***Official Political Discussion Thread***

If by “semantics” you mean not accepting the way you couched your question, sure.

The only role Crowdstrike played in the Russia investigation is establishing that Russia was behind the DNC hack. As was later reaffirmed.
All relevant government agencies have already investigated Crowdstrike's attribution and confirmed it.

Instead of reading the Mueller report, giving a phonecall to Devin Nunes or Richard Burr, giving a call to Gina Haspel, ...
Trump asks a "favor" of a foreign government right after the latter brings up that Ukraine will be ready soon to buy more US Javelins.
That "favor" is for Ukraine to look into Crowdstrike. What has Crowdstrike done? Attributed the DNC hack to Russia.
The only reasonable conclusion is that the purpose of this is to undermine Crowdstrike's attribution, and by extent the reaffirming of that attribution by Congress, the Intel agencies and the Special Counsel.

Now, are you done fabricating ******** semantics arguments?

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Impeachment has a procedural/literal definition and colloquial definition.

The procedural is the vote in the House. The colloquial definition is full removal from office.

In civics and history classes in the US, and in online articles, impeachment is often talked about when discussing a president being removed. Not just the House vote to bring charges. So that is why most people have the colloquial definition in their heads.

Also Nixon was gonna get impeached in the House and convicted in the Senate but he resigned to save face.

Bill Clinton's impeachment was a joke. The topic the special investigator was appointed to look into he found no evidence on Clinton, so in a political hit job they took Clinton lying about cheating on his wife, pearl clutched like crazy, just to embarrass him and Hillary.

Bill Clinton has his own set of problems but his impeachment was nonsense compared to other things the public and especially the GOP allow from Republican presidents.

Trump's is shaping up to be a much more serious beast. Don't let a low life sea lion tell you otherwise brahs.
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The only role Crowdstrike played in the Russia investigation is establishing that Russia was behind the DNC hack. As was later reaffirmed.
All relevant government agencies have already investigated Crowdstrike's attribution and confirmed it.

Instead of reading the Mueller report, giving a phonecall to Devin Nunes or Richard Burr, giving a call to Gina Haspel, ...
Trump asks a "favor" of a foreign government right after the latter brings up that Ukraine will be ready soon to buy more US Javelins.
That "favor" is for Ukraine to look into Crowdstrike.

Now, are you done fabricating bull**** semantics arguments?


No bs semantics argument. He did not ask what you stated he asked. You shaped your question in a way to fit a narrative.
It really is amazing just how low someone is willing to sink to avoid even attempting to discuss any substantive matter that may or may not scrutinize Trump or any of his associates in any way.

He hasn't said one word about the substantive matter of the whistleblower complaint, the OLC lying about the content of the whistleblower complaint in their assessment, ...
Imagine how many sea lion gifs would get posted if I mentioned colloquial definitions. Gotta love the echo chamber :lol:
Not trolling at all. Couching a question to fit a narrative and demanding I accept the premise is ridiculous.
So you have no free will of your own? Nobody is forcing you to accept the premise, if you feel it is wrong then rephrase the question and answer that instead.

Then again that would mean you'd have to actually comment of a substantive matter that may reflect negatively on the president or any of his associates.
Imagine how many sea lion gifs would get posted if I mentioned colloquial definitions. Gotta love the echo chamber :lol:
Please miss me with your victim act you troll.

I just explained why people think of impeachment as removal. I acknowledge what it really speaks too.

So my post is nowhere near the ******** and nonsense you continuously subject this thread too.

So shut up, sit down, release dem pearls from your clutch, and eat ya damn biscuit in peace.
It really is amazing just how low someone is willing to sink to avoid even attempting to discuss any substantive matter that may or may not scrutinize Trump or any of his associates in any way.

He hasn't said one word about the substantive matter of the whistleblower complaint, the OLC lying about the content of the whistleblower complaint in their assessment, ...

I have scrutinized Trump on here plenty of times. Especially as it relates to the things he’s said.

But, to entertain, it definitely doesn’t look great, but I haven’t heard enough yet to reach the level of an impeachable offense/treason as many are stating.

Not sure what more you want me to say on it.
I have scrutinized Trump on here plenty of times. Especially as it relates to the things he’s said.

But, to entertain, it definitely doesn’t look great, but I haven’t heard enough yet to reach the level of an impeachable offense/treason as many are stating.

Not sure what more you want me to say on it.
“It doesn’t look great”

That’s all you could muster up? Couldn’t even get a negative term across your keyboard. Playing the semantics game, I could take that as good, not great.

And no, copy pasting versions of “he can/should do better with his tweets” is not scrutiny.

Looks like one of the toddlers in kindergarten stole from the cookiejar again, he really can and should do better.
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DWalk logic.....

Lied to an investigator about cheating on your wife.... impeachable offense

Fire the person investigating you for collusion in an attempt to stop the investigation; Repeatedly try to fire the next guy and hamper the investigation again only to be unsuccessful because other people would not go along with it ;Break the law by offering a bribe to help with your reelection....not impeachable offenses.

-But, but, but, bu, b....I have been critical of Trump's words in the past. Member guys

Belgium Belgium That dude is never going to concede to facts. I don't know why you waste your time. :lol:
He should just be pointed at and mocked.
It really is amazing just how low someone is willing to sink to avoid even attempting to discuss any substantive matter that may or may not scrutinize Trump or any of his associates in any way.

He hasn't said one word about the substantive matter of the whistleblower complaint, the OLC lying about the content of the whistleblower complaint in their assessment, ...
He never quotes the relevant information, that's how he tries to get away with the "agree to disagree" BS. When you put it in front of him, he ignores it.

No wonder he loves Trump. Something about birds of same feather flocking together.
Not trolling at all. Couching a question to fit a narrative and demanding I accept the premise is ridiculous.
It’s interesting because I distinctly remember pointing out to you that you were trying to force people to accept your premises.

If I remember correctly, you just deflected and feigned ignorance like you always do.
The most damning interaction in the whole Mueller report is the directive to Corey Lewandowski while making clear Sessions’ job was in jeopardy. The first directive to Lewandowski came days after Trump’s order to get Mueller fired failed due to McGahn’s refusal to cause a new Saturday Night Massacre.

If Sessions complied with Trump’s directive, for which Trump bypassed the official line of communication and instructed a loyalist to secretly deliver it instead, Sessions would have ended Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference, the obstruction aspect and the investigation into all the Trump associates.

I recall asking Dwalk to provide a non-corrupt motive for ending the entire Special Counsel probe, including the investigation of Russian interference in 2016, but I don’t recall receiving an answer.
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