***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Yeah, right.

This "there's a tweet for everything" thing is getting absurd. We live in the matrix

Still wood.
Impeachment might be a political play, but it has to be done. I see it as the band of gravel that makes your car vibrate before you hit the highway barrier. Maybe it will wake enough folks up and the country will be redirected onto the road, maybe it won't. Not using it is simply giving Trump carte blanche to do anything he wants in the future and mock the weak Democrats in the process.
On the one hand, impeachment might significantly damage the Democrats politically, particularly those who hold vulnerable seats. On the other hand, not impeaching essentially implies that even this absurd amount of criminal behavior, abuse of power, ... is not worth holding accountable.
Sure, McConell is going to quash that Senate trial as fast as he possibly can but at the same time, the Republicans will have to vote to acquit on each article. Judging by McConnell's track record on many other issues, he generally tries to avoid putting his fellow Senate Republicans' votes on the record. Instead, he just blocks things from getting to a vote in the first place. It's an excellent strategy on McConnell's part as the criticism is then largely directed at him, something he does not care about in the slightest. If anything he probably enjoys it.

The way I see it, the Dems' messaging has been woeful. I really can't make sense of their strategy, or if there even is one. There are several clear-cut cases of obstruction laid out in the Mueller report, acting like there needs to be further investigation to determine whether or not articles of impeachment are warranted diminishes those acts of obstruction. I think it would've been better to describe further investigation as helping the public understand.

I can't really make sense of their impotence when it comes to their means of enforcing subpoenas either. House Dems aren't even playing by the rules, they refuse to use their full rulebook.
Congress' inherent contempt exists for a reason, it's truly baffling that nobody wants to use it. None of these Trump administration officials are going to comply with subpoenas for documents or testimony. If they do show up to testify they'll use some non-existent privilege to avoid answering questions.

Lastly, they should put their ego aside during testimony hearings and just let committee lawyers do the questioning. House Republicans let committee counsel question virtually everyone in their FBI misconduct investigation when they controlled the House. I forgot the name of the committee lawyer who questioned Lewandowski but that made it abundantly clear that this is by far the most effective way of questioning hostile witnesses.
What about these non-voters who don't believe in the system, precisely because they see that even the people who are supposed to run it do not follow the laws they have sworn to uphold? We know turnout give Democrats wins; how else are you gonna motivate people to show up, get rid of McConnell, turn Congress blue, and keep Trump in check if he manages to win 2020? People won't show up for lukewarm Democrats; people love Warren because when a headline says "Pocahontas promises to tax the 1%. Be afraid," her response is along the lines of "Good," unlike Pelosi who goes "what I mean to say was..."

Conviction. Democrats need to have conviction in their platform and approach. This is what drive people to the polls, not political maneuvering.

Impeach the ************, and let Kathy Griffin bring back the head.
Man y'all it's been a rough year for your boy. Within the past twelve months, my 15-year-old nephew was killed in East St. Louis, my brother-in-law was killed in St. Louis, and now one of my young guys who worked for me last summer on a violence prevention project in East St. Louis got killed last night. He was 25 years old. One of my other guys who worked for me on that project was shot last summer but survived—he's the one who called me last night and told me. The year before last another one of my brothers-in-law was killed following a high-speed police chase and one of my childhood friends was murdered in prison. If I went back further than that, I'm going to start typing walls of text. Unfortunately, I'm sure some of y'all in here can relate.

I'm not even sure exactly why I'm sharing this with you guys. I guess on one level I'm just processing it. On another level, I think I just want to emphasize that when we're talking about politics, we're ultimately talking about the way that we order our society, and that order has life and death implications for real-life people. There were obviously proximate causes in all of their deaths, but more than anything else these deaths were structurally produced via a barbaric social order. They were politically imposed by the poverty, disinvestment, abandonment, racism, and despair wrought by our political economy.

This has to stop. We must fundamentally transform our society. The alternative is to continue down the path of barbarism, which is to say there's no alternative.

Man I'm ****** up y'all...
Breaking character for a minute, impeachment is inevitable for the sake of our democracy. Who cares that the Senate won't convict, you have to do something. I am calling my good friend Jason Crow and any other member of the Colorado delegation to stand with impeachment. being soft soft won't cut it with these people. If you live in a purple district and you support impeachment please call your leaders and tell them to get behind impeachment. Our leaders need our support. I can't stand Jokeory Gardner but I'm calling his office to tell him to stand up to Senator Bennet, Stand up to AOC and impeach NANCY Pelosi and Representative Omar.
Breaking character for a minute, impeachment is inevitable for the sake of our democracy. Who cares that the Senate won't convict, you have to do something. I am calling my good friend Jason Crow and any other member of the Colorado delegation to stand with impeachment. being soft soft won't cut it with these people. If you live in a purple district and you support impeachment please call your leaders and tell them to get behind impeachment. Our leaders need our support. I can't stand Jokeory Gardner but I'm calling his office to tell him to stand up to Senator Bennet, Stand up to AOC and impeach NANCY Pelosi and Representative Omar.

