anti black vote. Barry Goldwater was the patriarch of this system by running his whole campaign on the "states rights" to choose who is allowed to vote and it still goes on to today. People forget Ronald Reagan coined the first dog whistle in "welfare queen" and he enacted the war on drugs. These views are still persistent now and most recently before trump it was Sarah Palin with her "birtherism".
Some things we're worse at than several other developed nations

  • We have a higher disease burden
  • We have more hospital admissions for preventable diseases
  • We have the highest rate of medical, medication and lab errors
  • Use of ER compared to regular doctor visits is more common here
  • The U.S. has the highest rate of deaths amenable to health care among comparable countries
  • We spend at least DOUBLE the amount on healthcare that other wealthy nations do (per person spending in the US is $8000. Next highest spenders are the Netherlands and Switzerland at $3000)

Yea I'm just asking general questions. I have peeped in here before and have always seen the Swarm happen whenever there was a republic or conservative type post come through. I also notice the same thing in the mass gun shooting board and others.
I'd say the best resources available, they're just not that available. When I was in the hospital I marveled and all the tech, but even with insurance I was left with a hefty bill. Can't imagine what it would be like for someone without insurance or with lesser insurance.
I'd say the US is somewhere at the top or very close to having the best quality care and medical research.
But in just about every other aspect of healthcare it should be somewhere down the very bottom of all similarly wealthy nations.

Whether it's my country, Canada, Sweden, Norway, the UK, ... all of them have significantly lower healthcare spending per capita than the US. No country is even close to the US in that aspect.
All of us vastly outperform the US on affordability of both health insurance and medical costs, all while providing universal healthcare coverage with strong protections for pre-existing conditions.

A special unit of doctors is still working on figuring out the diagnosis for my condition so I have frequent opportunities to talk to some internationally renowned specialists. Medical tourism is very common. I was told some specialists receive a little over 40% of their patients from foreign countries.
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Yea I'm just asking general questions. I have peeped in here before and have always seen the Swarm happen whenever there was a republic or conservative type post come through. I also notice the same thing in the mass gun shooting board and others.

context and nuance matter. a lot of the cats that come here talking about "welfare reform" get banned talking about how lazy black people are. whats starts out as a "conservative" view point quickly turns into a "tell me how you really feel' moment. those people will always get dragged
Yea I'm just asking general questions. I have peeped in here before and have always seen the Swarm happen whenever there was a republic or conservative type post come through. I also notice the same thing in the mass gun shooting board and others.
Again, this thread leans progressive partially because conservative poster constantly get banned.

Secondly, gun control is overwhelming popular with Americans. Even across party lines. Liberals views on gun control align more with the general public, so it is reflected in threads. Constant mass shootings piss people off and the response to them piss people off even more.

In other threads talking about women's and transgender rights, you see a more even split even a more of a conservative tilt on the issue. Even when it comes to economics discussions outside this thread, dudes on NT stay on some libertarian personal responsibility steez. So this assertion that liberals on NT just dog pile conservatives is simply not true. A ton of conservative viewpoints get posted on NT all the time.

NT and this thread leans liberal/progressive on aggregate, and does let racism fly. It is what it is. No one in here has to tolerate poor conservative arguments for the sake of moderation. If conservatives can't do that for themselves, it should bot be on other people to do it for them.
context and nuance matter. a lot of the cats that come here talking about "welfare reform" get banned talking about how lazy black people are. whats starts out as a "conservative" view point quickly turns into a "tell me how you really feel' moment. those people will always get dragged
and then you have conservatives that come in here with the extreme point of view (quell, inthehallway, etc.) that blame their persisting life issues on minorities and have obscured views of their own respective parties. these dudes generally start out with semi normal posts and then end up burning out and getting banned for their outrageous statements. People like that definitely attribute to the small amount of republicans in this thread
When it comes to “why do people think _______ ?” Type of questions I won’t answer. Instead, and I don’t mean this offensively, I ask them to educate themselves on the situation to come to their own conclusions.
Yea I'm just asking general questions. I have peeped in here before and have always seen the Swarm happen whenever there was a republic or conservative type post come through. I also notice the same thing in the mass gun shooting board and others.

There are 3-4 people I can think of that.. if that is your standard, you should take a closer look into their post history

Simply responding to their stupidity doesn't make you a leftist or whatever other terms trump folks use for people who don't go full cult 45

Plus if you're defending trump and/or the NRA given everything that is happening, maybe you need to figure out who you're siding with and what exactly you're siding with
personally i feel like modern conservationism sees america in snap shots with zero historical nuance. where America functions as this perfect capitalistic meritocracy. except its not because conservationism rewards wealth whether or you worked for it or not. it ignores the fact that whole populations of people are still dealing with the ramifications of laws and system put into place specifically designed to keep those people from advancing. it attempts to hold people to the same standard of judgement while actively empowering other groups of people and hindering others.
Here we have a really great program for visits to your general physician/family doctor or whatever you call it in the US.
I'm not taking into account supplemental private insurance that could fully eliminate the cost of going to the doctor in this example, only the mandated public insurance that always applies.

Going to the doctor's office will normally cost you around €24. Standard insurance procedure is that you pay the €24 to the doctor and then he gives you a note that you have to mail to your health union (health union is the public insurance you have be registered to, there's a few different health unions). After the note is processed, the health union will then refund you €23 out of that €24.

However we have a program for the poor that kind of switches the process around. Doctors are not obligated to disclose that program can be used but they can't refuse it if the patient asks.
Rather than paying the initial €24 out of pocket, the patient simply pays the doctor €1. The doctor then gets the remaining €23 from the patient's health union.
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