***Official Political Discussion Thread***

By the house, I thought he wasn’t by the Senate?
The Senate acquitted him. Technically only the House impeaches and that's where that term ends but obviously the Senate trial makes it a two-tier process.
It seems weird to say someone was successfully impeached if the Senate voted to acquit, even though you could argue that is technically accurate.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with Barr and the president being named in the complaint.
There is surely a perfectly good reason to lie about the content of the complaint in order to withhold it from Congress.
And when Acting DNI Maguire and the IC Inspector General both sent a criminal referral to the DOJ, it was squashed last week without an investigation even being opened. Barr has not recused.
It's unclear when the following happened but the ICIG sent an additional referral to the FBI to open a criminal investigation, Maguire did not. There is no reporting on whether or not the FBI took any action.
The Senate acquitted him. Technically only the House impeaches and that's where that term ends but obviously the Senate trial makes it a two-tier process.
It seems weird to say someone was successfully impeached if the Senate voted to acquit, even though you could argue that is technically accurate.

It is factually accurate that Clinton was the last president to get impeached. Making him 1 of only 2 US presidents to be impeached.
It is factually accurate that Clinton was the last president to get impeached. Making him 1 of only 2 US presidents to be impeached.
That's what I said.

Did you come up with an explanation yet to excuse the president asking Zelensky to work on undermining the key finding that Russian GRU officers conducted the DNC hack?
It is factually accurate that Clinton was the last president to get impeached. Making him 1 of only 2 US presidents to be impeached.
For lying about a BJ under oath, that was found out only because Clinton started seeing Monica after the GOP started investigating him.

I thought lawyers were detail-oriented.
For lying about a BJ under oath, that was found out only because Clinton started seeing Monica after the GOP started investigating him.

I thought lawyers were detail-oriented.

Or, put another way, obstruction of justice and perjury.
I don’t see the word undermine in there at all. Or DNC hack.
You're lying again and coming up with a ******** semantics argument.

Crowdstrike is the firm who first analyzed the DNC server and concluded Russia was behind the hack. Crowdstrike played no other role in the Russia investigation other than that finding.
The attribution was later reaffirmed by the FBI, the Intel agencies, the Republican-led House and Senate Intel committees, and of course the Special Counsel.
Expect things to escalate in Hong Kong from now until oct 1.

70th anniversary of PRC
Are you not going to protect the due process right of Bill Clinton? He was never charged or convicted, therefore he is completely innocent.

I didn’t say he was innocent or guilty. I said he was impeached, which he was.
The Senate acquitted him. Technically only the House impeaches and that's where that term ends but obviously the Senate trial makes it a two-tier process.
It seems weird to say someone was successfully impeached if the Senate voted to acquit, even though you could argue that is technically accurate.

I’m just wanting to understand better...

so was Clinton a full impeachment (BOTH the Senate and House voted) or its still considered an impeachment even though the Senate acquitted him.

When I think of impeachment, I’m thinking of - removal from office. Is this not right?
What was wrong with Bill getting some presidential toppy

i’m sure most presidents have cheated on their wives
When I think of impeachment, I’m thinking of - removal from office. Is this not right?
Nah, see below. Impeachment is essentially being charged, but you still have to be convicted and removed. The House is responsible for Impeachment, but the Senate must vote to convict and remove.

If a federal official commits a crime or otherwise acts improperly, the House of Representatives may impeach—formally charge—that official. If the official subsequently is convicted in a Senate impeachment trial, he is removed from office.
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