:rofl: You had me there for a moment.
I don't feel like the dems should coddle ppl that aren't and would never be a part of their base one min longer.
at what age do we understand the concept of right and wrong?
at what age do we start making decisions as far as whether or not we choose to go down a right path or a wrong path?
there is a long list...a litany of things that trump has done that are morally wrong and that undermine the so called democracy that we're supposed to have here in the u.s.
he should have been impeached or forcibly removed by now.
democrats voted for democrats to do democratic things.
why cater to a group of ppl that are openly supporting those that are committing treason?
when they would never ever vote for you or feel the way that you do?

to so called protect the country?

they don't care about the country.

to the republicans out there, take back your ****ing party. PLEASE.

Agreed. Those folks are too far gone, f em. They can be racist/white supremacist/fascists, just let them die
Man y'all it's been a rough year for your boy. Within the past twelve months, my 15-year-old nephew was killed in East St. Louis, my brother-in-law was killed in St. Louis, and now one of my young guys who worked for me last summer on a violence prevention project in East St. Louis got killed last night. He was 25 years old. One of my other guys who worked for me on that project was shot last summer but survived—he's the one who called me last night and told me. The year before last another one of my brothers-in-law was killed following a high-speed police chase and one of my childhood friends was murdered in prison. If I went back further than that, I'm going to start typing walls of text. Unfortunately, I'm sure some of y'all in here can relate.

I'm not even sure exactly why I'm sharing this with you guys. I guess on one level I'm just processing it. On another level, I think I just want to emphasize that when we're talking about politics, we're ultimately talking about the way that we order our society, and that order has life and death implications for real-life people. There were obviously proximate causes in all of their deaths, but more than anything else these deaths were structurally produced via a barbaric social order. They were politically imposed by the poverty, disinvestment, abandonment, racism, and despair wrought by our political economy.

This has to stop. We must fundamentally transform our society. The alternative is to continue down the path of barbarism, which is to say there's no alternative.

Man I'm ****ed up y'all...
Sorry for your losses bro
Man y'all it's been a rough year for your boy. Within the past twelve months, my 15-year-old nephew was killed in East St. Louis, my brother-in-law was killed in St. Louis, and now one of my young guys who worked for me last summer on a violence prevention project in East St. Louis got killed last night. He was 25 years old. One of my other guys who worked for me on that project was shot last summer but survived—he's the one who called me last night and told me. The year before last another one of my brothers-in-law was killed following a high-speed police chase and one of my childhood friends was murdered in prison. If I went back further than that, I'm going to start typing walls of text. Unfortunately, I'm sure some of y'all in here can relate.

I'm not even sure exactly why I'm sharing this with you guys. I guess on one level I'm just processing it. On another level, I think I just want to emphasize that when we're talking about politics, we're ultimately talking about the way that we order our society, and that order has life and death implications for real-life people. There were obviously proximate causes in all of their deaths, but more than anything else these deaths were structurally produced via a barbaric social order. They were politically imposed by the poverty, disinvestment, abandonment, racism, and despair wrought by our political economy.

This has to stop. We must fundamentally transform our society. The alternative is to continue down the path of barbarism, which is to say there's no alternative.

Man I'm ****ed up y'all...
My condolences man, I can't possibly understand how hard it must be to go through all that.

I'm not even sure exactly why I'm sharing this with you guys.
Either way it's good that you did. It can be very tough but talking about it is the best thing you can do to recover mentally.
It doesn't necessarily have to be with people in real life, the internet can be a very valuable outlet too.

I think it's safe to say NT has your back.
Man y'all it's been a rough year for your boy. Within the past twelve months, my 15-year-old nephew was killed in East St. Louis, my brother-in-law was killed in St. Louis, and now one of my young guys who worked for me last summer on a violence prevention project in East St. Louis got killed last night. He was 25 years old. One of my other guys who worked for me on that project was shot last summer but survived—he's the one who called me last night and told me. The year before last another one of my brothers-in-law was killed following a high-speed police chase and one of my childhood friends was murdered in prison. If I went back further than that, I'm going to start typing walls of text. Unfortunately, I'm sure some of y'all in here can relate.

I'm not even sure exactly why I'm sharing this with you guys. I guess on one level I'm just processing it. On another level, I think I just want to emphasize that when we're talking about politics, we're ultimately talking about the way that we order our society, and that order has life and death implications for real-life people. There were obviously proximate causes in all of their deaths, but more than anything else these deaths were structurally produced via a barbaric social order. They were politically imposed by the poverty, disinvestment, abandonment, racism, and despair wrought by our political economy.

This has to stop. We must fundamentally transform our society. The alternative is to continue down the path of barbarism, which is to say there's no alternative.

Man I'm ****ed up y'all...

Amen brother.
The country needs radical change
I am sorry you are going through such a rough patch.
NT family is here for you.
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